Products and Resources Catalog

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Interactive Resource
The Advanced Ethics for Prevention Professionals course provide participants opportunities to:  Refresh their understanding of the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics Explore ethical issues related to prevention topics Practice applying the Prevention Code of Ethics to real-life situations using an ethical decision-making process   Who should take this course?  The course was designed for experienced prevention professionals who have previously completed a foundational prevention ethics course. If you have not yet completed a foundational prevention ethics course, it is recommended that you complete the free, 6-hour, moderated Ethics in Prevention Foundations course OR the 3-hour, self-paced Ethics in Prevention Foundations course located on HealtheKnowledge (HEK).   The course includes: Introduction Module 1: A review of the Six Principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics Module 2: Ethical Decision-Making Process Module 3: Applying the Prevention Code of Ethics and the Ethical Decision-Making Process in Real-World Situations     Create a FREE account to access this course 24/7. Click below to get started: Create Account and Start Course Now or Later Complete the course at your own pace!   A certificate for one (2) contact hours (CEHs) is available upon completion. *See our Continuing Education page for more information   This eLearning course was developed by the Mountain Plains PTTC.
Published: June 7, 2023
Print Media
This handout covers the emerging drug, Xylazine, and provides key concerns as well as suggested actions for prevention and treatment professionals. *Handout was originally published April 27, 2023 and was revised June 5, 2023
Published: June 5, 2023
Supplemental Resources: Presentation Slides   This presentation describes trauma's impact on communities and compelling reasons a community, and its prevention workforce, needs to become trauma informed and resilient focused. In sharing success stories from Northeast Tennessee in work she helped to pioneer, Becky also discussed practical steps communities can take to reduce the effects of toxic stress and childhood adversity and promote resilience.   Learning Objectives: Define trauma Describe trauma's impact on communities Explain the significance of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study Provide attendees with steps to build community resilience   About the Presenter: Becky Haas is an international advocate and trainer on using a trauma informed approach, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) study. She is a pioneer in creating trauma informed communities.  The work she led while working for the Johnson City Police Department in Northeast Tennessee was recognized by SAMHSA in 2018 as a model for other cities to follow.  In 2019 she co-authored the "Building a Trauma Informed System of Care" toolkit for the TN Department of Children's services detailing a blueprint for creating community resilience.  This toolkit has been recommended as a “practical tool” in John's Hopkins, Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.  Becky is the author of several sector specific professional development trainings with two receiving statewide accreditation in Tennessee as evidence-based training.  Among the diverse sectors of professionals, she has trained, she is uniquely distinguished for her work training police officers and others in the justice system to understand trauma.  In March of 2022, she was honored to receive the Friends of Children award from the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth for her work as a local, state, and national leader in implementation and support of trauma informed services and communities. Becky has a deep understanding of the importance for every professional sector to have intimate knowledge of healthy early childhood development and the potential for early adversity to disrupt that healthy development.  She is a founding member of the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong Brain Institute and serves as a member of the CTIPP National Trauma Campaign strategy team and as a Strategic Partner for the Pathways to Resilience Program.   
Published: June 5, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The June 2023 issue honors National Pride Month, National PTSD Awareness Month, and Men's Health Month by sharing events and resources on these topics. As always, you will find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!    
Published: June 5, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on child abuse, types of abuse, warning signs, the impact on Hispanic/Latino families and immigrants, and more. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Comprender y Prevenirel Abuso Infantil (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre abuso infantil, tipos de abuso, señales de advertencia, el impacto en familias hispanas/latinas e inmigrantes, y más. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about the intersectionality between the criminal justice system, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latin communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. La Población Hispana y Latina y el Sistema de Justicia Penal (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre la interseccionalidad entre el sistema de justicia penal, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about transitional-aged youth (TAY) and the intersectionality between TAY, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latino communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Jóvenes en Edad de Transición (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre jóvenes en edad de transición (TAY) y la interseccionalidad entre TAY, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema.Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
3-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field Series Information    Part 3: The Soul of Prevention - Identifying and Communicating the Spirit of Your Work June 1, 2023    Presented by: Jason Anderson, Senior Trainer @ The Montana Institute   The challenges that prevention professionals face can take their toll. Let’s sit down for a minute and gather ourselves. In this workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to reconnect to the underlying spirit of their work and discuss the impact of communicating who they are.   After this webinar, participants will be able to: Define and understand the Science of the Positive and the Cycle of Transformation. Discover the important distinction between honoring concerns vs. negativity. Rediscover and reinforce the rewards of prevention work.     Webinar Resource: PowerPoint slides LINK Webinar Recording NO LONGER AVAILBLE Your WHY Matters (Fillable PDF) LINK #MyPreventionStory Fill-It-In Activity LINK  
Published: June 1, 2023
Online Course
This 2-hour eLearning training offers experienced prevention professionals an in-depth exploration of the role of ethics in substance misuse prevention work. The course includes a brief overview of basic ethical concepts and then explores some of the pertinent issues in prevention ethics. It also provides expanded opportunities to apply a decision-making model to challenge ethical issues. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: May 31, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northeast and Caribbean Spring 2023 Newsletter is here. This issue highlights Professional Development for Prevention Professionals and our upcoming trainings. 
Published: May 31, 2023
Nicole M Augustine is the Founder & CEO RIZE Consultants, Inc, a strategic consulting firm founded in January 2015. Nicole is an entrepreneur, public health professional and social justice advocate. Nicole gained the Prevention Specialist credential in 2014 and has worked at every level of prevention practice - from providing prevention education to providing training and technical assistance to communities, states, and federal agencies. In August 2022, Nicole published the Prevention Specialist Exam Study Guide to help readers understand the competencies and knowledge necessary to become a Prevention Specialist (PS) and adequately prepare prevention professionals to pass the Prevention Specialist certification exam. Nicole is a passionate prevention thought leader with a desire to be of greater impact and drive community change through innovative strategies.   Show Notes: Email: Web: Book: Prevention Specialist Exam Study Guide Articles: The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. The National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) is a network of community-based organizations focused on the mental health and substance use issues of diverse racial and ethnic communities.  Learn more at The Prevention Core Competencies guide provides professional direction affecting staff development, career ladders and pipelines, and provides guidance for training programs and service delivery qualification. SAMHSA Prevention Core Competencies.
Published: May 31, 2023
Print Media
This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by the NHL ATTC Co-Director, celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. Elisabeth Stelson discusses a Vicarious Trauma research study. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue 01 Dicho of the Quarter 02 A Reflection by Our NHL ATTC Co-Director 03 Article by Elisabeth Stelson, MSW, LSW, MPH (Ph.D. Candidate) 05 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 06 Media Corner 07 Staff Contact Information Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Co-Directora del NHL ATTC, celebrando el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Elisabeth Stelson habla sobre un estudio de investigación sobre trauma vicario. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. EN ESTA EDICION 01 El “Dicho” del Trimestre 02 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Co-Directora del NHL-ATTC 03 Artículo de Elisabeth Stelson, MSW,LSW, MPH (Candidata al Doctorado) 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones 06 Rincón de los Medios 07 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: May 30, 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION Part two of this series, discusses inclusive strategies that schools, parents, and preventionists can use when delivering substance misuse prevention services for students with disabilities.  Although many health and mental health disorders are potentially considered disabilities under education law, substance use disorder is not. Students with disabilities are at higher risk of substance misuse. Therefore, it is important that preventionists have the appropriate knowledge and skills to equitably include students with emotional or behavioral problems when delivering prevention services in schools. During this webinar a school psychologist, parent of a child with a disability, and well-seasoned preventionist discuss the unique challenge of delivering substance misuse prevention services to students with disabilities and promising approaches to improve delivery.   Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording and link to the PowerPoint below. PPT   PRESENTER Chuck Lester serves as Community Based Prevention Services Grants Manager for Oklahoma State University’s Community Wellness Programs. In this capacity, he works with local stakeholders to reduce the consequences of substance abuse across the region through the use of evidence-based, environmental strategies.  Previously Chuck served as the Region's Strategic Prevention Framework coordinator. Much of this work focused on reducing underage drinking in Payne County. As the Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) Coordinator, he was responsible for recruiting, training and sustaining SWAT groups at local schools. These student groups sought to complete anti-tobacco advocacy campaigns such as getting their school to pass 24/7 tobacco-free policies. For the last 11 years, he has coordinated various grants that seek to solve local substance use and abuse problems through the use of the Strategic Prevention Framework model by empowering youth.    
Published: May 25, 2023
3-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field  Series Information    Part 2: What Makes Them Stay? Help Write the Playbook for Prevention Workforce Retention May 25, 2023    Presented by: Jamie Comstock & Robin Carr @ Info Inspired, LLC   In this peer sharing session we’ll present a series of guided questions and facilitate a discussion to learn more about your ideas/thoughts concerning retention of prevention specialists with the goal of developing strategies to attract and keep a diverse, vibrant, strong and experienced workforce. This session is appropriate for the continuum of prevention professionals, ranging from new staff to seasoned supervisors. The discussion is designed to uncover needs of new employees in the field and strategies employed by experienced (and successful) supervisors - with the goal of supporting all in the prevention workforce.   Webinar Resource: PowerPoint slides LINK Retention Themes and Strategies Document LINK Webinar Recording LINK  
Published: May 25, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:   Alignment and Synergy for Prevention Leadership Epi Corner: Children's Mental Health: Protecting the Most Vulnerable What's Happening Around the Region? Other Opportunities
Published: May 25, 2023
HIV+ Patients and Substance Use Disorders – How to Provide Excellent Care Jim Winkle, MPH May 24, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Medical and behavioral health professionals who work with HIV+ patients are in a unique position to help these patients reduce harm from substance use, but often feel at a loss how to do so effectively, in a limited amount of time, and without conveying judgement. HIV+ patients, meanwhile, may face stigma from health professionals, and may not relate to a singular focus on treatment programs. This presentation will improve the ability of primary care and specialty health professionals to screen for substance use disorders (SUDs) and perform a four-step brief intervention model that enhances the motivation of patients to reduce their risk of harm. As a result, clinicians will be better able to help these patients forge their own pathway to recovery. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe how SUDs impact HIV+ patients Demonstrate how to use a brief screening tool that identifies possible SUDs Demonstrate how to perform a four-step brief intervention that enhances the motivation of HIV+ patients to reduce harm from substance use Explain how principles of harm reduction can help mitigate provider stigma PRESENTERS Jim Winkle, MPH, has trained hundreds of behavioral health professionals how to address substance use with clients and patients. As the creator behind the SBIRT Oregon website, Jim has designed screening forms, clinic tools and training videos used by professionals across the country.  
Published: May 24, 2023
How Past is Our Past? Unpacking and Mitigating the Impact of Structural Racism on Substance Use Part 2: How Should We Care About the Impact of Structural Racism on Substance Use? Anam Siddiqi, MPH May 22, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION As the nation moves more towards value-based care, it’s critical that public health officials, clinicians, behavioral health specialists, and other healthcare providers understand how to identify, prevent, and treat populations that have experienced structural racism. In Part 2 of the two-part webinar series, How Past is our Past? Unpacking and Mitigating the Impact of Structural Racism on Substance Use, we’ll examine racism as a seventh social determinant of health and how we, as healthcare providers, can prevent and treat substance use prevention. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize how structural racism can manifest in the behavioral health setting. Develop tactics on how to prevent and treat substance use, as well as promote healthy coping mechanisms. List the risk and protective factors of substance use as it relates to structural racism. Understand how to implement and promote health equity, as well as how to keep developing their skills in the field. PRESENTERS Anam Siddiqi, MPH is a Research Program Manager at The Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care. Ms. Siddiqi received her MPH in Health Policy Analysis and Evaluation from the University of Maryland. Her interests include reducing health disparities, advancing healthcare systems, and promoting community collaboration to improve health.  
Published: May 22, 2023
Print Media
Strategic communication has the power to catalyze key audiences by informing their thoughts, conversations, and actions surrounding prevention efforts. As prevention professionals, our communication seeks to elevate non-stigmatizing, person-first, research-based prevention science messages which change negative perspectives and incorrect narratives. In the supplemental product from our, Harnessing the Power of Communication to Promote Your Prevention Message-Part 1 Session, you will find a variety of resources to assist you in the communication of your prevention messaging. The Northeast & Caribbean PTTC would like to thank Kimberly Elliott, Communications Director at Education Development Center, for her role in identifying and vetting these resources. Communications and Storytelling Resource List from the Northeast & Caribbean PTTC Training 
Published: May 22, 2023
  IC&RC Prevention Specialist Certification: What, Why, and How A Panel Presentation May 10, 2023   Panel Presentation Description Regardless of the service, those seeking a provider want to be sure that that person is both competent and ethical. This is especially important when the services are human services, such as prevention of substance misuse and mental illness. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium is the only organization that certifies prevention providers. Featuring a representative from each state or jurisdiction’s certification board, this panel presentation will discuss the need and process of becoming certified as a Prevention Specialist as well as highlight information about board-specific requirements and application procedures. By the end of this panel presentation, participants will be able to: Identify at least three reasons why certification of prevention specialists is important Outline the international process for certifying prevention specialists Describe the international prevention certification examination and its development List the certification requirements for their specific state or jurisdiction   Learning Session Materials IC&RC Certified Prevention Specialist Presentation Slides (pdf) IC&RC Certified Prevention Specialist Presentation Recording     Presenter Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, ACPS, is a consultant and master trainer who has provided community and strategic planning, program development, and capacity building in all areas of prevention practice throughout the United States. She was the founder and for 30 years the executive director of a statewide, multi-service prevention program and a founder of Rhode Island’s largest non-profit treatment program. In addition to her prevention work, she was the founding director of the Institute for Addiction Recovery at Rhode Island College. Sandra is a delegate to and the former Prevention Committee Co-Chair of the IC&RC. She is a member of the faculty and advisory board of the New England School of Addiction Studies, a member of the Advisory Board for the National Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), the National Hispanic/Latino PTTC and the New England PTTC. Sandra is a co-author of SAMHSA’s Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST) and its Basic and Advanced Prevention Ethics as well as many other courses and webinars. She has previously trained members of the US National Guard in prevention planning. Sandra received her Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Boston College (Newton), and her Master’s degree in counselor education from Rhode Island College. She also completed a certificate program in nonprofit management through Brown University in Providence. Ms. Del Sesto is an Advanced Certified Prevention Specialist. Certification Board Panelists Wayne Giles Arizona Board for Certification of Addiction Counselors Pete Nielson California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals Angela Bolan Hawaii Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Britany Wiele (on behalf of Natalie Powell) Nevada Certification Board James Arriola Pacific Behavioral Health Council and Certification Board   Questions? Contact Britany Wiele ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: May 19, 2023
3-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field Series Information    Part 1: Prevention Career Roadmap May 18, 2023   Presented by: Erin Burnett (she/her), Co-Director @ New England PTTC, Senior Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator @  AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, and Chair @ Maine Prevention Certification Board   This webinar will provide an overview of the resources developed by the New England PTTC for the new and mid-level prevention specialist to aid them in their professional development and career growth in the substance misuse prevention field. After this webinar, participants will be able to: Identify the universal developmental training needs of the substance misuse prevention workforce. Determine where they are at on the Prevention Specialist career lattice and where they might be headed depending on their professional development goals. Establish their professional development goals for their career in the substance misuse prevention field. Learn about the importance of Prevention Specialist certification and the requirements for certification in their state.   Webinar Resource: PowerPoint slides with links to resources LINK Webinar Recording LINK  Professional Development Grid Fillable LINK
Published: May 18, 2023
Prevention Spotlight: What Does & Does Not Work in Prevention May 17, 2023   Webinar Description Many trainings and resources focus on what research has shown to be effective to prevent substance use. We also know through research what is NOT effective and sometimes harmful in preventing substance use. Yet communities across the nation continue to implement these ineffective and sometimes counterproductive strategies. The focus of this webinar will be on identifying these ineffective approaches and alternative evidence-based strategies to replace these ineffective strategies. We will also spend time discussing strategies prevention professionals can use to address the resistance often expressed by individuals and organizations reluctant to change long-standing, well-liked, but ineffective prevention practices.   Objectives In this webinar, participants will: Identify interventions that have been shown through research to not be effective in preventing substance use. Identify evidence-based interventions that can be used as effective alternatives to the ineffective strategies. Describe strategies to address resistance to discontinuing ineffective prevention strategies.   Webinar Recording and Slides What Does & Does Not Work in Prevention Recording What Does & Does Not Work in Prevention Slide Deck (PDF)   Additional Resources SAMHSA-SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Alcohol Tax Tool Pre-Emption Tool Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity The Community Guide Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health Cannabis: Moving Forward, Protecting Health SAMHSA - Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth National Academies of Science and Engineering: Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility STOP Act Report to Congress   Presenters Alicia Sparks, PhD, MPH, is the Chair of the U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance and a Senior Principal at Synergy Enterprises, where she serves as the Project Director for NIAAA’s APIS contract, as well as SAMHSA’s STOP Act contract. Dr. Sparks served as Project Director for CDC’s alcohol advertising monitoring project, for which she directed a team of researchers in conducting analyses of Nielsen data to determine alcohol industry compliance with self-governed rules on advertising alcohol to youth audiences. She has more than 12 years of experience in alcohol policy research, including designing, implementing, and evaluating studies, programs, and policies. Dr. Sparks has led the development of numerous publications on alcohol policy, including the 2022 Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse evidence-based resource guide and the 2016 Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. She has published more than 20 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has presented at more than a dozen conferences. She is co-chair of the Alcohol Policy conference series and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Global Alcohol Policy Conference.   Rick Collins is a Cincinnati, OH native who has resided in Hawai‘i since 2003. He specializes in public health policy on alcohol and other drugs. He is the co-founder of the Hawai‘i Alcohol Policy Alliance and the Maui Coalition for Drug-Free Youth, and he currently serves as Coalition Director for three community coalitions across Hawai‘i. His experience includes building new community coalitions, community organizing, and building coalition capacity to implement community-level policy strategies that reduce the harms of substance use. Rick currently serves as a board member for the US Alcohol Policy Alliance. He is a Certified Prevention Specialist and holds an MS in Counseling Psychology from Chaminade University   Questions Contact Kathy Gardner ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: May 18, 2023
Amy Ronshausen is the Executive Director of both Drug Free America Foundation and Save Our Society from Drugs. Both of these national nonprofit organizations work to defeat drug legalization attempts, promote sound drug policies, and prevent drug use, abuse and addiction. Amy is passionate about reducing illegal drug use and drug prevention, coordinating grassroots advocacy campaigns, prevention summits, analyze and track state and federal drug policy legislation, and training prevention professionals at local and national conferences. (drug free America foundation) (save our society from drugs) (One Choice) (Listen First Project) (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) (One Chance to Grow Up) The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. Did you know nearly 700 publications and digital products are available online at Learn about the real risks for people who use marijuana, especially youth and young adults, and women who are pregnant or nursing. SAMHSA has online resources available at 
Published: May 18, 2023
Watch this video to see some of our alumni and fellows sharing their experience as participants of the National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program! The National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program is designed to help entry-level to mid-level career leaders/managers become great leaders in their field. The program focuses on leadership capacity building offering behavioral health leaders the opportunity to discover and expand their leadership strengths and be better prepared when new and greater opportunities come up.
Published: May 16, 2023
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