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Curriculum Package
The Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center collaborated to host a six-part webinar series, Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum. Throughout the series, participants are provided with information related to suicide prevention and intervention for youth, young adults, and college students. School-Based Suicide Prevention Interventions for K-12 Population Participants in this webinar will learn the youth suicide prevalence nationally and the implications to schools. They will also be able to familiarize themselves with multi-tiered systems of positive behavior and social emotional learning. In addition, how the multi-tiered systems support the prevention of suicide. Finally, the webinar will discuss ways to build capacity and sustainability of these services in K-12 schools. Presented by: Aaron Fischer, PhD   Webinar Recording Presentation Slides in .PDF Presentation Transcript  
Published: April 22, 2020
Curriculum Package
Self-Care in a Selfless Field Webinar We are currently living in unprecedented and difficult times. Prevention specialists, in addition to experiencing the current global pandemic, also listen to painful and distressing experiences which can lead to compassion fatigue and burnout. This presentation will help us to learn more about possible signs of burnout, how to implement self-care practices to your daily life, and receive available resources to combat the effects of work-related stress. Presented by: Anna Purkey, M.Ed. & Jana Sill, M.Ed, Dept. of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Utah Presentation PDF Self-Care in a Selfless Field Resources Mountain Plains MHTTC: Covid 19 Mental Health Resources Webinar Recording
Published: April 21, 2020
Curriculum Package
Part 1 of 2: Understanding How to Leverage Telehealth Technology for Prevention Services This webinar supports prevention providers by highlighting tools and features of service delivery, through videoconferencing platforms. Participants will learn how to use this technology to engage in direct prevention efforts, as well as indirect prevention efforts, by supporting coalitions, caregivers, and school staff. Key Objectives: Participants will understand various features of videoconferencing platforms Participants will be able to describe ways the technology tools can facilitate prevention services Participants will learn how to leverage telehealth to support coalitions, caregivers, and school staff   Presented by: Aaron Fischer, PhD, BCBA-D Webinar Recording PDF PowerPoint Slides Resources: Understanding How to Leverage Telehealth Technology for Prevention Services Link to Part 2 of 2: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Telehealth Prevention We are closely collaborating across the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) Network in response to COVID-19.  There are a number of telehealth related products, webinars, virtual discussion sessions, and web resource pages being developed across the three Technology Transfer Centers (TTCs).  We are all doing our best to ensure we avoid duplication, and we recognize that some overlap in activities and resources related to this topic is understandable.  We realize the need for information and training across the workforce that provides prevention, treatment and recovery support services for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental illness is vast. You can access the events calendar and the products calendar through the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) landing page and see a listing of all events and products across the three networks.
Published: April 15, 2020
Curriculum Package
The Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center collaborated to host a six-part webinar series, Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum. Throughout the series, participants are provided with information related to suicide prevention and intervention for youth, young adults, and college students. World Class Resources to Discover Genetic Risks for Suicide Death  Suicide leads to over 47,000 preventable deaths annually in the U.S. alone. In addition, suicide has increased by 33% in the U.S. in the last two decades. While environment plays a critical role, suicide has a strong genetic component. With the unique resources available to the Utah Suicide Research Program, we have the opportunity to make significant contributions to the understanding of this genetic aspect of suicide risk, with the ultimate goal of development of personalized interventions. This presentation will give an update on research progress and how results may impact the future of prevention and treatment. Presented by: Hilary Coon, PhD   Webinar Recording Presentation Slides in PDF Presentation Transcript   Suicide Risk Resources for Prevention and Research    
Published: April 15, 2020
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