Part 1 of 2: Understanding How to Leverage Telehealth Technology for Prevention Services
This webinar supports prevention providers by highlighting tools and features of service delivery, through videoconferencing platforms. Participants will learn how to use this technology to engage in direct prevention efforts, as well as indirect prevention efforts, by supporting coalitions, caregivers, and school staff.
Key Objectives:
Presented by: Aaron Fischer, PhD, BCBA-D
PDF PowerPoint Slides
Resources: Understanding How to Leverage Telehealth Technology for Prevention Services
Link to Part 2 of 2: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Telehealth Prevention
We are closely collaborating across the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) Network in response to COVID-19. There are a number of telehealth related products, webinars, virtual discussion sessions, and web resource pages being developed across the three Technology Transfer Centers (TTCs).
We are all doing our best to ensure we avoid duplication, and we recognize that some overlap in activities and resources related to this topic is understandable. We realize the need for information and training across the workforce that provides prevention, treatment and recovery support services for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental illness is vast.
You can access the events calendar and the products calendar through the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) landing page and see a listing of all events and products across the three networks.