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Print Media
2019 Workforce Needs Assessment Report - Northwest PTTC Region 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  In 2018, the Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (Northwest PTTC) was created to develop and disseminate prevention tools and strategies needed to reduce substance misuse. To determine the greatest training needs of the prevention workforce in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, the Northwest PTTC developed and administered an online workforce needs assessment. From the 2019 Workforce Needs Assessment the Northwest PTTC identified ten key skill competencies for future training topics. The competencies were: Engaging/Collaborating With Under-Represented Populations Cultural Competence Community Or System Change Practices To Understand Issues Related To Mental Health To Understand Shared Risk And Protective Factors Using Risk And Protective Factor Data Program Sustainability Advocating For Prevention And Prevention Funding With Elected Officials To Effectively Communicate About Prevention Understanding Health Disparities And Health Inequities Beyond these training topics, the Needs Assessment also identified static and active online training as the best technology for trainings over in-person meetings. In-person meetings were highly favored as a mode of training but the majority of participants identified barriers to in-person meetings. Additional specific recommendations can be found within the body of the report.
Published: May 10, 2019
January 25, 2019 Presenter: Nephi Stella Ph.D
Published: May 2, 2019
February 28, 2019 Presenter: Kevin P. Haggerty, MSW, PhD
Published: May 2, 2019
March 27, 2019 Presenter: Blair Brooke-Weiss, MSPH
Published: May 2, 2019
Print Media
The Northwest PTTC offers training, technical assistance, and resources on key aspects of effective prevention at all skill levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced). Topics span all areas of prevention to help practitioners achieve success regardless of where they are in their prevention work—from early-stage planning through implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of evidence-based programs, policies, and practices.
Published: May 2, 2019
Date: January 23, 2019 Presenter: Hayden D. Center, Jr., PhD., LPC
Published: April 30, 2019
Date: February 27, 2019 Presenter: Maya Doe-Simkins, MPH
Published: April 30, 2019
Date: March 20, 2019 Presenter: Michael Sparks, MA
Published: April 30, 2019
Informing Prevention 6-Part Webinar Series on Adolescents Part 4 of 6  Effectively Using Technology for School Based Prevention During this webinar you will learn how technology can assist in school-based prevention efforts. You will learn which technologies are best for certain elements of prevention and in what ways school-based and community providers can promote technology-based prevention efforts.   PDF Slides Presenter: Aaron Fischer, PhD, BCBA-D
Published: April 30, 2019
Print Media
The Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center(PTTC) is a new five-year initiative funded by theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration;(SAMHSA) to provide free training and technical assistance to the substance use prevention workforce in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI. We’re based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.    
Published: April 25, 2019
Informing Prevention 6-Part Webinar Series on Adolescents Part 3 of 6  The Effective Use of Epidemiological Data In this webinar you will learn how to determine the scope of a problem for your target population. You will learn where to access and ways to analyze epidemiological data. PDF Slides Presenter: Jason Burrow-Sánchez, PhD
Published: April 16, 2019
Find out what's new in the updated version of the Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training curriculum! The SAPST has been a staple in prevention professionals training since the early 1990s. Over the years it has been updated with current data, latest trends, and all around improvements. SAPST Master Trainers worked tirelessly last year and now bring you the most up-to-date and current SAPST curriculum.  During this episode, I speak with SAPST Master Trainer Dodi Swope and we unpack what is new in the curriculum.  The same SAPST you know and love: but with a new haircut.  Presenter: Dodi Swope, MEd, LMFT Dodi Swope recently joined the Southwest Prevention Center as a Training and Technical Assistant for the Region 6 Prevention Training and Technology Transfer Center. In this role, Dodi provides training and technical assistance to clients throughout Region 6 to assist them in achieving their substance misuse prevention outcomes. Dodi brings over 35 years of experience to this role, with a career that spans education, counseling psychology and public health. Most recently Dodi served as a training and technical assistance specialist at SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), working with states and tribes on their efforts to prevent substance misuse and substance use disorders. Dodi provided expertise on interventions across the lifespan and throughout the continuum of care to address the consequences of opioid misuse for the individual and their family and community. Dodi provided research and implementation expertise that included evidence-based programs for infants and toddlers in homes where opioid misuse is present, programs for affected children of elementary and middle school ages as well as more traditional high school prevention programs. Dodi also provided consultation on opioid overdose prevention, including harm reduction strategies and post overdose interventions to community leaders working on the ground to stem the tide of fatal opioid overdoses. Dodi’s passion is teaching others about the wonders of human development and assisting individuals, families, and communities in developing systems, programs, and interventions that support healthy people in healthy communities.  Dodi holds Bachelors in Education from Wheelock College with a major in Early Childhood Education, with a concentration in Special Needs. She also earned a Masters in Education; Major in Counseling Psychology, Family Therapy Program, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Massachusetts. Dodi’s background includes teaching in regular and special education settings and a clinical practice serving children and families impacted by substance use disorders in the Boston area for over ten years.
Published: April 15, 2019
Informing Prevention 6-Part Webinar Series on Adolescents Part 2 of 6  Effectively Engaging Adolescents in Interventions During this webinar you will learn the rates of adolescent engagement in prevention programs. You will learn what prevents adolescents from engaging in prevention programs. Lastly, you will learn and be able to describe strategies that can be implemented to increase engagement in adolescent prevention programs. PDF Slides Presenter: Jason Burrow-Sánchez, PhD
Published: April 5, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
The April 2019 issue of The Dialogue contains articles on alcohol and cancer, mental health/depression in youth, using Take Back programs as prevention, preventionist monthly calls, the treatment gap, and the Native American and Alaska Native TTCs. Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news.   The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the Dialogue, news, and training announcements, sign up here.
Published: April 3, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Premier issue of the Great Lakes PTTC News, our electronic newsletter.
Published: March 27, 2019
Central East Webinar Series: Emerging Drug Trends Part 1: Understanding What National and State Data Tells Us Josh Esrick, MPP, and Lauren Pappacena, MSW March 26, 2019, 1-2 PM EST  |  View series page  |  View all Central East series COURSE DESCRIPTION This is part one of a four-part webinar series hosted by the Central East PTTC that focuses on emerging drug trends. The landscape of substance use trends is ever changing and it is important for preventionists to be aware of emerging trends and prepare to address them before prevalence becomes widespread. This webinar describes the key national sources of substance use trend data and discusses in detail the emerging trends occurring nationwide and in the Central East region, covering substances such as: opioids, cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, tobacco, and non-opioid prescription drugs. This webinar will also introduce topics such as identifying and using local data sources, the role of prevention over the lifecycle of an epidemic, and balancing emerging trends with ongoing epidemics, which will be further discussed in future webinars. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Provide the goals of this four-webinar series Explain the importance of evidence for prevention Use SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to walk through the five key steps to evidence-informed strategic planning Share supportive SAMHSA resources PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Lauren Pappacena, MSW is a Research Associate with Carnevale Associates. Lauren has a background in criminal justice and juvenile justice research specifically as it relates to evidence-based programs and practices spanning criminal justice topics, including corrections, law enforcement, reentry, and courts. Currently, she assists with training evaluations for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) and the PTTC, where she brings her experience with quantitative and qualitative analysis and data visualization. With a strong interest in policy analysis, research translation, data collection, and analytic writing, Ms. Pappacena is published in the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work for her analysis of national early-release laws.                   
Published: March 26, 2019
Central East Webinar Series: Preventing Drug Overdoses Part 1: The Importance of Overdose Prevention and Introduction and Overview of Key Considerations Josh Esrick, MPP, and Lauren Pappacena, MSW March 20, 2019, 1-2 PM EST  |  View series page  |  View all Central East series COURSE DESCRIPTION This is part one of a four-part webinar series hosted by the Central East PTTC that focuses on preventing drug overdoses. With rates of drug-involved fatal overdoses rapidly increasing nationwide and in the Central East Region, it is ever more important that preventionists continue and expand overdose prevention efforts. This webinar serves as an introduction to overdose prevention for preventionists new to the topic or interested in learning more about current overdose data and the key considerations for addressing overdoses. This webinar will also introduce topics such as expanding access to overdose reversal medications, training and collaborating with first responders, and addressing risk factors for overdoses, which will be further discussed in future webinars. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Provide the goals of this four-webinar series Explain the importance of evidence for prevention Use SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to walk through the five key steps to evidence-informed strategic planning Share supportive SAMHSA resources PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing training and technical assistance to numerous organizations at the Federal, state, and local level. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Lauren Pappacena, MSW is a Research Associate with Carnevale Associates. Lauren has a background in criminal justice and juvenile justice research specifically as it relates to evidence-based programs and practices spanning criminal justice topics, including corrections, law enforcement, reentry, and courts. Currently, she assists with training evaluations for NADCP and the PTTC, where she brings her experience with quantitative and qualitative analysis and data visualization. With a strong interest in policy analysis, research translation, data collection, and analytic writing, Ms. Pappacena is published in the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work for her analysis of national early-release laws.                   
Published: March 20, 2019
Informing Prevention 6-Part Webinar Series on Adolescents Part 1 of 6  Understanding Adolescent Development This webinar will provide you with information in order for you to be able to describe the prevention model (primary, secondary, tertiary).  You will be able to describe adolescent social developmental milestones and adolescent biological developmental milestones after watching this webinar.  Lastly, you will learn how to connect prevention programming with adolescent social/developmental milestones. PDF Slides Presenter: Jason Burrow-Sánchez, PhD
Published: March 19, 2019
Online Course
Hey, the 90s called … they want their slide deck AND presentation back! Coalitions use presentations as a primary strategy to disseminate information, build skills, ignite calls to action and influence change. However most of us never receive any formal training in presentation design – despite all we expect them to do for us. Consequently, our presentations are as dated as dial-up Internet. In this session, you’ll learn a framework based in brain science to develop and deliver exceptional presentations – every time – using the tools and resources you already have. Get ready to transform your audience with modern and powerful presentations. 1.5 Hour Certificate of Completion Available
Published: March 18, 2019
Print Media
This one page (two-sided) document describes the Great Lakes PTTC including our focus areas.
Published: March 15, 2019
In this short video, the New England PTTC Director, Scott Gagnon, provides an overview of the Prevention Technology Transfer Center.  The video includes some background on AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc., a walkthrough of the TTC model, goals and objectives, and how New England prevention professionals and stakeholders can shape the services and products of the New England PTTC.  
Published: March 9, 2019
Central East Webinar Series: Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention Approaches Part 1: How to Implement an Evidence-Based Approach Through Strategic Planning Josh Esrick, MPP March 6, 2019, 1-2 PM EST  |  View series page  |  View all Central East series COURSE DESCRIPTION This is part one of a four-part webinar series hosted by the Central East PTTC that focuses on implementing evidence-based prevention approaches. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration developed the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) for preventionists to identify and implement evidence-based practices appropriate for their communities. This webinar will walk through the five SPF steps: 1) Assess Needs, 2) Build Capacity, 3) Planning, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation, explaining what they entail and how preventionists can use evidence to facilitate their completion. The webinar will also introduce topics such as risk and protective factors for substance use, evidence-based prevention strategies, and collaboration with other stakeholders, which will be further discussed in future webinars. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Provide the goals of this four-webinar series Explain the importance of evidence for prevention Use SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to walk through the five key steps to evidence-informed strategic planning Share supportive SAMHSA resources PRESENTER Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing training and technical assistance to numerous organizations at the Federal, state, and local level. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics.                   
Published: March 6, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
The March 2019 issue of The Dialogue observes Women's History Month with articles on SUD screening for women, mental health and women, and prevention services for women. Other news includes prevention-related webinars, new resources, and news in Region 3.   The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the Dialogue, news, and training announcements, sign up here.
Published: March 5, 2019
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