Strategic Prevention Framework Overview
This month as we begin the first of the 2020 Partnerships for Success (PFS) Academy webinar series on the Strategic Prevention Framework, we’ll highlight tools and resources related to working each of these steps as well as integrating sustainability and cultural competency in each step. Dr. Iris Smith has emphasized each area of the SPF and the role of the epidemiologist at each step in the article at the bottom of this newsletter. Research and data findings drive this process, and she demonstrates that close work with your epi and evaluation teams are just as important as developing community partnerships at all levels of the SPF.
If you plan to attend the PFS Academy beginning this month, a great resource, to begin with, is - A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework. The principles in this tool outline the webinar series in the PFS Academy. The document provides a deeper look into each step with appendices providing information on topics such as risk and protective factors, the socio-ecological model, and sound data collection and evaluation practices.