SPF Step 2: Capacity

Step 2 - Capacity - SPF

SPF Step 2: Capacity

What is it?

Capacity is the second step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). Capacity building involves mobilizing human, organizational, and financial resources to meet project goals. Training and education to promote readiness are also critical aspects of building capacity.

Brief: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 2: Capacity (PDF)
A brief from the Great Lakes PTTC that provides an overview of SPF Step 2: Capacity.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 2 - Capacity - Part 1
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas provides part one of an overview of the Strategic Prevention Framework Capacity process.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 2 - Capacity - Part 2
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas provides part two of an overview of the Strategic Prevention Framework Capacity process.


Learn about it.

Tool: Building Coalition Capacity
A tool created by REACH Evaluation for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions.

Capacity Primer: Building Membership, Structure and Leadership
This primer from CADCA provides guidelines to help coalitions build the capacity needed to develop and carry out a comprehensive community plan. It describes the components of a coherent plan related to a coalition’s strategies and priorities for capacity building.


Take action.

Job Aid: Action Steps for SPF Step 2
This resource from the Great Lakes PTTC lists the action steps to be completed for the capacity step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

Guide: Community Readiness for Community Change
This very useful handbook from the Tri-Ethic Center provides background information on community readiness, community readiness assessment tools, and strategies for enhancing community readiness.

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