SPF Step 3: Planning

Step 3 - Planning - SPF

SPF Step 3: Planning

What is it?

Planning is the third step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). Planning involves the creation of a comprehensive plan with goals, objectives, and strategies aimed at meeting the substance abuse prevention needs of the community. During this phase, organizations select logic models and evidence-based policies and programs. They also determine costs and resources needed for effective implementation.

Brief: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 3: Planning
This brief from the Great Lakes PTTC provides an overview of SPF Step 3: Planning.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 3 - Planning
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas provides an overview of the planning step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Learn about it.

Guidance Document: Selecting Best-fit Programs and Practices -- Guidance for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
This guidance document created by REACH Evaluation for the state of Kentucky provides information on finding and selecting prevention programs and practices and maximizing the potential for success.

Video: What Does NOT Work in Prevention
This recorded webinar from the Great Lakes PTTC delineates what strategies research has shown is NOT effective for substance misuse prevention, along with actions to move an organization/community toward more effective prevention strategies.

Self-Paced Online Course: What Does NOT Work in Prevention
This self-paced online course through HealtheKnowledge was designed by the Great Lakes PTTC to help prevention practitioners identify interventions that have been shown through research to NOT be effective in preventing substance misuse, understand evidence-based approaches that can be used as effective alternatives to the ineffective/counterproductive strategies, and engage in strategies to address resistance to discontinuing ineffective and/or counterproductive prevention strategies.

Guidance Document: Planning -- Step 3 of the SPF
A guidance document created by by REACH Evaluation for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions.


Take action.

Job Aid: Action Steps for SPF Step 3
This resource from the Great Lakes PTTC lists the action steps to be completed for the planning step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

Slide Deck: Selecting Prevention Strategies That Work
Prevention practitioners can use this PowerPoint slide deck from the Great Lakes PTTC to walk their planning committee through the steps of selecting prevention strategies to implement. The facilitator notes in the slide deck provide helpful information on how to present the slides.

Tool: Strategy Selection Toolkit for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
This toolkit from the Great Lakes PTTC walks substance misuse prevention practitioners and coalition members through the first two tasks of Step 3 of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Prioritizing risk and protective factors and selecting an evidence-based strategy.

Guide to Online Registries for Substance Misuse Prevention Programs and Strategies
This document from the Pacific Southwest PTTC summarizes many available federal registries and online databases where prevention practitioners can begin their search for the “best fit” evidence-based prevention program, policy, or practice.

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