SPF Step 4: Implementation

Step 4 - Implementation - SPF

SPF Step 4: Implementation

What is it?

Implementation is the fourth step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). The implementation phase of the SPF process is focused on carrying out the various components of the prevention plan, as well as identifying and overcoming any potential barriers. During program implementation, organizations detail the evidence-based policies and practices that need to be undertaken, develop specific timelines, and decide on ongoing program evaluation needs.

Brief: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 4: Implementation
A brief from the Great Lakes PTTC that provides an overview of SPF Step 4: Implementation.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 4 - Implementation
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas provides an overview of the implementation step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Learn about it.

Webinar: Implementation 101 -- What is the SPF Implemention Step? Part 1
The first part in this two-part webinar series from the Pacific Southwest PTTC delved into the implementation step of the Strategic Prevention Framework. The webinar covered what implementation science is and why it is important, along with the three tasks of implementation, how to mobilize support and build capacity, and the importance of implementation drivers.

Webinar: Implementation 101 -- What is the SPF Implemention Step? Part 2
Part 2 of this two-part webinar series from the Pacific Southwest PTTC reviewed the importance of fidelity especially when making adaptations to a program. This webinar also covered monitoring, evaluating, and adjusting program strategies and the importance of developing an implementation action plan and what to include in the plan.

Tool: Implementation -- Step 4 of the SPF
A tool created by by REACH Evaluation for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions.

Guidance Document: Balancing Fidelity and Adaptation -- A Guide for Evidence-Based Program Implementation
This fact sheet from the Washington State University Extension delves into the science of this fidelity vs adaptation debate, along with a best practices guide aimed at helping program coordinators and implementers to effectively balance program fidelity with local adaptations in order to best meet the needs of their local communities.


Take action.

Job Aid: Action Steps for SPF Step 4
This resource from the Great Lakes PTTC lists the action steps to be completed for the planning step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

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