SPF Step 5: Evaluation

Step 5 - Evaluation - SPF

SPF Step 5: Evaluation

What is it?

Evaluation is the fifth step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). Evaluation helps organizations recognize what they have done well and what areas need improvement. The process of evaluation involves measuring the impact of programs and practices to understand their effectiveness and any need for change. Evaluation efforts therefore greatly influence the future planning of a program. It can also impact sustainability, because evaluation can show sponsors that resources are being used wisely.

Brief: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 5: Evaluation (PDF)
A brief from the Great Lakes PTTC that provides an overview of SPF Step 5: Evaluation.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 5 - Evaluation - Part 1
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas is part one of an overview of the evaluation step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

Video: Strategic Prevention Framework Step 5 - Evaluation - Part 2
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas is part two of an overview of the evaluation step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Learn about it.

Tool: Evaluation: Step 5 of the SPF
A tool created by by REACH Evaluation for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions.

Community Tool Box
Chapters 36-39 of the University of Kansas Community Tool Box contain information and resources on conducting program evaluations.

Webinar Series, Part 1: Introduction to Evaluation
This webinar series by the New England PTTC starts with an introduction to prevention. This session provides a basic understanding of prevention science and the role of evaluation.

Webinar Series, Part 2: Designing Your Evaluation
This webinar series by the New England PTTC continues with a session focused on how to design your evaluation.

Webinar Series, Part 3: Conducting a Program Evaluation
This webinar series by the New England PTTC continues with a session focused on conducting a program evaluation.

Webinar Series, Part 4: Using Evaluation to Make Data-driven Decisions
This webinar series by the New England PTTC finishes with a session on using evaluation make data-driven decisions.

Guidance Document: Working with an Evaluator: Keeping the Spark Alive
This toolkit from the NE and Caribbean PTTC is designed to help you select an evaluator whose skills match your programmatic needs—assuming, of course, that you don’t already have an evaluator on staff.

Evaluation Primer: Setting the Context for a Community Coalition Evaluation
This primer from CADCA provides the tools each coalition needs to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan. In addition, it will help your coalition create and implement a local evaluation.


Take action.

Job Aid: Action Steps for SPF Step 5
This resource from the Great Lakes PTTC lists the action steps to be completed for the evaluation step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

Self-paced Online Course: Logic Models: Mapping Your Prevention Efforts
This self-paced online course through HealtheKnowledge was designed by the Great Lakes PTTC for prevention practitioners to help them understand logic models and provide guidance for building a logic model for their prevention program.

Workbook: Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan
This CDC workbook includes worksheets and a step-by-step guide to creating a program evaluation plan.

Job Aid: How to Create a Logic Model for Prevention Curricula
This worksheet from the Great Lakes PTTC walks preventionists through a series of questions to create a logic model for substance misuse prevention programs.

Tool: Creating Pseudocodes
This tool from the Great Lakes PTTC provides background and instructions on creating pseudocodes to protect participants' anonymity when completing surveys.

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