What Does NOT Work in Prevention

What Does NOT Work in Prevention

What is it?

We know through research that not all prevention strategies are created equally. Many of the most common strategies being used by well-meaning parents, schools and communities have been shown by careful research to be ineffective. Some have even caused harm. The focus of the resources below are on identifying these ineffective approaches.

Brief: What Research Shows Does NOT Work in Substance Misuse Prevention (Great Lakes PTTC)
This document summarizes what we know through research are ineffective approaches to substance misuse prevention.

Brief: What Works, What Doesn't (WA State Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery)
This document summarizes what we know through research are effective prevention strategies, as well as what is NOT effective.

Learn about it.

Webinar: What Does NOT Work in Prevention (Great Lakes PTTC)
The focus of this webinar is on identifying ineffective and sometimes harmful strategies that have been used in prevention. Time is also spent on discussing strategies prevention professionals can use to address the resistance often expressed by individuals and organizations reluctant to change long-standing, well-liked prevention practices.

Self-paced Online Course: What Does NOT Work in Prevention (Great Lakes PTTC)
This course was created using the webinar conducted by the Great Lakes PTTC.  It was designed for prevention practitioners to help them identify interventions that have been shown through research to NOT be effective in preventing substance misuse, understand evidence-based approaches that can be used as effective alternatives to the ineffective/counterproductive strategies, and engage in strategies to address resistance to discontinuing ineffective and/or counterproductive prevention strategies.

Take action.

Slide Deck: What Does NOT Work in Prevention (Great Lakes PTTC)
This slide deck can be used by prevention professionals to share with others information about what does NOT work in prevention. Facilitator notes are included in the slide deck.

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