Introduction to Prevention Core Competencies for Prevention Professionals

October 30, 2023

Photo of Trainers and Participants at Central East PTTC EventEarlier this month, The Danya Institute hosted the Prevention Core Competencies: For Prevention Professionals training at the Silver Spring Hotel. The three-day course highlighted the foundations of substance use prevention science for early and mid-career prevention professionals.

A small group of prevention professionals from all over the region came to participate in-person which encouraged more intimate group discussions and activities. Participants came from a variety of backgrounds, from those who are new to the field to those who have been in the field for decades. This diversity allowed for differing insights and perspectives which only enhanced the knowledge of both participants and the trainers. 

Photo of Marissa Carlson, Deborah Nixon Hughes, and Dionne CornishThe curriculum included six modules that utilized evidence-based strategies for adult learning that complements existing workforce training curricula and resources such as the Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST), Foundations of Prevention Science and Practice, and Universal Prevention Curriculum.

The two fantastic master trainers, Dionna Cornish and Marissa Carlson were able to present the material in a well-informed and engaging manner by encouraging participants to discuss and keep an open mind. The participants as well as the trainers expressed their positive experience and hope to apply their newfound knowledge in the field. 

CE PTTC Training Highlight
Stephanie Kim, CE PTTC Project Coordinator & Technology Transfer Specialist
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