Drop Those R.O.C.K.S Series: A Workplace Wellness Retreat


Central East PTTC logoDanya Institute logo

Dates: August 2nd-3rd

Time: 9:30 AM—12:30 PM ET

Format: Interactive Intensive Training Program (please see participant expectations below)

Cost: FREE

Contact Hours: 5.5 (Certificate of Attendance, please see participant expectations below)

Target Audience: Prevention Professionals, Community Members, Rural Communities

Developed for: SAMHSA Region 3




Overall Description:

As a prevention professional, you have continued serving communities at the highest levels through compounding issues requiring a significant change in how you work and interact. Over the past three years, you've watched communities and coworkers suffer while experiencing your pandemic-related challenges. Though battle-worn, you've responded in excellence, with heart and resilience. And now, it is time for others to pour into you.

Join us for "Drop Those R.O.C.K.S: A Workplace Wellness Retreat"

This 2-part virtual retreat allows us to celebrate you for the resilience you've shown through the challenges posed by the pandemic. We also want to support you to reaffirm your commitment to yourself, your personal wellbeing and your organization's mission. Finally, this will be an opportunity to reconnect with your coworkers and other prevention professionals while simultaneously reconnecting to your own personal ‘why’ for choosing this work.

This retreat is about helping you to "drop" or release mindsets or habits that would prevent you from serving consumers or living your own best life. At the end of this retreat, you can expect to walk away feeling less burdened, more empowered and re-energized for the work you do.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be led on an introspective journey to evaluate, analyze and reconnect with their own personal 'why' for work in prevention.
  2. Participants will be able to identify the value they provide to their co-workers, their organization and the community while recognizing the costs to themselves, their co-workers and the community when they disconnect from their 'why’.
  3. Participants will demonstrate strategies that help them reaffirm their commitment to the vision and mission of their organization.
  4. Participants will develop strategies to maintain a positive attitude and outlook on work and life outside of work.



  1. Attend both live virtual sessions in Zoom (6 hours total for 5.5 total credit hours)

  2. Join zoom using a computer, laptop, or tablet with microphone muted and camera on

  3. Partial credit will not be given. Participants must both sessions to be eligible for certification




CeCe PresidentA high-energy, engaging speaker, trainer and coach, CeCe President has inspired and empowered tens of thousands of people across the globe to get the confidence, clarity and coaching they need to drive an organization that ignites passion, creates impact and serves customers at the highest levels. With a twenty-five year track record as a public and private sector business executive, successful entrepreneur and effective coach, her work changes people’s lives and reshapes their organizations. A client recently shared, “CeCe has a gift which enables her to bring people to a place of clarity, mindful action and creativity. Not a lot of people can do that.”



Starts: Aug. 2, 2023 9:30 am
Ends: Aug. 3, 2023 12:30 pm
Registration Deadline
July 31, 2023
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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