Home > Curated PTTC Network Cannabis Prevention Resources
This resource list was developed by the PTTC Cannabis Prevention Working Group, This list is by no means exhaustive, and will be updated periodically to ensure it has the most relevant resources. Please note: older resources use the term “Marijuana” instead of the PTTC preferred term “Cannabis”.
Resources from the Cannabis Prevention Workgroup
Fact Sheet available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Cannabis Science Education
Slide Banks Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Glossary in English: Cannabis - Terms by Topic
Webinar in English: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping
This resource list was developed by the PTTC Cannabis Prevention Working Group, This list is by no means exhaustive, and will be updated periodically to ensure it has the most relevant resources. Please note: older resources use the term “Marijuana” instead of the PTTC preferred term “Cannabis”.
Webinar in English: Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutions
Webinar in English: The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences
Webinar available in English, Spanish and Portuguese:
Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention
Fact Sheet available in English, Spanish and Portuguese:
Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention
Fact Sheet available in English, Spanish and Portuguese:
Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults
Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth
Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth video message available in English and Portuguese: Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth
Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine
English: Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine
Spanish: Cannabis en los Estados Unidos: Un kit de herramientas para no ciudadanos en Maine
Portuguese: Canábis nos Estados Unidos: Um Conjunto de Ferramentas para Não Cidadãos do Maine
Available in 6 other languages
Webinar in English: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping
3-part series course in English: Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
Microlearning Toolkit in English: Cannabis Prevention 101
Focus on Cannabis Prevention in English: Focus on Cannabis Prevention
Slide-deck handout in English from the 2019 New England Summer School of Addiction Studies Plenary session: The Evolution of State Cannabis Policies and Where Prevention Fits In
Self-Paced Course in English: The Evolution of State Cannabis Policies: Where Prevention Fits In
Microlearning Course in English: Neurobiology of Cannabis
Recorded Webinar in English: CBD 101 for Prevention Professionals (HHS Region 1)
Information Sheet in English: Overview of Connecticut Cannabis Legalization Law PA 21-1
Recorded Webinar in English: Cannabis Legalization in New England: Using Data to Understand Regional Context and Consumption Patterns
Compiled Resources for Action in English: Preventing Youth Cannabis Use
Recorded Webinar in English: Cannabis Use in Pregnancy and Lactation: Understanding the Science and Assisting Practitioners with Prevention Strategies
Recorded Webinar in English: Community Responses to Cannabis Legalization: The Illinois Experience
Recorded Webinar in English: Community Responses to Cannabis Legalization
Podcast Episode in English: Current Drug Trends - Cannabis
Grow Your Knowledge: Cannabis Prevention, Policy, and Pharmacology Series in English:
Webinar in English: Advocacy Essentials for Prevention Practitioners: Tools for Impacting Substance-Related Policies and Regulations
Webinar in English: Advocating for Advocacy in Prevention
Webinar in English: Women and Weed
Webinar in English: Pain and Pot: The Facts about Opioids and Marijuana
Webinar in English - Cannabis, People before Profits: The Evolution of Cannabis Policies and Where Prevention Fits In
Webinar in English: Case Studies in Marijuana: From Pharmacology to the Emergency Department
Webinar in English: The Vaping Epidemic: Troubling Trends and Their Implications for Youth Cannabis Use Prevention and Policy - A Call to Action!
Webinar in English: Pharmacology for Prevention Specialists: Pharmacology of Cannabis
Toolkit in English: Slide Deck for You
Applying a Prevention Lens to Cannabis Regulatory Components: An overview of the 5Ps
A Multi-State Comparison Across Three Northwestern States: A Prevention Practitioners' Toolkit to Understanding HHS Region 10 State Cannabis Policies and Regulations.
Resources from SAMHSA
In English:
Know the Risks of Marijuana
Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia Resources
Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana
In Spanish:
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana
Resources from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
In English: Cannabis (Marijuana)
In Spanish: El Canabis (marihuana)
Resources from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIDA for teens:
In English: Marijuana
In Spanish: La marihuana
Resources from the Partnership to End Addiction:
Marijuana Talk Kit: Get practical information and guidance on talking with your child about marijuana.
In English: Marijuana Talk Kit for Parents and Caregivers
In Spanish: Kit de conversación sobre la Marihuana
In Spanish: Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de Marihuana
In English: Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults
In English: Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and Do
Marijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel.
In English: Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and Do
Marijuana Presentation for Health Professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share in your practice or other health care setting.