Developing Effective Tobacco Policy Change in Florida

An Interactive Training on How to Develop Effective Tobacco Policy Change in Florida


The Southeast PTTC is pleased to deliver customized, interactive policy trainings for tobacco coalitions in Florida. In prevention, policy change can be intimidating and under-utilized. This interactive two-part training will outline and engage with an evidence-based, 10-Step policy process. We will encourage participants to think more broadly about the benefits of changing the social context and the opportunities that policy can provide to impact community-level tobacco issues.


Part 2 (Steps 6-10)

December 6, at 1:00-3:30pm ET Register Now


Part 1 (Steps 1-5)

November 29, at 1:00-3:30pm ET  Download Presentation Slides

Watch Recording


The goals of these interactive sessions are to:

  1. To deepen your coalition's understanding of a step-by-step approach to the local policy implementation process.
  2. To strengthen the network of FL coalitions working to expand smoke-free protections at the local level.
  3. To increase the number of FL coalitions initiating local policy work utilizing the 10-Step Policy Process.
  4. To increase the number of FL coalitions implementing effectively the 10-Step Policy Process.


TIP! In preparation, we encourage you to explore our FREE online policy courses found in HealtheKnowledge. You need to create an account and search for “An Introduction to the Power of Policy Change,” and “10-Steps of Policy Change.”



headshot of presenterBarry Hummel, Jr., MD, FAAP 

Dr. Hummel’s career has been based on the belief that there are more effective means to provide medical information than office-based, one-on-one contact with patients. After completing his Pediatric training at the University of North Carolina Hospitals, Dr. Hummel moved to Los Angeles and started MediCinema Enterprises, a company specializing in medical support services for the entertainment industry. After relocating to Florida in 2005, he has used his skills to tackle one of the biggest public health problems in the United States:  youth nicotine addiction. Dr. Hummel co-founded the Quit Doc Research and Education Foundation in 2006 to work on youth tobacco prevention, and the organization currently contracts with the Florida Department of Health to coordinate tobacco control effort in six Florida counties. The programs use CDC Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, with a focus on local policy change to reduce youth access and exposure to all nicotine products.


headshot of presenterKristin Kidd, MA

Kristin is the training and technical assistance coordinator for the Southeast Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Her focus area is on environmental strategies, specifically local policy change. Kristin is also the Principal Investigator for the North Carolina Behavioral Health Equity Initiative which partners with five North Carolina agencies to improve social drivers of health through community-centered collaborations and systems change. Prior to her employment with Wake Forest, Kristin was at the Colorado School of Public Health where she served as Director of the Tobacco Control Training and Technical Assistant Team. The team was charged with providing state-wide advocacy and policy guidance to local health agencies to eliminate tobacco disparities. Kristin partnered with multiple Colorado communities to successfully pass local tobacco control policies such as retailer licensing and expanded smoke-free/vape-free ordinances. When she first moved to Colorado, Kristin worked on Get R!EAL, Colorado’s youth movement against the tobacco industry. Kristin has delivered numerous trainings on youth engagement, the local policy process, and the importance of evaluation. 


headshot of presenterMichael Sparks, MA

Michael Sparks M.A. is an Alcohol Policy Specialist, community organizer and President of SparksInitiatives. His primary interest is assisting communities to implement evidence-based, upstream, equity focused strategies to address the factors that impact community health. Among others, Michael is currently working with Wake Forest University, the City of Miami Gardens Florida, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America on a range of public health issues. He currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the US Alcohol Policy Alliance. Past Tobacco work includes consulting with the American Legacy Foundation (Truth Initiative) to implement a model tobacco control program in Head Start agencies across the country. 




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Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days.

If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] before the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.

Starts: Dec. 6, 2023 1:00 pm
Ends: Dec. 6, 2023 3:30 pm
Registration Deadline
December 6, 2023
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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