- Dates: May 4th-15th, 2020
- Encore: June 1st-12th, 2020
- Capacity: 15 slots per event
- Time: 6-hour course
- Cost: FREE
- Contact Hours: 6 NAADAC
Prevention practitioners working at the state level or in communities.
Participation Criteria
Must work in HHS Region 3 (MD, PA, DC, DE, WV, VA)
Must complete post-course evaluation
Must register with the Danya Institute as well as create an account with Prevention Solutions@EDC
Must complete the 6-hour course over two weeks
REGISTRATION (15 slots per event)
Define ethics and related terms
Apply the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics to their work in prevention
Use a four-step decision-making process to resolve ethical dilemmas
As a substance misuse prevention professional, we regularly face situations that require us to make ethical decisions. Often it is clear how to act ethically; sometimes it is not.
This moderated online course explores the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics, brought to life with realistic examples designed to enhance participant understanding. The course also introduces a decision-making process to help practitioners apply this code to a variety of ethical dilemmas, and an online discussion area to facilitate discussion with other course participants.
This course has been endorsed by the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) and meets the IC&RC’s prevention ethics requirement for prevention specialist credentialing.
The course can be viewed on the website: Ethics in Prevention: A Guide for Substance Abuse Prevention Practitioners
Participants complete the 6-hour course over two weeks, and are required to log-in five times over that time to post in online forums. The course is asynchronous.
This course has been endorsed by the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Individuals who receive a passing grade on the course self-assessment (80% correct) will receive a certificate for 6 hours of participation.