Alert! Typo in Fentanyl Test Strip urine testing instruction sheet

October 5, 2022

Please see below from the Addiction Science Team at the University of Missouri-St Louis regarding an error in their Fentanyl Test Strip kit instructions.

"We recently noticed an error on the post-consumption fentanyl test strip instructions we have been distributing statewide. On the side with the heading “How to Test for Fentanyl”, number two contains a mistake. It reads, “Use a cup to collect the urine sample. Fentanyl can be detected in a urine sample up to 3 days after using.” This is not correct.

Because the substance is lipid-soluble, or fat-soluble, fentanyl can be detected in a urine sample up to 30 days after last use.  

(For more information, visit )

If you or someone within your organization requested fentanyl test strips from the Addiction Science team at UMSL-MIMH, please know that each FTS kit was wrapped in flyers with this inaccurate information. We have corrected this flyer and upcoming distributions will have corrected information. Please inform your colleagues and the people you serve of our mis-printed instructions.


We sincerely apologize for this error and any confusion it has caused. We thank you all for being patient with us and for your continued partnership to get needed harm reduction resources for those at risk of overdose across the state of Missouri. We have revised our review processes for documents and will do everything we can to ensure this type of error does not happen again.



Rachel and the Addiction Science team



Rachel P. Winograd, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychological Sciences
Missouri Institute of Mental Health
University of Missouri-St Louis

[email protected]"

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