We all know that to be successful and sustainable coalitions and prevention providers must be able to plan and implement prevention strategies that are data-driven and evidence-based. Over the course of these three sessions coalition members, prevention providers and emerging professionals will be able to:
• Apply the latest best practices related to implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework
• Understand and implement effective assessment, planning and evaluation practices for their prevention efforts
• Build capacity to conduct community organizing practices that increase community partner and member involvement and ownership of the prevention processes and strategies
• Engage in a more detailed analysis and discussion of the information provided in the Workforce Development Series in a virtual Masterclass only open to those who have attended at least one session in the series
There are three sessions designed for this series.
The Prevention Fundamentals training provides an overview of the key concepts in substance use and misuse prevention. Participants will be introduced to concepts of the public health approach to prevention, the continuum of care and the role of coalitions and providers in community-based prevention efforts. These concepts will be referenced as the participants are introduced to the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). This two-hour session provide the framework the upcoming trainings in the PTTC Workforce Development Series.
The SPF: Assessment, Planning and Evaluation training provides a detailed overview of the Assessment, Planning and Evaluation elements of the SPF. The training emphasizes how each element builds on the previous – data from the community assessment informs the development of strategic and action – all which provide the bases for the community evaluation. Participants will be able to understand and participant assessment, planning and evaluation efforts occurring in their communities.
The Community Organization training provides information which community preventionists can use as they work to plan and implement prevention efforts in their communities. The training focuses on elements and skills needed to engage and organize a community’s prevention efforts. Participants will experience how these skills are relevant to each element of the SPF.
Carlton Hall is the President and CEO of Carlton Hall Consulting LLC (CHC) , a multi-faceted, full-service consulting firm designed to provide customized solutions and enable measurable change for communities, organizations, families and individuals. Carlton Hall has been providing intensive substance abuse prevention focused and community problem solving services to the nation for the last 25 years. His responsibilities, unique set of skills and experience have made him one of the most highly sought after instructors and guides for community problem solving in every state and territory in the nation as well as internationally, with successful achievements in South Africa, Ghana, Bermuda, Kenya and others. Currently, Carlton and the CHC team provide executive training and technical assistance support to the Southeast PTTC (Region 4).
Tracy Johnson is the Founder & Managing Partner of TTJ Group, LLC (2013- Present) with over 29 years of experience, he has worked closely with states, nonprofits, small businesses, universities, communities and coalitions in helping them with community organizing, environmental strategies, strategic planning, substance abuse prevention, and cultural competence. Mr. Johnson provides interactive and resourceful trainings for participants. He has presented on Opioid Prevention strategies for communities (including faith based) and integrating cultural competence within opioid prevention strategies. Currently, Mr. Johnson is working with Ohio’s Partnership for Success Strategic Prevention Framework (PFS- SPF) SAMHSA funded statewide grant supporting twelve (12) rural Appalachian counties in developing coalitions to reduce the opioid crisis. His team has also provided training to SAMHSA Minority AIDS and HIV new grantees since 2010.
Dave Shavel has extensive experience in the substance abuse prevention field at the community, state and federal levels as a community organizer, coalition director, trainer and technical assistance provider, researcher, and state prevention manager. Dave specializes in technical assistance and training in the areas of strategic planning; needs, resource and readiness assessment; prevention program planning, implementation and evaluation; promoting youth involvement; and, community and state capacity building.