Southeast TTC Network: Mindfulness Mondays

May 4, 2022

Mindfulness Mondays in May: Self Care for Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Practitioners

The Southeast TTC Network (ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC) invites you to attend a 4 part series focused on self-care for the workforce. Self-care is vital for well-being. In the world of prevention, treatment and recovery, tensions often exists between feeling inspired by the work and feeling frustrated about the things outside of one’s control. To provide the best care and services, providers must also take care of themselves.

This course provides an overview of mindful meditation techniques and practices.  Some benefits of meditation include building skills to manage stress, increasing self-awareness, patience, tolerance and reducing negative emotions. This 4-week course will appeal to meditation newcomers, those with limited experience, and those who have practiced for years.

The course is anchored primarily in the vipassana tradition, which is considered one of the oldest meditation practices. Each session focuses on a specific area related to the practice including:


Week 4: Bringing the Practice Into Your World

May 23, 12:30 – 1:30 PM EDT


Register for Week 4


Each session includes a relevant talk on each topic followed by the opportunity to implement the lessons and practices presented in the talk through a meditation of ten to fifteen minutes. Each session will close with a question/answer segment to give attendees the opportunity to explore their own questions, issues, or concerns with the teacher. 


About the Presenter: 

Dr Bill Geary began studying mindfulness and meditation in 1982. His interest in meditation started sporadically, and over the subsequent years he has gradually deepened his meditation practice to include weeklong silent meditation retreats, studying an increasing variety of teachers and expanding the length and complexity of his daily meditations. Bill is in the final months of a three-year training course on meditation techniques. He will soon attain his Teaching Certificate in Mindfulness Meditation from SoundsTrue and the University of California at Berkeley. Bill’s teachers include Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, davidji, Jake Dartington, and others.  He is currently a visiting professor at LaSalle University in Philadelphia, PA and the owner of Global Evaluation Solutions (GES). Bill has worked on substance misuse and violence prevention for the past 22 years. He currently resides in Doylestown, PA. 

Southeast TTC Network Co-Sponsors: 

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