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eNewsletter or Blog
The latest edition of our bi-monthly newsletter is available. This month’s edition features Workforce Development, Announcing the 2024 Research and Design (RAD) Prevention Fellowship Products, awareness campaigns for August/September, and regionally and nationally developed events and tools to support and grow the prevention workforce in New England. View the newsletter.
Published: August 19, 2024
Online Course, Presentation Slides
  DIAPOSITIVAS PPT (PPT SLIDES) GRABACIÓN DEL SEMINARIO WEB (WEBINAR RECORDING)   Entrenamiento muy importante que estará disponible en español!   Se llevará a cabo el día 21 de Mayo a las 11am.   Muchas veces, la comunidad Hispana y Latina no tiene tantas oportunidades como otros grupos para involucrarse en la prevención del uso de sustancias debido a las barreras culturales y lingüísticas en toda Nueva Inglaterra. Este webinar en español brindará una introducción a la prevención del uso de sustancias, analizará cómo se puede aplicar los principios del Marco de Prevención Estratégico a las comunidades Hispanas y Latinas, y revisará formas de aumentar la confianza e implementar estrategias comprobadas en estas comunidades. Este webinar se basará en las experiencias de implementar programas de la prevención de salud mental y el uso de sustancias en comunidades Hispanas y Latinas en Massachusetts.   Al final de este webinar, los participantes podrán: Definir la prevención Explicar cómo el trauma y la salud mental se relacionan con la prevención del uso de sustancias Aplicar los principios del Marco de Prevención Estratégico a las comunidades Hispanas y Latinas Identificar estrategias para aumentar la participación con las comunidades Hispanas y Latinas Identificar las estrategias de prevención cultural y lingüísticamente apropiadas que pueden ser usadas en las comunidades Hispanas y Latinas   Christina Mancebo-Torres es la Co-fundadora y Subdirectora del Centro de Avuda y Esperanza Latina, una organización sin fines de lucro que está al servicio de los Latinos ubicada en New Bedford, Massachusetts. Ella también es la Co-Directora de Blooming Consulting Agency, una compañía de consultoría enfocada en ayudar a organizaciones a aumentar su impacto en comunidades afectadas desproporcionadamente por problemas de salud, salud mental, y adicción. Christina actualmente está cursando su Doctorado en Ciencias de Salud con un enfoque en Sistemas Informado por el Trauma, y tiene más de diez años de experiencia trabajando con comunidades Hispanas y Latinas para reducir los resultados negativos asociados con salud mental y el uso de sustancias en los Estados Unidos y la República Dominicana.   Para registrarse para este entrenamiento virtual, haz clic aqui:   Para mas información, comuniquese con Christina a: [email protected]   SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN LEARNING SOMETHING NEW WITH New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center AND Blooming Consulting Agency !   This presentation will be provided entirely in Spanish.
Published: May 21, 2024
Interactive Resource
This brief provides links to free, self-paced online courses through HealtheKnowledge substance misuse prevention courses to enhance your knowledge and skills.  Upon finishing these courses, participants receive certificates of completion. Don't have a HealtheKnowledge account? Sign up for free and start browsing substance misuse prevention courses.    
Published: April 3, 2024
  Webinar Description SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) is a preventive public health approach used to identify and intervene with persons whose pattern of use put them at risk for, or who are experiencing, substance-related health and other psychosocial problems, such as HIV and HCV, or exacerbated mental health issues. Prevention with Latinx communities includes a culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and inclusive framework conducive to screening and early intervention. The content will inform on how taking a few minutes to conduct a person-centered brief intervention can help motivate reduction of substance use with Hispanic, Latino and Latinx communities. The approach further identifies those with high potential for a substance use disorder and opportunities for accessing culturally relevant resources.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: January 3, 2024
Prevention Spotlight: Empoderando Familias - Notó Que Traduciendo Materiales no es Suficiente para la Comunidad (En Español) 15 de noviembre de 2023 Descripción del Seminario El acceso equitativo a la educación para la prevención del uso de sustancias es muy importante en el trabajo de prevención, pero no es fácil. Eres una coalición buscando una forma como interactuar con la población de Latinx. ¿Usted está en un programa de prevención que tiene mínimo éxito con la población de Latinx, y necesita un poco de guía? ¿ Es suficiente de traducir materiales directamente de inglés a español? En este curso, el equipo de EF hablar de las técnicas y métodos innovadores EF utilizó para movilizar los esfuerzos de educación para la prevención del uso de sustancias.   Objetivos del Seminario Enumeran tres errores comunes que las coaliciones y los hablantes de ingles cometen sin querer y que debilitante a los grupos Latinx Identificar al menos dos estrategias efectivas para aumentar la participación de las familias Latinx   Grabación y presentación de diapositivos Empoderando Familias-Notó Que Traduciendo Materiales no es Suficiente para la Comunidad (En Español) grabación de diapositivos Empoderando Familias-Notó Que Traduciendo Materiales no es Suficiente para la Comunidad (En Español) plataforma de diapositivas (PDF)   Presentadoras Marysol Jiménez, MA, CADC II Marysol Jiménez, CADC II, es terapeuta de adicciones en Portland, Oregón, y se especializa en terapia y asesoramiento sobre las adicciones. Actualmente es consejera del equipo de servicios de uso de sustancias del departamento de salud y éxito estudiantil en las Escuelas Públicas de Portland. Marysol Brinda consultas, asesoramiento y apoyo individualizado a los estudiantes y familias de PPS.   Terry Quinones, B.S. Health Science, CHW Después de obtener mi licenciatura en Ciencias de Salud, Educación para la Salud Comunitaria de la Universidad Estatal de California en Long Beach, me entusiasmó trabajar con latinos en las comunidades para ayudarlos a expresar sus preocupaciones con respecto al abuso de sustancias. Creo que todos tienen la capacidad de marcar la diferencia en su comunidad y mi objetivo es reducir la barrera del idioma en Oregón. Además de mis funciones laborales principales, trabajé para obtener mi CHW (Trabajador de salud certificado). Fuera del trabajo me pueden encontrar jugando fútbol o tomando una taza de café en una cafetería local reuniéndome con el equipo de Empoderando Familias.   ¿Preguntas? Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, comuníquese con Kathy Gardner en inglés ([email protected]).
Published: November 21, 2023
Webinar: Honoring Culture in Prevention - Cultural Interactions, Awareness, & Responsiveness Training   The goal of this webinar is to increase prevention professionals' understanding of how cultural humility and cultural standards can improve interactions with a variety of audiences. Participants will explore cultural humility and how to apply it, and the National Enhanced CLAS Standards (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care), in their profession.   Supplemental Resources: Presentation Slides An Implementation Checklist for the National CLAS Standards National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care CLAS ACTION PLANNING Worksheet   Learning Objectives: To apply cultural humility and the National Enhanced CLAS Standards (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care). Practice methods to overcome hurdles and avoid misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication, service delivery, and community engagement.   Presenter: Michael Browning, nationally recognized public health and Substance Abuse Disorder program developer, policy analyst, and trainer, has a passion for constituent-led community advocacy. He has provided support to several governmental agencies by providing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention proven practices in capability building, training, and day-to-day technical assistance to assist the departments in planning, grantee support and technical assistance and community engagement. Including and not limited to: US Federal government, State of California, District of Columbia, Atlanta, County of Los Angeles, Kern County, the County of San Bernardino, and other CA counties. He is a proven grant writer and program developer. He was a senior administrative analyst for the University of California, Berkeley - Institute for the Study of Social Change (now: Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, Prevention by Design. He is currently the Interim president of the Insight Center for Community economic Development. Browning was an executive director of a non-profit community coalition and deputy director at another. He has over 35 years of local, state, and national substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and tobacco control and prevention, early intervention and treatment, youth services, community organization, early childhood education, violence prevention, HIV/AIDS, public health, cultural proficiency development, program planning, development and evaluation, public policy advocacy, and strategic planning experience. His former employers include community-based programs in Pasadena, Inglewood, Los Angeles, and Michigan. Browning provided direct support to President Jimmy Carter’s “The Atlanta Project” and the Hilton Foundation’s Project Alert. Browning was a master trainer at CADCA for over 20 years. He is the former president of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council, member of LAPD’s Van Nuys Division Community Police Advisory Board, health chair of the San Fernando Valley NAACP, and chair of the USC COVID-19 Community Advisory Board. Browning is a graduate of the University of Southern California and was a fellow at Boston University.
Published: October 16, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The October 2023 issue honors National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, National Youth Substance Use Prevention Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, World Mental Health Day (October 10), and the newest installment of the NIATx in New Places blog series on the ATTC/NIATx Service Improvement Blog! As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!    
Published: October 5, 2023
SAMHSA's National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification (Spanish Version)     This Spanish model standards guidance document, SAMHSA's National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification, is prepared in response to President Biden's 2022 Unity Agenda. This document outlines model standards for substance use disorder, mental health, and family/youth peer support certification.   Modelo nacional de normas para la certificación de apoyo entre pares El documento guía de modelo de normas de SAMHSA titulado, Modelo nacional de normas para la certificación de apoyo entre pares, ha sido preparado como respuesta a la agenda de unidad del 2022 del presidente Biden. Este documento delinea el modelo nacional de normas en el área del consumo de sustancias, la salud mental la familia así como también la certificación de apoyo entre pares jóvenes.     Publication ID: PEP23-10-01-002 Publication Date: September 2023 Originally published by SAMHSA, here:     
Published: September 27, 2023
In today’s video, we will be discussing the roles Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PACEs) play on mental health, substance misuse, and overall well-being. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share this short video with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español - Experiencias Adversas de la Niñez (ACEs) y Experiencias Positivas de la Niñez (PACEs) Entre Comunidades Hispanas y Latinas En el video de hoy, hablaremos de los papeles que juegan las experiencias adversas y positivas de la niñez en la salud mental, el uso de sustancias, y el bienestar en general. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir este breve vídeo con su familia, amigos y colegas. Descarga Aquí En Español
Published: September 20, 2023
  In today’s video, we will be discussing the prevention of domestic violence amongst Hispanic and Latino communities. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share this short video with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español - Prevención de la Violencia Domestica En el video de hoy, hablaremos sobre la prevención de la violencia domestica entre las comunidades Hispanas y Latinas. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir este breve vídeo con su familia, amigos y colegas. Descarga aquí
Published: September 20, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book provides prevention professionals, providers, and community members with information and resources about substance use prevention, risk and protective factors in Hispanic and Latino communities. In this document, you will find resources from trusted sources, prevention, and action tips, and suggestions for better supporting our communities. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Table of Contents Introduction: What is Prevention? Overview of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) SPF Guiding Principle Cultural Competence SPF Guiding Principle Sustainability What are the Risk and Protective Factors for Youth in the Latino Communities? Substance Use Among Hispanic and Latino Communities Youth Prevention Tips and Resources for Youth Substance Use What are the Risk and Protective Factors for Adults in Hispanic and Latino Communities? Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Resource References Acknowledgment   Español - Prevención 101: Factores de Riesgo y Protección Este mini libro electrónico proporciona a los profesionales de la prevención, proveedores y miembros de la comunidad información y recursos sobre la prevención del uso de sustancias, los factores de riesgo y de protección en las comunidades Hispana y Latina. Al final del documento, encontrará recursos de fuentes confiables y consejos de acción y prevención para apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este team. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir la información con su familia, amigos y colegas. Indice Introducción: ¿Que es la Prevención? Resumen del Marco Estratégico de Prevención (SPF) Principio Rector del SPF: Competencia Cultural Principio Rector del SPF: Sostenibilidad ¿Cuáles son los Factores De Riesgo Y Protección para la Juventud en las Comunidades Latinas? Consumo de Sustancias Entre Los Jóvenes de las Comunidades Hispanas y Latinas Consejos y Recursos de Prevención Para El Consumo de Sustancias por Parte de Los Jovenes ¿Cuáles son los Factores de Riesgo y Protección para los Adultos en las Comunidades Hispanas y Latinas? Centro de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica de Prevención (PTTC) Recursos Referencias Reconocimiento del Autor
Published: September 15, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The September 2023 issue honors National Recovery Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Addiction Professionals Appreciation Day (September 20), and the 10th anniversary of the ATTC/NIATx Service Improvement Blog! As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!      
Published: September 7, 2023
Print Media
A reflection on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Month and Hispanic Heritage Month will be featured in this issue by Dr. Susie Villalobos. This newsletter highlights the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, which promotes awareness about suicide and suicide prevention among Hispanic and Latino populations. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. THIS ISSUE 1 Dicho of the Quarter 2 A Reflection by Dr. Susie Villalobos 5 Highlighting the Experts American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 7 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 8 Media Corner   9 Staff Contact Information Español En esta edición, la Dra. Susie Villalobos presentará una reflexión sobre el Mes de la Salud Mental y la Prevención del Suicidio y el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Este boletín destaca la Fundación Americana para la Prevención del Suicidio, que promueve la concientización sobre el suicidio y la prevención del suicidio entre las poblaciones hispana y latina. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. EN ESTA EDICION 1 El “Dicho” del Trimestre 2 Una Reflexión de la Dra. Susie Villalobos 5 Destacando a los Expertos: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 7 Puntos Destacados del Trimestre y Celebraciones 8 Rincón de los Medios   9 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: September 6, 2023
Multimedia, Toolkit
  2023 RESEARCH & DESIGN (RAD) PRODUCTS: New research-based substance misuse prevention tools supporting Practical Resources to Address The Root Causes of Substance Misuse with a Focus on the IC&RC Prevention Domains. Prevention Product Development for the New England Region. Link to view the recorded webinar (recorded on August 17, 2023).   EXPLORING ROOT CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE MISUSE THROUGH SOCIAL STORIES This resource consists of a work of research on the trauma of underrepresentation experienced by Black communities and the ripple effects it has on Black children. This social story title ‘I Feel’ can be used in a variety of settings and tackles the topic of emotions while also confronting the difficulties that emerge from living with a parent who is beginning their path to recovery. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     SUPPORTING YOUTH & ADDRESSING UNDERLYING CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE USE This handbook is designed for adults to better support youth while addressing underlying causes of substance misuse. Throughout this resource, the reader will build a better understanding of the role Adverse Childhood Experiences play in substance use and proven solutions to prevent and mitigate their impacts. The target audience is parents/caregivers, teachers, counselors, coaches, and anyone else who interacts with youth. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     HEALTHY COMMUNITY, HEALTHY PEOPLE: COMMUNITY CANNABIS POLICY TOOLKIT FOR THE VERMONT PREVENTION PROFESSIONAL 2.0 A toolkit that prevention professionals and communities working on cannabis-related policy improvement can use to help support prevention and public health at a community level. This kit has been updated in 2023 to include additional tools and information, including stigma-free language relevant to this work, talking points to use with key audiences, questions to use for community polling, and template presentations for community and key audience education. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     PREVENTING & ADDRESSING ACES IN HISPANIC AND LATINO This guide is designed for Hispanic and Latino Faith Leaders in Massachusetts and can be used to prevent and address adverse childhood experiences impacting Hispanic and Latino communities. Faith Leaders can learn about the connection between trauma and substance use disorder, specific impacts within the Hispanic and Latino community, and the interventions the faith community can deploy to mitigate the impact of ACEs. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     PREVENTING ROOT CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE USE IN LGBTQIA+ YOUTH This toolkit is designed for prevention professionals and can showcase proactive techniques for upstream prevention efforts to address minority stress among LGBTQIA+ youth. This toolkit includes a call to action for the prevention workforce, highlights data and data limitations, research on minority stress and its connection to substance misuse, and provides evidence-informed recommendations for the reader.  READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.       SUBSTANCE USE RECOVERY AND PREVENTION FOR FAMILIES IN TREATMENT: A GUIDE FOR THERAPISTS, CLIENTS, AND FAMILIES A practical resource to be shared by clinicians with individuals in treatment for substance use disorder. This toolkit will provide the person in treatment with resources from the disciplines of prevention and peer recovery support. It will assist in increasing the family’s awareness of applicable prevention information and strategies and will educate about various levels of clinical and peer supports that are available in the community. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.       View the 2021 products.   View the 2022 products.
Published: August 16, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The August 2023 issue honors International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31), opioid overdose prevention training on HealtheKnowledge, and the newest NIATx in New Places series blog post written by Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA.  And as always, you will find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!      
Published: August 3, 2023
Question and Answer Webinar titled: Unmasking the Crisis: Exploring Intentional Substance Use Disorder Overdoses Among the Hispanic/Latino Population Understanding the Factors, Addressing the Crisis, and Promoting Resilience About the Panelists DR. CRISTINA RABADAN-DIEHL, PHARMD, PHD, MPH After 25 years at the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Rabadán-Diehl joined Westat in 2018. A multidisciplinary scientist with extensive experience in chronic non-communicable diseases and global health, Dr. Rabadán-Diehl serves as a scientific lead in several projects in addition to developing partnerships with domestic and international government and nongovernment stakeholders. DR. FERNANDO J. GONZALEZ Dr. Fernando J. Gonzalez has more than 37 years of experience managing public health programs and projects in the United States, México, U.S.-México Border, and Global South Countries. He currently serves as Manager for the EMS Opioid Rapid Response and Prevention Program, UTHealth Science Center San Antonio/Project Vida, El Paso, TX. DR. J ROCKY ROMERO, PHD, LMSW As the Owner and CEO of JR Romero & Associates, Dr. J. Rocky Romero has been a pioneer in the development, evaluation, and consultation of behavioral health programs for 22 years. A former Assistant Professor at the New Mexico Highlands University School of Social Work in Albuquerque, NM, Dr. Romero has an extensive academic background in social work. In addition, he was a member of Governor Richardson's Higher Education Cultural Competency Taskforce.   Resources Presentation Handouts: (Dr Gonzalez) and (Dr Rabadán Diehl) Hispanic health in the USA: a scoping review of the literature | Public Health Reviews | Full Text ( Putting Equitable Implementation Science Into Research and Practice ( Evidence-Based Practices Registry ( Home | Suicide;StopIt NM ( Bienvenido Program Engages Latinx Communities to Implement Better Mental Health Interventions ( Familia Adelante: A Substance Use Prevention and Stress Reduction Program for Latino Adolescents – NNEDShare
Published: July 13, 2023
Print Media
The fact sheet was developed to inform individuals, parents, professionals, and providers of the intersection between Serious Mental Illness (SMI) & Substance Use Disorder (SUD) among Hispanic/Latino populations in the US. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español - Enfermedades Mentales Graves (EMG) y Trastornos Por Uso de Sustancias (SUD) Entre las Comunidades Hispana y Latina La hoja informativa fue desarrollada para informar alas personas, padres, profesionales y proveedores de la intersección entre la Enfermedad Mental Grave (EMG) y el Trastorno por Uso de Sustancias (TUS) en las poblaciones Hispanas/Latinas de los EE.UU. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 9, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on child abuse, types of abuse, warning signs, the impact on Hispanic/Latino families and immigrants, and more. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Comprender y Prevenirel Abuso Infantil (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre abuso infantil, tipos de abuso, señales de advertencia, el impacto en familias hispanas/latinas e inmigrantes, y más. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about the intersectionality between the criminal justice system, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latin communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. La Población Hispana y Latina y el Sistema de Justicia Penal (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre la interseccionalidad entre el sistema de justicia penal, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about transitional-aged youth (TAY) and the intersectionality between TAY, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latino communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Jóvenes en Edad de Transición (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre jóvenes en edad de transición (TAY) y la interseccionalidad entre TAY, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema.Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by the NHL ATTC Co-Director, celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. Elisabeth Stelson discusses a Vicarious Trauma research study. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue 01 Dicho of the Quarter 02 A Reflection by Our NHL ATTC Co-Director 03 Article by Elisabeth Stelson, MSW, LSW, MPH (Ph.D. Candidate) 05 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 06 Media Corner 07 Staff Contact Information Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Co-Directora del NHL ATTC, celebrando el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Elisabeth Stelson habla sobre un estudio de investigación sobre trauma vicario. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. EN ESTA EDICION 01 El “Dicho” del Trimestre 02 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Co-Directora del NHL-ATTC 03 Artículo de Elisabeth Stelson, MSW,LSW, MPH (Candidata al Doctorado) 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones 06 Rincón de los Medios 07 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: May 30, 2023
Watch this video to see some of our alumni and fellows sharing their experience as participants of the National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program! The National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program is designed to help entry-level to mid-level career leaders/managers become great leaders in their field. The program focuses on leadership capacity building offering behavioral health leaders the opportunity to discover and expand their leadership strengths and be better prepared when new and greater opportunities come up.
Published: May 16, 2023
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center are pleased to announce Latinos Con Voz. A podcast that will highlight the important work being done by our subject matter experts who are Latino and/or Latino serving. Through this podcast our team hopes to provide a dose of hope, clarity on behavioral health topics, the normalization of these conversations in our communities, and to move from awareness to action.   Episodes July 2023 - Pathways to Recovery English Episode In this episode Christina Mancebo-Torres, interviews Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW and Co-Director of the National Hispanic Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center. In this episode, we talk about the different pathways to recovery from a substance use disorder and focus on how there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and how all pathways to recovery are valid and important. Spanish Episode: Vías de Recuperación En este episodio Christina Mancebo-Torres, entrevista a Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW y Codirectora del Centro Nacional Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción. En este episodio, hablamos de las diferentes vías para la recuperación de un trastorno por consumo de sustancias y nos centramos en cómo no existe un enfoque único para la recuperación, y cómo todas las vías para la recuperación son válidas e importantes. April 2023 - Moving Forward Together English Episode In this episode of Latinos Con Voz Podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Maria Aponte, Pastor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, about the impact of trauma in our communities and on our personal wellbeing, ways to promote healing, and how we can prevent future trauma from occurring. Spanish Episode: Avanzando Juntos Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Christina Mancebo-Torres entrevista a María Aponte, Pastora y Consejera Licenciada en la Salud Mental, sobre el impacto del trauma en nuestras comunidades y nuestro bienestar personal, maneras de promover la sanidad, y como podemos prevenir que ocurra el trauma en el futuro. March 2023 - The Value of Intersectionality / El Valor de la Interseccionalidad English Episode In this episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Jana Spalding interviews Lucila Beaton, a recent graduate of the National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program and an independently licensed clinical social worker, about how the intersectionality of being Afro-Latino can impact behavioral health professionals both personally and professionally. Spanish Episode Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** La Dra. Jana Spalding entrevista a Lucila Beaton, una graduada reciente del Programa Nacional de Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano y Latino y una trabajadora social clínica con licencia independiente, sobre como la interseccionalidad de ser Afro-Latina puede impactar a profesionales de la salud del comportamiento de forma personal y profesional. February 2023 - Breaking the Silence: SUD and Stigma English Episode **DISCLAIMER: This episode talks about death and grief, and it may be upsetting to some listeners.** This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Cristina Rabadan-Diehl, Associate Director for Clinical Trials at Westat, on the impact of stigma on individuals facing opioid use disorder and their families. Spanish Episode  - Rompiendo el Silencio Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más. February 2023 - Know Your Rights! Understanding ADA for SUD This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Oce Harrison, Project Director of the New England ADA Center, on the rights individuals with substance use disorder have under the Americans with Disabilities Act. June 2022 - Men’s Behavioral Health English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Lorenzo Pina interviews Jorge Gonzalez on the topic of Men’s Behavioral Health. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más. Portuguese Episode Ítalo César Coelho entrevista Franco Raphael Zago em um papo sobre machismo, saúde do homem, paternidade e mais. May 2022 - Alcohol Substance Use Disorder English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Maxine Henry, Director of the National Hispanic Latino Prevention and Addiction Technology Transfer Centers on the topic of Alcohol Substance Use Disorder among our Latino populations, services available, and valuable skills and strategies encouraging treatment and recovery. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a Javier Alegre y tienen una conversación sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol, y hablan estrategias que podemos seguir para crear conciencia sobre el tema, creando comunidades más saludables. Portuguese Episode Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Liz Paola Domingues sobre conscientização do consumo de álcool, a ação do álcool no cérebro e fatores culturais das nossas comunidades que podem nos ajudar na prevenção e recuperação, além de fortalecer nossa resiliência. April 2022 - Problem Gambling Awareness English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Tana Russell from the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling. Portuguese Episode Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Anna Carolina Ramos emu ma conversa esclarecedora sobre dependências, com foco em jogo problemático. March 2022 English Episode 1 Episode 1 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Dr. Camila Pulgar to learn about her path in leadership as a Latina. English Episode 2 Episode 2 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Villalobos interviews Dr. Denise Hernandez to hear her journey in becoming a Latina leader. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a la reina Victoria Ortega para conocer su trayectoria como mujer trans y defensora de la comunidad. Juntas discuten maneras de elevar, apoyar y orientar a otras mujeres en su camino. Portuguese Episode Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista Ana Tomazelli para conversar sobre sua trajetória como mulher e profissional e compartilhar estratégias para apoiar outras mulheres em suas jornadas.                
Published: April 30, 2023
Print Media
This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, celebrating Women’s History Month. The National Hispanic Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program's project manager recently had a training that provided a brief presentation about the leadership program, shared  some of the highlights of the program and its outcomes regarding strengthening the Hispanic and Latino behavioral health workforce and growing our own. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue 01 Dicho of the Quarter 02 A Reflection by Our Director 03 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 04 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program 05 Media Corner 06 Staff Contact Information Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Directora de Programas, celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer. El gerente de proyecto del Programa Nacional de Becas y Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano Latino recientemente brindó una breve presentación sobre el programa de liderazgo, compartió algunos de los aspectos más destacados del programa y sus resultados con respecto al fortalecimiento de la fuerza laboral de salud mental hispana y latina y el crecimiento de la nuestra. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. 01 El Dicho del Trimestre 02 Reflexion de Nuestra Directora 03 Hechos destacados del Trimestre y Celebraciones 04 Programa Nacional de Liderazgo y Becas para Ejecutivos Hispanos y Latinos 05 Rincón de los Medios 06 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: April 7, 2023
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