eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The March 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating Women's History Month and National Social Work Month. It also features updated versions of the Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit, as well as upcoming trainings focused on provider well-being and culturally responsive services for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) clients. As always, you will also find links to all scheduled events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: March 18, 2024
Other, Toolkit
The Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit are designed to help substance misuse prevention providers, coalitions, groups, organizations, and training and technical assistance providers to:
Look critically at prevention infrastructures
Develop sustainability plans
Establish the necessary partnerships and resources to sustain meaningful prevention outcomes beyond current funding
The Sustainability Planning Guidebook and accompanying toolkit were originally developed and published by SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) task order in 2018 (Reference # HHSS283201200024I/HHSS28342002T). The 2024 versions of the guidebook and toolkit were developed with the support of the DHHS, SAMHSA, under cooperative agreement H79SP080995.
Published: March 4, 2024
Webinar Description
This 1.5 hour interactive session looked at cultivating community support for prevention coalitions and explored how to transform local leaders to prevention champions. As managing a coalition effectively is an art, it requires excellent communication skills and the ability to build both individual and organizational prevention capacity. It also involves establishing and maintaining close working relationships with community members and collaborating with them to select and implement community and culturally appropriate substance misuse prevention interventions. In a post-Covid world, the ways in which we work and communicate have shifted in meaningful ways, but the fundamental principles informing that work remain the same.
Learning Objectives:
Identify key organizational functions and resources necessary to support effective coalitions
Discuss strategies to build organizational capacity
Describe key strategies for a plan to continually monitor organizational capacity
Presenter Information
Charlotte Carlton brings over 30 years of experience leading and implementing substance use prevention programs at the community, state, regional, and national levels. She is currently working with multiple Education Development Center (EDC) teams to provide support for prevention efforts in Health & Human Services Regions 1 and 2. Previously, she served as the Director of the Southeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) and as a Senior Program Director for the Pacific Institute of Research and Evaluation (PIRE). She has done extensive research on the subject of program sustainability, most recently applying that research to the sustainability of community coalitions. She is the co-recipient of the 2002 Science to Practice award presented by the Society for Prevention Research and the 2001 Award of Excellence for outstanding contributions to the prevention field from the National Prevention Network.
Additional Documents
Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Resources Coalitions Post Covid
Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Coalitions Post Covid - Tips for Engagement
Published: February 23, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The February 2024 issue features content from the Great Lakes ATTC celebrating Black History Month, including our upcoming 2024 Black History Month Panel Presentation. It also features a new educational brief on health equity in crisis systems, upcoming prevention trainings on drug trends in the region, and updates to the Classroom WISE curriculum for 2024. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: February 12, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
The 10 "Do's and Don't's" of Successful Legislative Advocacy
Happy New Year!
Epi Corner: The Ins and Outs of Advocating for Policy Change
What's Happening Around the Region?
All New Training Events, Online Training, and a Data Video Series
What's New at SAMHSA?
Published: January 18, 2024
Sustainability is one of the overarching principles of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). It sits in the middle of the Framework touching every step of the SPF. Yet we often fail to consider sustainability in our daily work. Sustainable, community-driven, outcome-focused substance misuse prevention isn’t built in the last 6 months of a grant cycle. Creating sustainable prevention happens every day, in every step of the SPF process. In this 90-minute webinar, we will explore how to build sustainability into each step of the SPF process through our daily prevention work.
Printable Presentation Slides
Printable Handout
Define sustainability
Describe how sustainability is woven into each step of the SPF process
List the “everyday” tasks associated with building sustainable substance misuse prevention programs
Erin Ficker, MPAff, CSPS
Erin Ficker serves as a prevention manager for the Great Lakes PTTC. For more than 16 years, Erin has worked in substance abuse prevention supporting communities to use evidence-based strategies and data-driven processes in substance abuse prevention planning and implementation. She works with community-level prevention practitioners and schools in the development, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of prevention interventions.
Published: January 8, 2024
Webinar Description
This 1.5 hour interactive session looked at cultivating community support for prevention coalitions and explored how to transform local leaders to prevention champions. Managing a coalition effectively is an art. It requires excellent communication skills and the ability to build both individual and organizational prevention capacity. It also involves establishing and maintaining close working relationships with community members and collaborating with them to select and implement community and culturally appropriate substance misuse prevention interventions. In a post-Covid world, the ways in which we work and communicate have shifted in meaningful ways, but the fundamental principles informing that work remain the same.
Learning Objectives:
• Identify key components of a coalition that has established community support
• Identify strategies to build coalition members’ leadership capacity
• Explain the process of developing a personal plan to avoid burnout as a coalition leader
Presenter Information
Charlotte Carlton brings over 30 years of experience leading and implementing substance use prevention programs at the community, state, regional, and national levels. She is currently working with multiple Education Development Center (EDC) teams to provide support for prevention efforts in Health & Human Services Regions 1 and 2. Previously, she served as the Director of the Southeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) and as a Senior Program Director for the Pacific Institute of Research and Evaluation (PIRE). She has done extensive research on the subject of program sustainability, most recently applying that research to the sustainability of community coalitions. She is the co-recipient of the 2002 Science to Practice award presented by the Society for Prevention Research and the 2001 Award of Excellence for outstanding contributions to the prevention field from the National Prevention Network.
Additional Documents
Handout (Tips for Engagement)
Published: November 13, 2023
Print Media
One of the most common struggles for prevention coalitions and organizations is finding adequate and sustained funding to continue effective interventions. This resource guide aims to support communities, coalitions, and jurisdictions in diversifying funding to implement evidence-based programs and policies and sustain the effective outcomes they provide.
Download Diversifying Prevention Funding PDF
Published: October 24, 2023
Webinar Description
Session Number 1 in a 3-Part series. This event was a concentrated look at opportunities and methods of building sustainability into all aspects of coalition or program work, both from their inception and as on-going procedures. Emphasizing the value of considering sustainability before a loss of resources, it includes an overview of sustainability planning, its value & practices, and questions from prevention professionals.
Presenter Information
Jess Goldberg is a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist with Education Development Center. For over a decade, Jess has specialized in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels. Her areas of expertise include preventing youth substance use; promoting cross-sector collaborations; addressing health disparities; strategic planning, logic model development, and sustainability planning. Jess is a Certified Prevention Specialty and holds an MSW and an MPH from Boston University.
Emily Bhargava is a Training and Technical Assistance Associate with Education Development Center. She is skilled in facilitation, strategic and sustainability planning, and evaluation design. For over 15 years, she has led community-level health promotion efforts. She is an expert in the prevention of substance abuse, violence, suicide, teen pregnancy, obesity, and HIV, guiding the planning and implementation of culturally and linguistically responsive community-level prevention and health promotion efforts across Massachusetts and the United States.
Supplemental Materials
Published: March 15, 2023
Curriculum Package
Evidence Based Practices: From Understanding Basics to Selecting the Right Fit with Fidelity and Sustainability.
This three-part series on working with evidence based practices in your community is now available on HealtheKnowledge.org.
Whether you are new to the prevention field, or really seeking to build your knowledge, this series will help your community select effective interventions with conceptual and practical fit.
Segment Titles
Identify & Select EvidenceBased Practices: An Overview
Evidence Based Practices for the Local Community
Implementation with Fidelity and Sustainability
Published: February 15, 2023
This crosswalk identifies tasks commonly associated with each step of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and aligns them with sustainability milestones and practitioner skills needed to meet these milestones. This can be used to determine capacity building needs within communities/counties implementing the SPF process.
Published: January 5, 2023
Coalition Affinity Group Booster 6-Part Video Series
Using the Six Elements of Effective Coalitions framework, developed by the Community Coalitions and Collaborators PTTC working group, this video series outlines each of the six elements discussed in the Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Resource Toolkit. The six elements work together to support a coalition’s capacity to achieve desired outcomes in a community.
Every other month, beginning in May and ending in December, you will be able to access a new video on strategies to develop the 6 elements of effective coalitions. This series serves as a follow-up to the Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series. As the strategies to rejuvenate your coalition evolves, these videos may give you and your coalition concrete practices that will increase prevention outcomes.
In this first 10-minute video, Strategies to Develop Diverse Stakeholders, we explore strategies to build coalitions with diverse stakeholders.
In this second recording, Opportunities for Participation, we will discuss how to encourage active participation amongst coalition members.
In the third video, What is Coalition Efficiency, we will outline strategies for developing coalition members skills and knowledge.
In part four, Coalition Cohesion, Sarah Davis, SSW PTTC consultant will describe three components that foster cohesion in a coalition.
In part five, Developing New Skills, Sarah Davis discusses 1)What information do coalition members need to know in order to help the coalition achieve its goals? 2)What do coalition members need to be able to do? 3)What skills do they need in order to be effective?
In this last video Goal Directedness, Derrick Newby, SSW PTTC T/TA Specialist and Sarah Davis, SSW PTTC Associate dive into practical steps coalition leaders can take to set their coalitions up for success.
Published: October 10, 2022
RECORDING: Harnessing Community Organizing to Enact Alcohol Policies
Dr. Toomey will discuss the key components of community organizing to achieve changes in the community to address a range of public health problems, including excessive alcohol use and related harms. These components include community assessments, one-on-one discussions, building action teams and leadership skills, creating an action plan, and implementing the action plan. The webinar will emphasize using community organizing to be strategic and move towards action.
Following this webinar, participants will be able to:
describe the key components of community organizing and—
consider the application of community organizing to their work.
Traci L. Toomey, PhD
Traci L. Toomey, PhD is a professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. She serves as the director of the Alcohol Epidemiology Program at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on the prevention of problems related to use of substances, including alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Much of her research has addressed underage alcohol use and over service of alcohol. She has a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Minnesota.
Published: October 5, 2022
The Ripple Effect
July 6, 2022
Webinar Overview and Objectives
Identifying the impacts of complex community work is often challenging due to the time lag between the work and the ultimate effect on clients. But what if you could create a map?
This webinar will introduce participants to the Ripple Effects Mapping process. It starts with appreciative inquiry interviews in small group settings, before leading a mapping process that involves storytelling in an online group setting. As participants share their experiences with the facilitator, their stories about accomplishments, partnerships, and contributions are virtually mapped on the screen. At the conclusion, participants will have a digital map that contains the learning, actions, and condition changes that happened as a result of a program, workshop series, or event.
This webinar will:
Introduce members to the benefits of using Ripple Effects Mapping to identify the intended and unintended outcomes.
Demonstrate how it captures the impacts of complex or evolving work.
Show how it is useful when outcomes are difficult to conceptualize and measure with other methods.
Debra Hansen, M.Ed., is a professor and county Extension Director with Washington State University, focusing on community and economic development in rural Stevens County. Debra was one of the original architects of Ripple Effects Mapping, developed in 2008 to discover poverty reduction outcomes in individual communities that participated in the Washington’s Horizons Program. She continues to map programs and train others to use this engaging tool. Hansen has a master’s degree in Adult Education from Penn State.
Rebecca Sero, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Methodologist at GAO, where she works with engagement teams to help select and implement methodologies that will effectively evaluate and analyze data in order to answer proposed research questions. Rebecca also helps conduct and train on “in-depth” Ripple Effects Mapping and is most often engaged with determining how to best analyze the rich data that is produced from REM evaluations. She received a Ph.D. in Human Development from Purdue University and a M.S. in Family Studies from Miami University.
Webinar Materials
Webinar Recording
Webinar Slide-deck
Contact Britany Wiele (
[email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: July 18, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue
New Video Series for Coalitions: The Six Elements of Effective Coalitions: Strategies to Develop Diverse Stakeholders
Epi Corner: Emerging Trends in Underage Drinking
What's Happening Around the Region?
New Resources Released by CDC Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP)
Awareness Days in May
Published: April 29, 2022
The implementation process focuses on the development of evidence-based programs that are tailored to communities. We will begin with a review of each step of the Ethics and Equity Prevention Planning Framework. In the final stage of the recurring Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) cycle, our prevention plans are put into action and decisions become practices.
Published: April 19, 2022
In session 3, Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series - Rejuvenating Community-led Prevention includes a discussion and practical tips from presenter Sarah Davis and focuses on empowering community coalitions and a facilitated learning forum focused on rejuvenating prevention efforts and empowering communities to lead prevention efforts.
Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording. Below is the PowerPoint for this webinar.
Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Resource Toolkit
Sarah Davis is the associate director for the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center housed within the Center for Public Health Practice at the Colorado School of Public Health. The Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center is one of 10 HRSA-designated regional public health training centers. She leads a team that provides high-quality, primarily distance-based training to professionals addressing public health issues throughout PTTC Region VIII. She also supports national workforce development efforts as part of the Public Health Learning Network.
Sarah holds a Masters in Nonprofit Management and has spent the past 20 years in the public health field working as a project and team leader, a facilitator and trainer, grant writer and manager. Her background includes program planning and implementation, integrating program and policy initiatives, and working with coalitions. Sarah lives in Denver with her husband, high school daughter, and two dogs.
Since 1996, veteran Derrick Newby has worked in the field of prevention and public health in both the public and private sector. He serves as a training and technical assistance specialist for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center for HHS Region 6.
As a veteran's counselor and advocate, Mr. Newby gained experience with the impact of federal programs on communities after working as a special assistant to a member of Congress. He then worked as the Program Coordinator in Arkansas for the Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center for 15 years, facilitating the education of providers interested in increasing their capacity to provide comprehensive services related to HIV including testing and treatment. In 2017, he was selected for a position with the University of Arkansas Little Rock and served as a Program Coordinator with MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training for 5 years, helping to facilitate the growth of the prevention system.
Serving on the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board since 2020, Mr. Newby has a Master of Public Administration and a bachelor of science in psychology with a minor in education.
Published: March 16, 2022
Session 2, Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series - Promoting Prevention, Creating Opportunities focuses on the promotion of evidence-based programs.
Sarah Davis, will bring her 20 years' of public health experience to the South Southwest region to facilitate an engaging exchange about rejuvenating prevention coalitions by recognizing prevention promotion opportunities that expand participation in prevention efforts on the community and state level.
Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording. Below is the PowerPoint for this webinar.
Sarah Davis is the associate director for the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center housed within the Center for Public Health Practice at the Colorado School of Public Health. The Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center is one of 10 HRSA-designated regional public health training centers. She leads a team that provides high-quality, primarily distance-based training to professionals addressing public health issues throughout PTTC Region VIII. She also supports national workforce development efforts as part of the Public Health Learning Network.
Sarah holds a Masters in Nonprofit Management and has spent the past 20 years in the public health field working as a project and team leader, a facilitator and trainer, grant writer and manager. Her background includes program planning and implementation, integrating program and policy initiatives, and working with coalitions. Sarah lives in Denver with her husband, high school daughter, and two dogs.
Since 1996, veteran Derrick Newby has worked in the field of prevention and public health in both the public and private sector. He serves as a training and technical assistance specialist for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center for HHS Region 6.
As a veteran's counselor and advocate, Mr. Newby gained experience with the impact of federal programs on communities after working as a special assistant to a member of Congress. He then worked as the Program Coordinator in Arkansas for the Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center for 15 years, facilitating the education of providers interested in increasing their capacity to provide comprehensive services related to HIV including testing and treatment. In 2017, he was selected for a position with the University of Arkansas Little Rock and served as a Program Coordinator with MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training for 5 years, helping to facilitate the growth of the prevention system.
Serving on the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board since 2020, Mr. Newby has a Master of Public Administration and a bachelor of science in psychology with a minor in education.
Published: February 22, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
Be Above the Influence, Underage Drinking Prevention Campaign: Ten New Mexico Counties Working for a Collective Impact
Epi Corner: Opioid and Other Drug Use Among College Students: Predictors and Effective Intervention Approaches
What's Happening Around the Region?
Register: Ditching the Discomfort with Data Series: Part Two, Reading Data, February 24
Register: Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series, Session 3, March 10
Additional Social Health Marketing Resources
Published: February 17, 2022
Session 1, Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series - Sustaining Prevention Efforts is the beginning of an ongoing discussion about the various factors that have impacted coalition participation, membership, and outreach efforts.
In session one participants will focus on building the capacity of the coalition to address these concerns by facilitating an action plan to address sustainability and rejuvenate prevention efforts.
Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording. Below is the PowerPoint for this webinar.
Derrick Newby began his work in prevention in 1997 after working as a veteran's counselor and advocate. Mr. Newby was drawn to the field of prevention in hopes of educating fellow veterans impacted by trauma about the impact of HIV and substance misuse to reduce the potential for negative future consequences.
For the past twenty years, Derrick has continued to work in the private and public sectors in fields affecting public health, family enrichment, community development, and prevention. He is currently serving as a T/TA Specialist with the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC HHS Region 6).
Published: January 27, 2022
Balancing Fidelity and Adaptation: Tools and Strategies for Successful Evidence-based Program Implementation and Sustainability
January 12, 2022
The adoption of an effective program is only the first step toward achieving the positive youth and family outcomes community-based organizations aim to achieve. Research has demonstrated time and time again that high-quality implementation and capacity to sustain evidence-based programs over time is critical to attaining improved youth and family outcomes. However, there continues to be substantial debate about whether programs should be flexibly adapted to fit local contexts or delivered with strict fidelity to the original program model. Increasingly, evidence from research and practice indicates that there must be a balance between the two to achieve positive and sustained program outcomes. This webinar will provide an overview of the latest research on the fidelity vs. adaptation debate and will share best practice tools and strategies for community organizations aiming to balance program fidelity and adaptation to meet the needs of their local communities.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
Increase understanding of research on evidence-based prevention program fidelity, adaptation, and sustainability
Learn four key ingredients for successful evidence-based prevention program sustainability
Learn five best practices for how to balance evidence-based prevention program fidelity and adaptation to achieve positive and sustained program outcomes
Dr. Brittany Cooper is Associate Professor of Human Development, Youth and Family Extension Specialist, and the Director of the Prevention Science PhD program at Washington State University. Dr. Cooper’s research, teaching, and outreach centers around the translation of prevention science for public health impact. For nearly a decade, she has collaborated with federal, state, and other community stakeholders to improve the field’s understanding of how best to support evidence-based prevention programs in diverse community settings.
Webinar Recording and Slides
Webinar Recording
Webinar Slide-deck
Additional Resources
Program Sustainability Assessment Tool
Balancing Fidelity and Adaptation: A Guide for Evidence-Based Program Implementation
How Can We Keep It Going? Key Ingredients for Evidence-Based Program Sustainability
Contact Clarissa Lam Yuen (
[email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: January 13, 2022
Handouts from the October 14, 2021 session, "Slides for Indigenous Resiliency: Indigenous Ways of Knowing for Thriving Prevention Programs". This webinar's purpose is to introduce resiliency through a sustainable framework, articulate area to consider, and share successes and challenges.
Handouts include:
1. Building Your Case for Support
2. Internal Support
3. Mapping Your Sustainability Model
4. Blocks and Solutions
5. Building the Path Forward
Published: October 14, 2021
Presentation Slides
Slides from the October 14, 2021 session, "Slides for Indigenous Resiliency: Indigenous Ways of Knowing for Thriving Prevention Programs". This webinar's purpose is to introduce resiliency through a sustainable framework, articulate area to consider, and share successes and challenges.
Published: October 14, 2021
Coalition member recruitment, retention, and engagement requires intentional efforts to mobilize members to move the community’s prevention work forward. The South Southwest PTTC delivered this two-part workshop on coalition building. During part two, Sarah Davis and guests explore how to structure a coalition that aligns with your community’s capacity to address problems and to actively engage members.
Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording. Below is the PowerPoint for this webinar.
Meeting Planning Worksheet
Sarah Davis is the associate director for the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center, housed within the Center for Public Health Practice at the Colorado School of Public Health. The Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center is one of 10 HRSA-designated regional public health training centers. Mrs. Davis leads a team of instructional design, evaluation, and training implementation specialists to provide high-quality, primarily distance-based training to professionals addressing public health issues throughout the Region VIII states of Colorado, Montana, North and South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. She also supports national workforce development efforts as part of the Public Health Learning Network and through previous collaborations with the Centers for Disease Control, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, and the National Network of Public Health Institutes.
Sarah holds a Masters in Nonprofit Management and has spent the past 20 years in the public health field working as a project and team leader, a facilitator and trainer, and a grant writer and manager. Her background includes program planning and implementation, integrating program and policy initiatives, and working with coalitions. Sarah lives in Denver with her husband, high school daughter, and two dogs. In her free time, Sarah is a TRX Trainer and fitness dance instructor, avid reader, fair-weather skier, and craft beer enjoyer.
Published: September 23, 2021