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The Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center is excited to announce the 4th episode of our weekly podcast: Walking in Wellness. This series is dedicated to empowering prevention professionals like you with the mindset and skill set necessary to prioritize wellness...every day. This weekly podcast can be accessed via Soundcloud or Spotify. Be sure to follow or subscribe to have episodes delivered weekly!   
Published: August 16, 2023
Print Media
The Central East PTTC is proud to share this resource for prevention professionals to better serve the LGBTQ community. This handout was created in partnership with our partner, the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity at Chase Brexton. Please download and share this resource.
Published: August 16, 2023
   2023 RESEARCH & DESIGN (RAD) PRODUCTS: New research-based substance misuse prevention tools supporting Practical Resources to Address The Root Causes of Substance Misuse with a Focus on the IC&RC Prevention Domains. Prevention Product Development for the New England Region. Link to view the recorded webinar (recorded on August 17, 2023).    EXPLORING ROOT CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE MISUSE THROUGH SOCIAL STORIES This resource consists of a work of research on the trauma of underrepresentation experienced by Black communities and the ripple effects it has on Black children. This social story title ‘I Feel’ can be used in a variety of settings and tackles the topic of emotions while also confronting the difficulties that emerge from living with a parent who is beginning their path to recovery. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     SUPPORTING YOUTH & ADDRESSING UNDERLYING CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE USE This handbook is designed for adults to better support youth while addressing underlying causes of substance misuse. Throughout this resource, the reader will build a better understanding of the role Adverse Childhood Experiences play in substance use and proven solutions to prevent and mitigate their impacts. The target audience is parents/caregivers, teachers, counselors, coaches, and anyone else who interacts with youth. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     HEALTHY COMMUNITY, HEALTHY PEOPLE: COMMUNITY CANNABIS POLICY TOOLKIT FOR THE VERMONT PREVENTION PROFESSIONAL 2.0 A toolkit that prevention professionals and communities working on cannabis-related policy improvement can use to help support prevention and public health at a community level. This kit has been updated in 2023 to include additional tools and information, including stigma-free language relevant to this work, talking points to use with key audiences, questions to use for community polling, and template presentations for community and key audience education. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     PREVENTING & ADDRESSING ACES IN HISPANIC AND LATINO This guide is designed for Hispanic and Latino Faith Leaders in Massachusetts and can be used to prevent and address adverse childhood experiences impacting Hispanic and Latino communities. Faith Leaders can learn about the connection between trauma and substance use disorder, specific impacts within the Hispanic and Latino community, and the interventions the faith community can deploy to mitigate the impact of ACEs. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.     PREVENTING ROOT CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE USE IN LGBTQIA+ YOUTH This toolkit is designed for prevention professionals and can showcase proactive techniques for upstream prevention efforts to address minority stress among LGBTQIA+ youth. This toolkit includes a call to action for the prevention workforce, highlights data and data limitations, research on minority stress and its connection to substance misuse, and provides evidence-informed recommendations for the reader.  READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.       SUBSTANCE USE RECOVERY AND PREVENTION FOR FAMILIES IN TREATMENT: A GUIDE FOR THERAPISTS, CLIENTS, AND FAMILIES A practical resource to be shared by clinicians with individuals in treatment for substance use disorder. This toolkit will provide the person in treatment with resources from the disciplines of prevention and peer recovery support. It will assist in increasing the family’s awareness of applicable prevention information and strategies and will educate about various levels of clinical and peer supports that are available in the community. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD.       View the 2021 products.   View the 2022 products.
Published: August 16, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The National American Indian and Alaska Native PTTC has published its most recent newsletter. This issue focuses on vaping: trends, harms, and prevention.
Published: August 14, 2023
<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="338" src=";badge=0&amp;autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479 " width="600"></iframe></p> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h2><span class="text-green"><strong>Media in Prevention: A three-part webinar series</strong></span></h2> <h3><span class="text-plum"><strong>Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention</strong></span></h3> <p><strong>August 1, 2023</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Series Description</strong></span></h4> <p>Effectively using social media platforms and being media literate is critically important in a digital age. Improving prevention practitioners’ media literacy and their use of social media platforms can enhance communication with key audiences and result in more effective prevention efforts. This three-part webinar series aims to do this by helping participants better understand core concepts such as media literacy, social media strategies, and the role of advertising in substance use, and develop skills to think critically about social media, its’ messages, and its role in prevention.</p> <h4>&nbsp;</h4> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Webinar Description</strong></span></h4> <p>Social media posts and traditional advertising about alcohol are common, and as more states legalize non-medical use of cannabis, cannabis marketing is also increasing. Many brand-generated posts and advertisements use appeals that underage individuals find interesting and attractive. In this session, we will discuss alcohol and cannabis marketing on social media and their association with outcomes related to substance use among adolescents and young adults. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4>&nbsp;</h4> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Objectives</strong></span></h4> <p>In this webinar, participants will:</p> <ul> <li>Describe how advertising and social media are associated with alcohol and cannabis use.&nbsp;</li> <li>Understand the social media landscape as it relates to alcohol and cannabis.&nbsp;</li> <li>Consider the role media may play in prevention efforts related to substance misuse.&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Webinar Recording and Slides</strong></span></h4> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Download the Recoding for Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention, here.">Media in Prevention Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention Recording</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Download the Media in Prevention Series Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention slide deck, here.">Media in Prevention Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention Slide Deck (PDF)</a></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Additional Resources</strong></span></h4> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Navigate to the WSU Mac Lab, here">WSU&nbsp;MAC (Media, Adolescents and Cannabis) Lab</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the WSU Online School to learn about the Health Communication &amp; Promotion Certificate program, here.">WSU Online Program: Murrow Health Communication and Promotion certificate program</a></li> </ul> <h4>&nbsp;</h4> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Research Publications</strong></span></h4> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Open the Research Paper, here">APA PsycNet: Examining science and media literacy health communication messages to reduce intentions to use cannabis while pregnant.</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read the Research Paper, An Online Mixed-Methods Approach to Developing Narrative Health Communication Messages">Sage Research Methods: An Online Mixed-Methods Approach to Developing Narrative Health Communication Messages</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read the Research Article, The Entertainment-Education Strategy in Sexual Assault Prevention: A Comparison of Theoretical Foundations and a Test of Effectiveness in a College Campus Setting, here.">Taylor &amp; Francis Online:&nbsp;</a><a href="" target="_blank">The Entertainment-Education Strategy in Sexual Assault Prevention: &nbsp;A Comparison of Theoretical Foundations and a Test of Effectiveness in a College Campus Setting.</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read the Research Article, Do pictures help tell the story? An experimental test of narrative and emojis in a health text message intervention, here.">Science Direct:&nbsp;Do pictures help tell the story? An experimental test of narrative and emojis in a health text message intervention</a></li> </ul> <p>​​​​​​</p> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Presenters</strong></span></h4> <p><strong>Stacey J. T. Hust, PhD,&nbsp;</strong>Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Operations, Professor at The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. Stacey is a health communication researcher whose work identifies effective health communication messaging that can be used to reduce substance misuse and sexual violence among young people.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Jessica Fitts Willoughby, PhD</strong>, Associate professor at the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University.&nbsp;&nbsp;Jessica is a health communication researcher whose work focuses on how media, including digital media, can be used for health promotion, especially among adolescents and young adults.</p> <h4>&nbsp;</h4> <h4><span class="text-blue"><strong>Questions</strong></span></h4> <p>Contact&nbsp;Britany Wiele (<a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank" title="Email Britany Wiele">[email protected]</a>) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.</p>
Published: August 11, 2023
Recording: Prevention Across the Continuum    This is the first webinar in a three-part series on implementing prevention strategies across the continuum of care. Prevention plays a critical role throughout the continuum of care and understanding this role can prepare prevention professionals to be the most effective in their work. Having a solid understanding of this model is one of the first steps prevention professional should grasp. Join us for an interactive webinar series that outlines each component of the continuum, and the role prevention has throughout, as well as identifying areas that prevention can serve in a supportive role as communities work collaboratively to reduce substance misuse. Information about the other two webinars can be found here:   This is a 3-part webinar series. Register now for the upcoming sessions using the following links: Understanding and Implementing Selective Prevention Strategies, August 23, 2023, 9:30-11:00 AM CT Understanding and Implementing Indicated Prevention Strategies, August 31, 2023, 9:30-11:00 AM CT   LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Participants will be able to: Discuss the overall continuum of care and the role in which prevention plays throughout List prevention strategies that can be implemented in each portion of the continuum Identify how and who to connect with when working across the continuum of care   PRESENTER: Ashley Bodiford, MPH, MS, CSPS, ICP Ashley Bodiford, MPH, MS, CSPS, ICPS, is the Director of Prevention at LRADAC in which she develops, implements and maintains effective prevention services for Richland and Lexington counties in South Carolina. In her previous role at LRADAC, she served as the Alcohol Enforcement Team Coordinator in which she developed and implemented evidence-based programs to reduce underage drinking and impaired driving. Mrs. Bodiford has worked in the field of substance use prevention since 2010 and is skilled in universal, selective, and indicated prevention strategies. Mrs. Bodiford has served on the South Carolina Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates (SCAPPA) board for several years, and served as the organization’s president from 2018-2020. Mrs. Bodiford holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Developmental Psychology, a Master in Public Health and a Master in Human Services.   The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.  
Published: August 10, 2023
The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic (August 2023) Part 2: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip August 10, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will discuss evidence-based prevention interventions for addressing opioid use and review lessons learned from years of research on the epidemic. It will summarize use and overdose prevention best practices, including the role of harm reduction efforts beyond naloxone distribution. The webinar will also discuss strategies for polysubstance use prevention and the need for further studies. Additionally, it will overview the importance of collaboration and the ways key stakeholders can support opioid prevention efforts. Lastly, the webinar will provide a small group discussion peer learning opportunity for participants. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assess evidence-based and promising practices for preventing opioid use and overdoses. Describe opportunities for improving polysubstance use prevention. Compare strategies for expanding opioid prevention collaborative activities. Identify other lessons learned from the opioid epidemic. PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (TTA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of TTA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to TTA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.     Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.  
Published: August 10, 2023
Webinar This webinar occurred on 8/8/23 and a one-hour certificate of attendance is available here If you attended the live event on August 8, 2023. Webinar Resources: Slides. Webinar Presentation: Presentation. Certificate: A one-hour certificate of attendance is available here Summary: The webinar explored Cannabidiol (CBD) products are often marketed for a range of different health conditions; however, there is little evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of over-the-counter, non-FDA-approved CBD products for many of these uses. This webinar will highlight information presented in SAMHSA’s advisory titled, Cannabidiol (CBD) – Potential Harms, Side Effects, and Unknowns, which introduces readers to CBD, how it is derived, and how it differs from other cannabinoids and cannabis products. Participants will learn about the biological and physiological effects of CBD, the risks and harms of CBD use, which include interactions with other drugs and potential risks during pregnancy and fetal development, and common misconceptions about CBD, given its broad availability and marketing for several medical conditions despite limited evidence of efficacy. Panelists: Humberto Carvalho - SAMHSA Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Krishnan Radhakrishnan - SAMHSA National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Krishnan Radhakrishnan, MD, PhD, MPH, Physician, Senior Advisor in the National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory (NMHSUPL) within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is board certified in public health and general preventive medicine. Dr. Radhakrishnan has broad-based research experiences and published extensively in the clinical, epidemiological, biomedical, biological and physical sciences, supported by extensive computational modeling, data analysis, interpretation and synthesis. He received his BSc (Hons) from Imperial College London, MS from Cornell University and Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), all in Mechanical Engineering. After several years conducting research at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, focusing on mathematical/computational modeling of combustion, with applications in aero and space propulsion, Dr. Radhakrishnan returned to school, earning his M.D. degree from Case Western Reserve University and MPH from University of Kentucky, Lexington, where he received his residency training in general preventive medicine and public health and served as chief resident and American Cancer Society Fellow, focusing on cancer prevention and control. Amy Berninger, MPH - Abt Associates Health Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation Senior Associate Amy Berninger, MPH, has over 12 years of experience working on a variety of projects related to behavioral health policy that have largely focused on research design, implementation, and evaluation in the areas of substance use disorder prevention and treatment. At Abt Associates, she works on both federal and state research projects for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and others. Through this work, Ms. Berninger has supported institutions with efforts to develop and implement policies and procedures that promote substance use prevention and improve capacity to provide effective treatment and recovery support services for individuals with substance use disorders. Ms. Berninger received her MPH in Epidemiology from Boston University School of Public Health.
Published: August 9, 2023
Print Media
Onboarding Roadmap Adapted from an onboarding document created by the New England PTTC, the South Southwest PTTC has developed a guide tailored for states, tribes, and communities in Region 6, which includes the 5 states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. This new guide is intended to supplement program-specific training and give an overview of the prevention field to start preventionists on the road to success. The content is not specific to any one funding source or program and can be used by new preventionist working in any federal, state, tribal, or locally funded prevention project.        
Published: August 9, 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION This training analyzes the co-occurring epidemic of substance misuse and suicide and discusses how to navigate and overcome the barriers that have impacted professionals in the field. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States across all age groups. Compared with the general population, individuals with alcohol dependence and persons who use drugs have a 10–14 times greater risk of death by suicide. Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording and the PowerPoint below. PowerPoint   PRESENTERS Jana Boocock, MSW is a Senior Prevention Specialist on the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) project. Jana’s primary experience includes managing the implementation of suicide and substance use prevention programming in South Dakota communities. Jana received her Master of Social Work in 2021 from Arizona State University and is a Certified Addiction Counselor and Certified Prevention Specialist. In addition to her state and community led prevention experience, Jana also has experience working with youth and adults experiencing behavioral health disorders within the community.   Derrick Newby is a Certified Prevention Consultant who has worked in the field of prevention and public health since 1998. He served as the program coordinator with MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training for five years, helping to facilitate the growth of the prevention system. Mr. Newby is a training and technical assistance (T/TA) specialist for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSW PTTC). He has also served on the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board since 2020. Mr. Newby earned his Masters of Public Administration from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock in 2004.        
Published: August 9, 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION The product release of the Prevention Specialist Onboarding Roadmap webinar walks through the guide and discusses the importance of using an onboarding tool and how leaders can support new professionals entering the field of prevention. Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording and the Onboarding Roadmap and PowerPoint below. Onboarding Roadmap PowerPoint   PRESENTERS Derrick Newby began his work in prevention in 1997 after working as a veteran's counselor and advocate. Mr. Newby was drawn to the field of prevention in hopes of educating fellow veterans impacted by trauma about the impact of HIV and substance misuse to reduce the potential for negative future consequences.    For the past twenty years, Derrick has continued to work in the private and public sectors in fields affecting public health, family enrichment, community development, and prevention. He is currently serving as a T/TA Specialist with the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC HHS Region 6).   Sheila Boswell serves as the evaluation and design coordinator for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSW PTTC). She writes, designs, and analyzes data for training and technical assistance (T/TA) reports and helps publicize services to optimize client relationships, engagement, and success with the center’s grant opportunities and T/TA. Her work plays a vital role in providing high- impact services to the prevention workforce, emerging prevention professionals, organizations, and community prevention stakeholders. During her ten years at the University of Oklahoma, Ms. Boswell has worked as an evaluator for state and federal programs that concentrate on mental health and substance misuse prevention. She communicates evaluation findings using graphics and data visualizations to inform decision-making. Through collaboration with her SSW PTTC team and partners, she focuses on creating deliverables that include the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a positive message to achieve successful program outcomes.          
Published: August 9, 2023
The Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center is excited to announce the 3rd episode of our weekly podcast: Walking in Wellness. This series is dedicated to empowering prevention professionals like you with the mindset and skill set necessary to prioritize wellness...every day. This weekly podcast can be accessed via Soundcloud or Spotify. Be sure to follow or subscribe to have episodes delivered weekly!   
Published: August 9, 2023
The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic (August 2023) Part 1: The Current Landscape of Opioid Use and Consequences Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip August 8, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide a broad overview of current opioid use and related trends in SAMHSA Region 3 and nationwide. It will review changes in use and consequences, and ongoing shifts in substance preferences— particularly the expanded use of fentanyl. Data on xylazine use are limited, but available information will also be shared. The webinar will also discuss the increasing frequency of polysubstance use involving opioids. It will review the different types of substances used—intentionally or unintentionally— with opioids, including xylazine, stimulants, and cannabis, and the extent to which this use occurs. Lastly, the webinar will review the latest research on the social determinants of health and other risk and protective factors impacting the opioid epidemic. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Describe the latest opioid use and trend data.   - Identify the scope of opioid overdoses and the most impacted populations.   - Evaluate the latest information on polysubstance use and types of substances being used together.   - Assess the research on opioid-related risk and protective factors. PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (TTA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of TTA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to TTA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.     Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.  
Published: August 8, 2023
  Webinar Description Creating a personal professional development plan can seem challenging, whether it’s finding time within our schedules or balancing family obligations, deciding which trainings to select, or overcoming difficulties and finding the motivation to continue. In this webinar we looked at the benefits of creating and regularly reviewing a professional development plan and examined the key components to include in creating professional development plans, including:   · Revisiting personal professional development goals and strategies considered or started · Assessing and identifying successes and challenges in personal development plans · Exploring strategies to overcome professional development challenges · Exploring potential career pathways and approaches to a career in prevention · Developing a personal 6-month professional development plan   Presenter Carol Oliver is a nationally recognized leader and trainer in substance misuse prevention. She has expertise in knowledge translation, instructional design, and strategic planning. She specializes in developing systems to solve complex health-related problems and creating effective behavioral health workforces. Nicole M. Augustine is a passionate prevention thought leader, dedicated to using innovative strategies to strengthen communities, address health inequities, and drive change. An experienced training and technical assistance (TA) specialist, she specializes in integrating equity throughout the strategic prevention framework. Nicole is a Certified Substance Use Prevention Consultant and a Master Certified Health Education Specialist. She is the author of Prevention Specialist Exam Study Guide (Routledge), a book that helps readers understand the competencies and knowledge necessary to become a certified prevention specialist.   Additional Resources  Flyer  PowerPoint  Handout
Published: August 8, 2023
  Webinar Description This training will reviewed how Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is diagnosed and its associated effects on the body and long-term impacts on opioid users. Discussion included a review of cognitive impairment, compulsivity factors, risk factors, and physical dependence for OUD, which may have implications for screening and treatment. The stigma associated with opioid use and prevention strategies were also covered.   Presenter Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.    Additional Resources  Flyer  PowerPoint Supplemental Resource 
Published: August 6, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The August 2023 issue honors International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31), opioid overdose prevention training on HealtheKnowledge, and the newest NIATx in New Places series blog post written by Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA.  And as always, you will find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!      
Published: August 3, 2023
  The Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center is excited to announce the first 2 episodes of our weekly podcast: Walking in Wellness. This series is dedicated to empowering prevention professionals like you with the mindset and skill set necessary to prioritize wellness...every day. This weekly podcast can be accessed via Soundcloud or Spotify. Be sure to follow or subscribe to have episodes delivered weekly!   
Published: August 2, 2023
Christa Shifflett from Warren County, Virginia where she serves as Executive Director of the Warren Coalition. Over the past four years she and her staff have been developing a layered, intricate approach to developing community resilience.  The foundation of this work is  the ACE’s - Adverse Childhood Experiences.  I met up with Christa at the 2023 CADCA Mid-Year, following her presentation Connection and Resilience vs. Aces and Isolation – The Battle for Healthy Communities. Learn more about the Warren Coalition: The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) improves treatment and services for children, adolescents, and families who have experienced traumatic events. You’ll find a link for this resource in the show notes or visit  Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have a tremendous impact on future violence, victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a website dedicated to helping you better understand. You’ll find a link for this resource in the show notes or visit
Published: August 2, 2023
Online Course
Health equity matters in prevention and has always mattered. It is and should always be at the core of everything we do. This means understanding the role of structural and institutional inequality in creating disparities. With health equity in the front of mind we can ensure that we are providing the best prevention interventions possible to meet community needs. Take this course to uncover why health equity matters and how we can prioritize equity in action. The course consists of an interactive content module and a completion quiz. It is estimated that the course may take up to 2 hours to complete. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: August 1, 2023
Online Course
Harm reduction is increasingly emphasized as an important approach when working across the continuum of care. While many in the prevention field remain focused on primary prevention, opportunities exist for preventionists to support and augment local harm reduction efforts. This online course focuses on steps prevention practitioners can take to support harm reduction efforts, including promoting community readiness, addressing stigma, and linking harm reduction to more traditional “upstream” prevention efforts. The course consists of an interactive content module and a completion quiz. It is estimated that the course may take up to 2 hours to complete. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: August 1, 2023
Online Course
As we plan and work toward improving the overall wellness of the communities we serve, it is important that we understand the social determinants of health (SDOH). The SDOH are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Understanding SDOH and how prevention work intersects with them is essential to providing a comprehensive approach in your community. In this course you will have the opportunity to examine the SDOH and how prevention professionals can use this framework in developing innovative prevention strategies and build partnerships across multiple disciplines in your community. The course consists of an interactive content module and a completion quiz. It is estimated that the course may take up to 1 hour to complete. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: August 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: August 1, 2023
RECORDING: Working Together: Understanding How Community Coalitions Can Partner with College Campus Prevention   DESCRIPTION:  This webinar will provide insight and tips on how your community coalitions can work with the higher education campuses in your community. These partnerships are essential for effective prevention and to support and enhance each other’s prevention efforts. In the webinar, we will discuss common challenges to working together, including working around academic calendars, understanding and partnering with administrative hierarchies, dealing with changing student populations, and responding to shifting priorities of the college/university leadership. Effective collaboration can bring the community together and ultimately help both partners to achieve their shared and individual outcomes, creating a stronger and healthier community.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Participants will be able to: Describe how to identify and build relationships with campus-based stakeholders Recognize current trends in higher education that provide an entry point for collaboration Discuss ways community coalitions and campus partners can work together toward shared prevention outcomes List strategies for and building sustainable year-round partnerships   PRESENTER:  Sally Linowski, PhD, CHES Sally Linowski, PhD, CHES, has 30 years of experience in substance use prevention, community building and teaching in higher education. She serves as a consultant to campuses nationally on the strategic implementation of comprehensive prevention programs, including extensive experience ensuring compliance with federal mandates and planning and implementing individual and environmental prevention approaches. She has expertise in building meaningful campus and town partnerships and engaging students in addressing off campus student concerns as peer leaders. Sally is the founder and past co-chair of the Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High Risk Drinking at UMass Amherst. Sally has had various leadership roles including Associate Director of University Health Services, Director of the Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, Associate Dean of Students, and Senior Director, Off Campus Student Life and Community Engagement at UMass Amherst, where she oversaw the Off Campus Student Center, Sorority and Fraternity Life, and Student Parent Programs. Sally is currently a Lecturer in Health Promotion and Policy at UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences, and founder/co-chair of the Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High Risk Drinking.
Published: July 27, 2023
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