Products and Resources Catalog

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Prevention is a public health strategy has been implemented for centuries. Whether to reduce the spread of disease or to mitigate the use of substances, educating the public on the dangers and potential negative outcomes of risky behaviors has become a mainstay of preventative actions. Educating the general public about health prevention is complex. Within society are cultures and subcultures with their own values, systems of belief, education levels, cultural traditions, and socioeconomic statuses. Additionally, demographics concerning age, racial identity, access to healthy food and healthcare, quality of available education, safe neighborhoods, and affordable housing also factor into prevention-oriented messaging. In short, blanketed, one-size-fits-all prevention strategies often fall short of expected outcomes. 
Published: July 6, 2023
Print Media
  The Technology Transfer Centers: Dissemination and Implementation Working Group, composed of representatives across the ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, developed two infographics for the most common intensive technical assistance strategies used to help states, organizations, and front-line providers implement evidence-based services.   The three strategies are: Learning Collaboratives External Facilitation NIATx Organizational Change Model   These are two of many technical assistance strategies offered and deployed across the TTC Network. Additional infographics simply describing other strategies for consumers are in the planning stages. User-friendly infographics are expected to assist decision-makers in making more informed selections about the kinds of assistance or support they need.   Access the infographics by clicking on the Green "Download" button above and selecting between the two options.
Published: July 5, 2023
Print Media
Responsible Marketing Practices Resources for Prevention Specialists Guidelines for Responsible Marketing Practices Responsible marketing practices for prevention specialists are essential for promoting accurate information, maintaining ethical standards, and safeguarding public health. Below are guidelines designed for practitioners who communicate to families, educators, and stakeholders who care about how health messages are communicated in social media and other outreach efforts. Click here to download the NW PTTC Handout for Responsible Marketing Practices. *Note the term “marketing practices” encompasses the outreach or communication practices you may use in your roles as prevention practitioners.   Additional Resources and Webinars: Media in Prevention Webinar 1: Social Media Best Practices Media in Prevention Webinar 2: Media Literacy as a Practical and Transferrable Skill Media in Prevention Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention
Published: July 5, 2023
Print Media
  Media Literacy Resources From the PTTC Network All media literacy skills can be used across topics, but these resources have been organized based on the primary way media literacy is applied by the source. Click here to download the Media Literacy Resources Handout.   Additional Resources and Webinars: Media in Prevention Webinar 1: Social Media Best Practices Media in Prevention Webinar 2: Media Literacy as a Practical and Transferrable Skill Media in Prevention Webinar 3: Using Media in Substance Misuse Prevention  
Published: July 5, 2023
Print Media
  Use the attached fillable PDF to help develop your "why" and think of ways you can share it.     
Published: June 20, 2023
Print Media
The fact sheet was developed to inform individuals, parents, professionals, and providers of the intersection between Serious Mental Illness (SMI) & Substance Use Disorder (SUD) among Hispanic/Latino populations in the US. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español - Enfermedades Mentales Graves (EMG) y Trastornos Por Uso de Sustancias (SUD) Entre las Comunidades Hispana y Latina La hoja informativa fue desarrollada para informar alas personas, padres, profesionales y proveedores de la intersección entre la Enfermedad Mental Grave (EMG) y el Trastorno por Uso de Sustancias (TUS) en las poblaciones Hispanas/Latinas de los EE.UU. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 9, 2023
Print Media
This handout covers the emerging drug, Xylazine, and provides key concerns as well as suggested actions for prevention and treatment professionals. *Handout was originally published April 27, 2023 and was revised June 5, 2023
Published: June 5, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on child abuse, types of abuse, warning signs, the impact on Hispanic/Latino families and immigrants, and more. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Comprender y Prevenirel Abuso Infantil (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre abuso infantil, tipos de abuso, señales de advertencia, el impacto en familias hispanas/latinas e inmigrantes, y más. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about the intersectionality between the criminal justice system, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latin communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. La Población Hispana y Latina y el Sistema de Justicia Penal (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre la interseccionalidad entre el sistema de justicia penal, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members about transitional-aged youth (TAY) and the intersectionality between TAY, mental health, substance use, and Hispanic/Latino communities. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources and action and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Jóvenes en Edad de Transición (Español) Este mini libro electrónico ha sido elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los(as) profesionistas de la prevención, alos(as) proveedores(as) y a los(as) miembros(as) de la comunidad sobre jóvenes en edad de transición (TAY) y la interseccionalidad entre TAY, salud mental, uso de sustancias y comunidades hispanas/latinas. Al final del documento, se incluyen los recursos obtenidos defuentes confiables, así como consejos para la acción y la prevención, con el fin de apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema.Esperamos que este recurso le resulte útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas.
Published: June 2, 2023
Print Media
This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by the NHL ATTC Co-Director, celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. Elisabeth Stelson discusses a Vicarious Trauma research study. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue 01 Dicho of the Quarter 02 A Reflection by Our NHL ATTC Co-Director 03 Article by Elisabeth Stelson, MSW, LSW, MPH (Ph.D. Candidate) 05 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 06 Media Corner 07 Staff Contact Information Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Co-Directora del NHL ATTC, celebrando el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental. Elisabeth Stelson habla sobre un estudio de investigación sobre trauma vicario. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. EN ESTA EDICION 01 El “Dicho” del Trimestre 02 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Co-Directora del NHL-ATTC 03 Artículo de Elisabeth Stelson, MSW,LSW, MPH (Candidata al Doctorado) 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones 06 Rincón de los Medios 07 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: May 30, 2023
Print Media
Strategic communication has the power to catalyze key audiences by informing their thoughts, conversations, and actions surrounding prevention efforts. As prevention professionals, our communication seeks to elevate non-stigmatizing, person-first, research-based prevention science messages which change negative perspectives and incorrect narratives. In the supplemental product from our, Harnessing the Power of Communication to Promote Your Prevention Message-Part 1 Session, you will find a variety of resources to assist you in the communication of your prevention messaging. The Northeast & Caribbean PTTC would like to thank Kimberly Elliott, Communications Director at Education Development Center, for her role in identifying and vetting these resources. Communications and Storytelling Resource List from the Northeast & Caribbean PTTC Training 
Published: May 22, 2023
Print Media
Use of the veterinary drug xylazine is having a profound impact on the health of those who use illicit substances across the United States. Originally developed by the pharmaceutical company Bayer in 1962 as a large animal sedative containing a muscle relaxant with analgesic properties, xylazine was never intended for human consumption and therefore identified as a non-classified drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), requiring only a veterinarian’s prescription. In humans, xylazine acts on the central nervous system and may cause drowsiness, slowed breathing, decreased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, and even amnesia. So when did this veterinary drug enter into the street drug supply chain, and how did it get there?
Published: May 1, 2023
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino PTTC are excited to announce the translation of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework guide from English to Spanish. The original English and translated Spanish versions are available to download.
Published: April 27, 2023
Print Media
This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, celebrating Women’s History Month. The National Hispanic Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program's project manager recently had a training that provided a brief presentation about the leadership program, shared  some of the highlights of the program and its outcomes regarding strengthening the Hispanic and Latino behavioral health workforce and growing our own. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue 01 Dicho of the Quarter 02 A Reflection by Our Director 03 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations 04 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program 05 Media Corner 06 Staff Contact Information Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Directora de Programas, celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer. El gerente de proyecto del Programa Nacional de Becas y Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano Latino recientemente brindó una breve presentación sobre el programa de liderazgo, compartió algunos de los aspectos más destacados del programa y sus resultados con respecto al fortalecimiento de la fuerza laboral de salud mental hispana y latina y el crecimiento de la nuestra. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. 01 El Dicho del Trimestre 02 Reflexion de Nuestra Directora 03 Hechos destacados del Trimestre y Celebraciones 04 Programa Nacional de Liderazgo y Becas para Ejecutivos Hispanos y Latinos 05 Rincón de los Medios 06 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: April 7, 2023
Print Media
/*-->*/ /*--> Women’s use and misuse of substances create unique challenges, especially in treatment and recovery from opioids. Medical research on substance use by women, along with other health-related concerns, is largely lacking, especially research specific to women and their physiological differences and tolerance of substances to that of men.
Published: April 1, 2023
Print Media
The International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual observance designed to celebrate accomplishments of transgender and gender non-conforming people while also acknowledging the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice. Trans and non-binary individuals are facing significant political attacks in legislation as well as fatal violence, especially against Black and trans women of color. We also acknowledge that, prior to European colonization, Indigenous cultures often were uplifting of Two-Spirit people and viewed them as sacred. We aim to dismantle colonial views of gender. Today and every day, we celebrate trans and non-binary people and stand firm against disinformation, discrimination, and hate impacting the community.   Download the flyer to learn how you can support Trans and Gender Nonconforming people.
Published: March 27, 2023
Print Media
Women and Alcohol:  Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World While alcohol drinking rates and alcohol-related deaths have been on the rise for women over the past couple of decades, the COVID-19 pandemic created a perfect storm for increased alcohol availability and drinking to cope. The Women and Alcohol:  Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World data brief, provides context for why problem drinking is increasing in prevalence among women. It also compares national data to HHS Region 6 states' data (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas), and explores strategies for addressing the problem. Select the download button above to access the Women and Alcohol:  Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World data brief. Watch the Women and Alcohol Lunch and Learn to hear a discussion about the brief.        
Published: March 20, 2023
Print Media
The Mountain Plains PTTC developed the following infographic to help prevention professionals, healthcare providers, educators, and parents understand the importance of sleep during adolescence. Sufficient sleep during adolescence is prevention.   
Published: March 7, 2023
Print Media
Tribal communities often are highly distrustful of research due to experiences with unethical practices, stereotyping, discrimination, stigmatization, failure to share benefits from research with their communities, and lack of respect for culture and beliefs. This pocket guide provides information on tribal sovereignty and appropriate steps prevention specialists and researchers should take when working with tribal communities.    
Published: February 24, 2023
Print Media
Fentanyl is a powerful opioid analgesic – up to 100 times more potent than morphine. Although it may be legally prescribed to manage extreme pain, illicit use has increased dramatically since 2014. This product summarizes the scope and impact of fentanyl in the Central East region. It also provides recommendations for prevention and addiction professionals to help address the use and consequences of fentanyl, along with links to other resources to learn more.
Published: February 21, 2023
Print Media
While building protection for all our young people is a common and aspirational goal for many from diverse walks of life, schools present a unique opportunity and challenge for doing so. This report describes a set of simple yet powerful practices that, when used consistently by teachers, can enhance middle school student agency and build student success skills. This report summarizes these activities and aligns the evidence-based practices to the components of the Social Development Strategy, a strategy for enhancing daily interactions with young people that have been proven to have far-reaching positive effects on their development.
Published: February 10, 2023
Print Media
Product Description  The following resources define stigma as negative attitudes or discrimination against individuals or groups based on a particular characteristic, associated with substance use disorders (SUDs), as well as other physical, mental, and behavioral health conditions. The information sheets provide tips on how to prevent, understand, and recognize stigma, in addition to highlighting reduction strategies and additional online resources.   For your convenience, one information sheet includes the types of stigma (self-stigma, public stigma, and structural stigma), in addition to the information outline above.   Resources  Stigma Information Sheet Stigma Information Sheet with Type Definitions
Published: February 6, 2023
Print Media
This product was developed as a handout to be shared with people unfamiliar with the substance use prevention field. It is intended to be an informational tool, summarizing what prevention is and why it is important. The product describes the prevention framework and the core principles that guide prevention efforts. It also provides key facts illustrating the scope of substance use issues in the United States and the value of prevention. It also describes the many forms that prevention can take.
Published: February 6, 2023
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