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Native storytelling is a time-honored way of teaching life lessons and handing down cultural and traditional knowledge, beliefs, ethics, and relationships with nature and other people. Characters in Native stories exemplify both "good" traits like courage and integrity and undesirable traits like duplicity and compulsive or addictive behavior. Winter is traditionally the time to tell stories. Download our Storytelling Resource document here.
Published: December 30, 2022
Print Media
*Also Available in Spanish!* This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, highlighting some of our accomplishments of the year and the 2022 National Latino Behavioral Health conference. Our Executive director wrote an article bringing awareness on Achieving Latino Behavioral Health Equity in America. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA Highlights Page 04 Highlighting the experts Page 05 Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 06 Article by Dr. Richard Cervantes, PhD Page 07 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 10 Media Corner Page 12 Staff Contact information Page 13 [Español] Cimentando Las Bases Para un Año Saludable y de Buena Cosecha Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestro Director de Programa, destacando algunos de nuestros logros del año y la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Conductual Latina de 2022. Nuestro director ejecutivo escribió un artículo para generar conciencia sobre Lograr la Equidad en la Salud Mental de los Latinos en América. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.   ESTA EDICION El “Dicho” del Trimestre Página 01 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Directora Página 02 Puntos Destacados de NLBHA Página 04 Destacando a los Expertos Página 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones Página 06 Artículo por el Dr. Richard Cervantes Página 07 Programa Nacional de LiderazgoyBecas para Ejecutivos Hispanos Latinos Página 10 Rincón de los Medios Página 12 Información de Contacto del Personal Página 13  
Published: December 21, 2022
Print Media
Watch the 8-Part Companion Video Series - Available Now on Campus Drug Prevention The Guide to the Eight Professional Competencies for Higher Education Substance Misuse Prevention (Professional Competencies Guide) was designed to promote enhanced professional skills and ultimately significantly impact college students' decisions surrounding drugs and alcohol. This work was developed through the Mid-America PTTC, in partnership with David S. Anderson, PH.D. and a planning body of subject matter experts in the field of substance use prevention on college campuses. The Guide provides a broad understanding of the range of skills necessary for orchestrating comprehensive campus prevention efforts. The resulting compilation organizes competencies within eight core areas; further, it provides specific resources helpful for each of these areas and for overall professional development. As a whole, this Professional Competencies Guide provides a current framework that helps campus leaders and dedicated professionals move things forward, to work more efficiently, and to be more effective. Prevention Science Drugs and Alcohol Strategic Planning Needs Assessment, Evaluation and Research Program Management Policy and Environmental Strategies Leadership Communication and Advocacy The aim with this Professional Competencies Guide is to increase efficiencies and effectiveness with substance misuse prevention. Through the continued growth and learning embodied by these competencies, our campuses become better equipped to promote healthy living and learning environments. The Mid-America PTTC would like to thank Dr. Anderson and his team for their dedication to this initiative, which started from an idea that Dave Closson had during his tenure at Mid-America. Download the Professional Competencies Guide   View the web-series DEA Campus Drug Prevention  
Published: November 28, 2022
Print Media
The National American Indian and Alaska Native PTTC has published its most recent newsletter. The theme for this issue is Addressing Stigma and SUDs.  This issue focuses on the negative impact stigma has on Natives in the early phases of development of a substance use disorder. People in this situation could profit from early intervention but may feel embarrassed because of the stigma associated with substance use/abuse. The main article describes ways to ensure that culturally appropriate prevention efforts are both trauma-informed and non-stigmatizing.
Published: November 15, 2022
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Social Wellness fact sheet
Published: November 9, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, this fact sheet serves as a resource for prevention professionals to understand the adaptation of prevention interventions, why it's essential, and what it can look like. The fact sheet also contains links to additional resources prevention professionals can use to learn about this complex topic.  
Published: November 8, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: CONNECTIONS: HONORING CULTURE AND EMBRACING CHANGE This issue will bring awareness to the National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Suicide Prevention Week. Our Executive Director, Mr. Fred Sandoval shared more details about the work NLBHA is doing in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We are also providing more details about our upcoming National Latino Behavioral Health Conference. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA and AFSP: National Suicide Prevention Week Awareness Page 03 Story time: meet our team member, Ana L. Chavez-Mancillas, MSW Page 06 Highlighting the experts, Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 07 Article by Eva Moya, PhD Page 08 Media Corner Page 10 Conference Highlights Page 11 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 12 Community Campaigns: National Suicide Prevention Week, National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month Page 10 Staff Contact information Page 15  
Published: September 2, 2022
Print Media
This mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), types of abuse, warning signs, the impact on Latino families and immigrants, and more. At the end of the document, you will find resources from trusted sources, action, and prevention tips to better support our communities on the issue. We hope this resource is useful for you and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español Este mini libro electrónico fue desarrollado para proporcionar información y recursos a los profesionales de la prevención, los proveedores y los miembros de la comunidad sobre la violencia doméstica (VD), la violencia de pareja íntima (VPI), los tipos de abuso, las señales de advertencia, el impacto en las familias latinas e inmigrantes, y otros. Al final del documento, encontrará recursos de fuentes fiables y consejos de acción y prevención para apoyar mejor a nuestras comunidades en este tema. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y que pueda compartir la información con sus familiares, amigos y colegas. Português Este mini e-book foi desenvolvido para fornecer informações e recursos para profissionais de prevenção, provedores e membros da comunidade sobre Violência Doméstica (VD), Violência entre Parceiros Íntimos (VPI), tipos de abuso, sinais de alerta, impacto nas famílias e imigrantes latinos, e mais. No final do documento, você encontrará recursos de fontes confiáveis, dicas de ação e prevenção para melhor apoiar nossas comunidades sobre o assunto. Esperamos que este recurso seja útil para você e esperamos que você possa compartilhar as informações com sua família, amigos e colegas.
Published: September 2, 2022
Print Media
While Hispanic and Latino cultures are very similar, there are also many differences that exist related to grief and loss regardless of the country or region of origin. Grief can be expressed differently based on a variety of factors, including age, gender, regional practices, and religion or spirituality. Please use this factsheet for more information on how grief and loss affects the Hispanic and Latino community with resources for more information. Español Si bien las culturas hispanas y latinas son muy similares, también existen muchas diferencias relacionadas con el duelo y la pérdida, independientemente del país o la región de origen. El duelo puede expresarse de forma diferente en función de diversos factores, como la edad, el género, las prácticas regionales y la religión o la espiritualidad. Utilice esta hoja educativa para obtener más información sobre cómo el duelo y la pérdida afectan a la comunidad Hispana y Latina con recursos para obtener más información. Português Embora as culturas hispânicas e latinas sejam muito semelhantes, há também muitas diferenças relacionadas ao luto e à perda, independentemente do país ou região de origem. O luto pode ser expresso de forma diferente com base em uma variedade de fatores, incluindo idade, sexo, práticas regionais e religião ou espiritualidade. Por favor, use este folheto educativo para obter mais informações sobre como o luto e a perda afetam a comunidade hispânica e latina com recursos para obter mais recursos.
Published: September 2, 2022
Print Media
Download the Summer 2022 PTTC Newsletter here
Published: July 25, 2022
Print Media
  List of resources on Cannabis developed by the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth English: Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth Portuguese: Conscientização sobre o uso de cannabis entre os jovens   Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth Factsheet English: Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth Factsheet Spanish: Portuguese:     Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults Factsheet English: Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults Factsheet Spanish: Portuguese:     Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutions (Webinar) English: Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutions     The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences (Webinar) English: The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences     Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Considerations about Prevention and Public Policies (Webinar) English: Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Considerations about Prevention and Public Policies Spanish: Fumar y Vapear en las Américas: Consideraciones Sobre Prevención y Políticas Públicas Portuguese: FACTSHEET: Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention English: Smoking and vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention Spanish: Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención Portuguese: Fumando e vaporizando nas Américas: Considerações sobre Prevenção e Políticas Públicas List of resources on Cannabis developed by the PTTC Network Marijuana Facts Vs Myths English: Marijuana Facts Vs Myths Spanish: Mitos Y Realidades De La Marihuana Portuguese: Mitos E Verdades Sobre A Maconha   Marijuana Science Education English: Marijuana Facts Vs Myths Spanish: El Cannabis Y El Cerebro Adolescente Portuguese: Cannabis e o Cérebro do Adolescente   Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine English: Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine Spanish: Cannabis en los Estados Unidos: Un kit de herramientas para no ciudadanos en Maine Portuguese: Canábis nos Estados Unidos: Um Conjunto de Ferramentas para Não Cidadãos do Maine Available in 6 other languages: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping English: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping     Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners English: 3-Part Series: Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners     Microlearning Toolkit in English English: Microlearning Toolkit: Cannabis Prevention 101     Focus on Cannabis Prevention English: Focus on Cannabis Prevention     List of resources on Cannabis developed by SAMHSA Know the Risks of Marijuana English: Know the Risks of Marijuana     Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia Resources English: Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia Resources     Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth English: Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth     Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana English: Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana     Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Spanish) Spanish: Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Spanish)     List of resources on Cannabis developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cannabis (Marijuana) English: Cannabis (Marijuana) Spanish: El Canabis (marihuana)   List of resources on Cannabis developed by the the Partnership to End Addiction Marijuana Talk Kit: Get practical information and guidance on talking with your child about marijuana. English: Marijuana Talk Kit for Parents and Caregivers Spanish: Kit de conversación sobre la Marihuana       Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de Marihuana Spanish: Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de Marihuana     Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults English: Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults     Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel. English: Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel   Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for Health Careprofessionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel. English: Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for Health Careprofessionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel  
Published: July 13, 2022
Print Media
This resource handout lists resources on the stigma available as of June 29, 2022, across the three Technology Transfer Center Networks. 
Published: July 11, 2022
Print Media
The mini e-book was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on the topic of suicide prevention, the impact in the Hispanic and Latino communities, specific data on suicide among Latino men and women, risk, and protective factors.  There is also information on the relationship between substance use and suicide, warning signs of suicide, tips for providers, family members, friends, and resources to better support our communities on the issue.  We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues.  Español Este minilibro electrónico fue elaborado para proporcionar información y recursos a los profesionales de la prevención, a los proveedores y a los miembros de la comunidad sobre el tema de la prevención del suicidio, el impacto en las comunidades hispanas y latinas, los datos específicos sobre el suicidio entre los hombres y mujeres latinos, el riesgo y los factores de protección. Asimismo, contiene información sobre la relación entre el uso indebido de sustancias y el suicidio, sobre las señales de advertencia del suicidio, los consejos a los proveedores, a los familiares y a los amigos, y también los recursos para brindar un mejor apoyo a nuestras comunidades sobre este tema. Confiamos en que este recurso le resulte útil y esperamos que pueda compartir la información con su familia, amigos y colegas. Português Este mini livro digital foi desenvolvido para fornecer informações e recursos para profissionais de prevenção, profissionais de saúde e membros da comunidade sobre o tema da prevenção do suicídio, o impacto nas comunidades hispânicas e latinas, dados específicos sobre suicídio entre homens e mulheres de origem latina, riscos e fatores de proteção. Contém também informações sobre a relação entre abuso de substâncias e suicídio, sinais de alerta de suicídio, dicas para profissionais, familiares, amigos e recursos para melhor apoiar nossas comunidades sobre o assunto. Esperamos que este material seja útil para você e que você possa compartilhar as informações com sua família, amigos e colegas.
Published: July 1, 2022
Print Media
  The fact sheet was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on the topic of Marijuana Prevention among Hispanic and Latino Adults, why is this an issue, how does marijuana use impact our communities overall. We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español La hoja informativa fue desarrollada para brindar información y recursos a profesionales de la prevención, proveedores y miembros de la comunidad sobre el tema de la Prevención de la Marihuana entre adultos Hispanos y Latinos, ¿por qué es un problema?, y cómo afecta el consumo de marihuana a nuestras comunidades en general. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir la información con su familia, amigos y colegas. Portuguese Este folheto educativo foi desenvolvido para fornecer informações e recursos para profissionais de prevenção, provedores e membros da comunidade sobre a prevenção do uso da Maconha entre Adultos Hispânicos e Latinos, os motivos pelos quais este é um problema, como o uso de cannabis afeta nossas comunidades no geral. Esperamos que este recurso seja útil para você e que você possa compartilhar as informações com sua família, amigos e colegas.  
Published: July 1, 2022
Print Media
  The fact sheet was developed to provide information and resources to prevention professionals, providers, and community members on the topic of Marijuana Prevention among Hispanic and Latino Youth, why is this an issue, how does marijuana use impact our communities, several factors that can impact our communities in relation to substance use such as COVID-19, the Social Determinants of Health, risk factors, mental health. We are also bringing the prevention perspective on how to enhance the protective factors to create healthier communities? We hope this resource is useful for you, and we hope you can share the information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Español La hoja informativa fue desarrollada para brindar información y recursos a profesionales de la prevención, proveedores y miembros de la comunidad sobre el tema de la Prevención de la Marihuana entre los jóvenes Hispanos y Latinos, ¿por qué es un problema?, cómo afecta el uso de la marihuana a nuestras comunidades, varios factores que pueden afectar nuestras comunidades con relación al uso de sustancias como el COVID-19, los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud, factores de riesgo y salud mental. También estamos trayendo la perspectiva de la prevención sobre cómo mejorar los factores de protección para crear comunidades más saludables. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir la información con su familia, amigos y colegas. Portuguese Este folheto educativo foi desenvolvido para fornecer informações e recursos para profissionais de prevenção, provedores e membros da comunidade sobre a prevenção do uso da Maconha entre a Juventude Hispânica, os motivos pelos quais este é um problema, como o uso de cannabis afeta nossas comunidades, diversos fatores que podem impactar as comunidades Latinas em relação a uso de substâncias como COVID-19, os determinantes sociais da saúde, fatores de risco, saúde mental. Esperamos que este recurso seja útil para você e que você possa compartilhar as informações com sua família, amigos e colegas. Esperamos que este recurso le sea útil y esperamos que pueda compartir la información con su familia, amigos y colegas.
Published: July 1, 2022
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC are proud to share this infographic, bringing awareness to Men's Health Month. Please take a look on this information that was carefully prepared by our centers and learn more about Hispanic Men's Health And Hispanic Men's Mental Health, the challenges, the strengths, risk and protective factors, cultural considerations, tips to live healthier and longer lives and several resources. We encourage you to share with your family, friends and colleagues. Thank you! Español Los Centros Nacionales Hispanos y Latinos ATTC y PTTC se enorgullecen de compartir esta infografía, creando conciencia sobre el Mes de la Salud del Hombre. Por favor lea esta información que fue preparada cuidadosamente por nuestros centros y aprenda más sobre la Salud de los Hombres Hispanos y la Salud Mental de los Hombres Hispanos, los desafíos, las fortalezas, los factores de riesgo y de protección, las consideraciones culturales, los consejos para vivir una vida más larga y saludable y varios recursos. Te animamos a compartir con tu familia, amigos y compañeros. ¡Gracias! Português Os Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino ATTC e PTTC têm o orgulho de compartilhar este infográfico, trazendo conscientização sobre o Mês da Saúde do Homem. Por favor, dê uma olhada nestas informações que foram cuidadosamente preparadas pelos nossos centros e saiba mais sobre Saúde do Homem Hispânico e Saúde Mental do Homem Hispânico, os desafios, pontos fortes, fatores de risco e proteção, considerações culturais, dicas para viver uma vida mais saudável mais longa e vários recursos. Nós encorajamos você a compartilhar com sua família, amigos e colegas.
Published: June 30, 2022
Print Media
The National American Indian and Alaska Native TTC developed four flyers for Pride Month. Four flyers: Ilona Verley, Susan Allen, Two Spirit, We'wha
Published: June 28, 2022
Print Media
The process of selecting prevention strategies that best fit the needs and assets, readiness, and capacity of a community begins with identifying evidence-based interventions, as catalogued in registries or databases of evidence-based programs, policies, and interventions. To support the efforts of Prevention Professionals to identify and select best-fitting strategies, the Northeast & Caribbean PTTC has developed this guide to using Evidence-based resource registries. Click here to download the resource.
Published: June 23, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, in partnership with Chase Brexton's Center for LGBTQ Health Equity, this fact sheet is intended to provide an overview of the unique unmet needs of Youth of Color. Included are recent trends in the data as well as effective therapeutic approaches for prevention and mental health professionals.                
Published: June 14, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, this fact sheet serves as a resource for prevention professionals to understand stigma, it's effects on persons who misuse substances, the causes of stigma, ways to address stigma, and what prevention professionals can do. Linked in this digital fact sheet are a number of additional resources.                  
Published: June 13, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: Planting Seeds of Love, Light and Respect to Harvest Equity This issue celebrates Pride month and we are celebrating the diversity, beauty, resilience of and contributions by our LGBTQAI2S+ community members. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, NLBHA’s upcoming events and projects, and more.   In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 1 A reflection by our Program Director Page 2 Story time: meet our team member, Christina Page 3 Highlighting the experts Quarterly Highlights Celebrations Page 4 NLBHA Highlights Page 5 Article by Luis Cornejo MS, LMFT Page 6 Media Corner Page 8 Staff Contact information Page 9   Español: Esta Publicación: Plantando Semillas de Amor, Luz y Respeto Para Cosechar Equidad   Português: Esta Edição: Plantando Sementes de Amor, Luz e Respeito Para Colher Equidade
Published: June 3, 2022
Print Media
New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Annual Report Brief: Year Three   Substance use and mental health have been heavily affected in the last two years by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The region has observed loosened laws related to alcohol and marijuana as well as increased consumption of substances and increased prevalence of mental health and stress disorders. With national outcries for diversity, inclusion and improved mental health services coinciding with changes in federal funding, staff shortages, and recruiting struggles, the prevention workforce has faced some seemingly insurmountable obstacles. However, the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (New England PTTC) has not only continued to engage the workforce and use their feedback to make data-driven decisions for programming but has continually expanded service offerings and opportunities to propel the New England workforce into 21st century prevention. In October 2018, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc. (AdCare Maine) the five-year cooperative agreement for the New England PTTC. In turn, AdCare Maine contracted with the Co-occurring Collaborative Serving Maine (CCSME) to provide program support and distance learning. AdCare Maine also contracted with Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG), an external evaluator, to conduct an initial needs assessment regarding training and technical assistance (T/TA) for prevention professionals and to support the project with ongoing quarterly and annual reporting for the grant.   The New England PTTC had three goals for Year Three, to: Develop trainings and educational opportunities for current prevention professionals Disseminate tools and strategies needed to improve the quality of substance use prevention efforts, and Provide intensive technical assistance and learning resources to the greater prevention community.   This brief reflects the efforts of the New England PTTC in Year Three of the grant, i.e., between September 30, 2020, and September 29, 2021, as well as a follow-up to the initial needs assessment.
Published: May 17, 2022
Print Media
Year in Review Summary Document for National AI/AN PTTC (October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021)
Published: May 9, 2022
Print Media
  This fact sheet describes the relationship between bisexual women and substance misuse. It includes an overview of the bisexual health disparities, the "bisexual umbrella", and myths and microagressions. Use the download link to obtain and share this fact sheet.  
Published: April 27, 2022
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