Resources on Cannabis


List of resources on Cannabis developed by the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center

Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth

Awareness about Cannabis among youthEnglish: Awareness about Cannabis Use among youth
Portuguese: Conscientização sobre o uso de cannabis entre os jovens


Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth Factsheet

Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth FactsheetEnglish: Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Youth Factsheet



Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults Factsheet

Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults FactsheetEnglish: Marijuana Prevention Among Hispanic And Latino Adults Factsheet



Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutions (Webinar)

Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutionsEnglish: Vaping 101: and Latino Youth: Devices, risks, prevention efforts, and solutions



The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences (Webinar)

The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences English: The Reality of Legal Marijuana and Hispanic Latino Youth. Myths, Truths, Consequences



Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Considerations about Prevention and Public Policies (Webinar)

Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention English: Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Considerations about Prevention and Public Policies
Spanish: Fumar y Vapear en las Américas: Consideraciones Sobre Prevención y Políticas Públicas

FACTSHEET: Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention

Factsheet Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention English: Smoking and vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention
Spanish: Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención
Portuguese: Fumando e vaporizando nas Américas: Considerações sobre Prevenção e Políticas Públicas

List of resources on Cannabis developed by the PTTC Network

Marijuana Facts Vs Myths

Marijuana Facts Vs MythsEnglish: Marijuana Facts Vs Myths
Spanish: Mitos Y Realidades De La Marihuana
Portuguese: Mitos E Verdades Sobre A Maconha


Marijuana Science Education

Marijuana and the BrainEnglish: Marijuana Facts Vs Myths
Spanish: El Cannabis Y El Cerebro Adolescente
Portuguese: Cannabis e o Cérebro do Adolescente


Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine

Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine English: Cannabis in the United States: A Toolkit for non-citizens in Maine
Spanish: Cannabis en los Estados Unidos: Un kit de herramientas para no ciudadanos en Maine
Portuguese: Canábis nos Estados Unidos: Um Conjunto de Ferramentas para Não Cidadãos do Maine
Available in 6 other languages:

Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping

Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on VapingEnglish: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping



Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners

Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners  English: 3-Part Series: Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners



Microlearning Toolkit in English

Microlearning Toolkit in English English: Microlearning Toolkit: Cannabis Prevention 101



Focus on Cannabis Prevention

Focus on Cannabis Prevention English: Focus on Cannabis Prevention



List of resources on Cannabis developed by SAMHSA

Know the Risks of Marijuana

Know the Risks of MarijuanaEnglish: Know the Risks of Marijuana



Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia Resources

Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia ResourcesEnglish: Know the Risks of Marijuana: Multimedia Resources



Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth

Preventing Marijuana Use Among YouthEnglish: Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth



Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana

Tips for Teens: The Truth About MarijuanaEnglish: Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana



Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Spanish)

Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Spanish)Spanish: Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Spanish)



List of resources on Cannabis developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Cannabis (Marijuana)

Cannabis (Marijuana)English: Cannabis (Marijuana)
Spanish: El Canabis (marihuana)


List of resources on Cannabis developed by the the Partnership to End Addiction

Marijuana Talk Kit: Get practical information and guidance on talking with your child about marijuana.

Marijuana Talk Kit: Get practical information and guidance on talking with your child about marijuana.English: Marijuana Talk Kit for Parents and Caregivers
Spanish: Kit de conversación sobre la Marihuana




Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de Marihuana

Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de MarihuanaSpanish: Cómo Hablar Sobre el Uso de Marihuana



Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults

Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young AdultsEnglish: Prevention & Early Action Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults



Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel.

Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and DoMarijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel.English: Marijuana: What School Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for school professionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel


Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for Health Careprofessionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel.

Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and DoMarijuana presentation for Health Careprofessionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel.English: Marijuana: What Health Care Professionals Should Know and Do Marijuana presentation for Health Careprofessionals: A comprehensive presentation to share with staff and school personnel


July 13, 2022
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