Engaging Young Adults in Prevention Planning and Implementation

Recording: Engaging Young Adults in Prevention Planning and Implementation



Finding the right mix of volunteers for local prevention efforts can be tricky. No one wants to waste valuable time or resources, but we are left with a series of questions as we look to involve the next generation of leaders, including young adults (ages 18-25) throughout the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process. What’s their incentive? Who are their connections? Where is their help most needed? How do we bring them into the fold? During this session we will go beyond wishing, hoping, and dreaming that our strategies are sticky enough to move Gen Z (and others) to join local prevention efforts.



By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what motivates young adults to engage in prevention efforts
  • List action steps to engage young adults into the SPF process
  • Assess local prevention efforts to identify where to engage young adults.



Melissa Moore

Melissa Moore has worked in Public Health for over 20 years, leading substance abuse prevention and coalition efforts in multiple diverse communities. Emphasizing the need to go beyond education to address the factors that contribute to substance abuse, Ms. Moore has helped lead assessment, planning, implementation and grant writing efforts to transform the way communities tackle this daunting burden. An expert in engagement and communication, Ms. Moore is always looking for opportunities to take great ideas and move them into tangible actions answering the age-old question...We recognize this is an issue, now what can we do about it?

April 19, 2023
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