The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA.
My Guests today are Karie Terhark and Chuck Daugherty. Karie works with the team at Hue Life inspiring and facilitating change guided by the values of inclusion, teamwork, and collaboration. Chuck currently serves as the Executive Director of Act Missouri a training and technical assistance provider and has been advancing in the field of photography for 5 decades. Together they are advancing the art of PhotoVoice in the prevention field. Today we’ll explore this technique and learn about a recent project they completed with teens in rural Kentucky.
SAMHSA offers free, downloadable publications and tip sheets, as well as mobile apps for youth, teens, and young adults on topics such as substance misuse, common mental health conditions, and coping with disasters and other traumatic events. You’ll find a link for these resources in the show notes.
Interested in learning more about PhotoVoice? There are several research papers, case studies and examples about this art form available on the internet. The Community Toolbox has a great resource complete with examples and a downloadable PowerPoint, and Act Missouri offers a tool kit to help jump start a student photovoice. Links to these resources are in the show notes. If a picture is worth a thousand words, PhotoVoice helps tell the whole story. Learn more today!
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Web Resources: community toolbox ACT Missouri Toolkit
Chuck Daugherty first got involved with community mobilization in the late 90’s. Since then he has worked as a community organizer and mobilizer across the Southwest. In Texas, Chuck trained and supervised three community outreach teams mobilizing to combat the HIV crisis in specific targeted populations. Additionally, he consulted with community coalitions in the Greater Dallas Area organizing to prevent teen substance abuse.
While employed as a Prevention Specialist at the Southwest Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) at the University of Oklahoma, he provided community technical assistance, training, consultation, to communities throughout a nine-state region in the Southwest.
Most recently Chuck is the Executive Director of Act Missouri, and Co-Director of the Mid-America PTTC that serves the four states in HHS Region7.
As a semi-professional photographer he has recently begun combining his passion for prevention with his passion for photography providing technical assistance and training for Community Photovoice Projects across the country.