Sustainability and the SPF

Sustainability and the SPF

Sustainability and the SPF

What is it?

Sustainability refers to the process through which a prevention system becomes a norm and is integrated into ongoing operations. Sustainability is vital to ensuring that prevention values and processes are firmly established, that partnerships are strengthened, and that financial and other resources are secured over the long term.

Brief: Sustainability and the SPF
This brief from the Great Lakes PTTC provides an overview of the sustainability principle of the SPF.

Video: Sustainability and the SPF
This video by the DCCCA in Kansas is an overview of the sustainability principle of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Learn about it.

Tool: Sustainability: A Cross-cutting Principle
A tool created by by REACH Evaluation for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions.


Take action.

Guidance Document: Crosswalk of SPF Steps and Sustainability
This guidance document from the Great Lakes PTTC identifies tasks commonly associated with each step of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and aligns them with sustainability milestones and practitioner skills needed to meet these milestones.

Guidebook: Sustainability Planning in Prevention
This guidebook from the CAPT and updated by the Great Lakes PTTC walks communities through how to plan for sustainability.

Toolkit: Sustainability Planning in Prevention
This toolkit document from the CAPT and updated by the Great Lakes PTTC provides worksheets to complete sustainability planning, as described in the Guidebook above.

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