Prevention Perk Focuses on Pride Month 2024

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Mid-America PTTC has partnered with the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity to bring you four unique podcast episodes in recognition of Pride Month 2024. We hope this learning modality is a breath of fresh air among a world of webinars. We encourage listeners to use this resource as a way to work away from the desk. Listen to these conversations while enjoying a good view, going on a walk, or any other way you are enjoying the summer weather and pride month.


Episode 1: Why Focus on LGBTQ+ People?

In this episode, our guest Angela Weeks, talks about disparities affecting LGBTQ+ people, the coming-out process, social hardships faced by the community, and resilience.

Release Date: June 6th

Visit the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity for Related Resources


Episode 2: Supporting LGBTQ+ Older Adults & Understanding Historical Trauma

In this episode our guest, Dr. Larry Bryant, discusses the historical trauma that LGBTQ+ older adults have endured. Dr. Bryant shares his personal journey of loss, resilience, and triumph.

Release Date: June 13th

Visit the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity for Related Resources


Episode 3: We have to Support Families of LGBTQ+ People

In this episode our guest is Vida Khavar, who discussed family support, real stories of family journeys, and strategies for reaching out.

Release Date: June 20th

Visit the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity for Related Resources


Episode 4: What is Gender Affirming Care?

In this episode our guests are Elliott Hinkle and Ashley Austin, who discuss gender affirming care, the importance of being supportive, and suggest resources for engaging in meaningful discussions.

Release Date: June 26th

Visit the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity for Related Resources

May 21, 2024
Developed by
Target Audience(s)

LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity

The National Hispanic and Latino PTTC is happy to share with you this resource from the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity (CoE LGBTQ+ BHE). Our center supported the CoE LGBTQ+ BHE and we are proud to share these resources are now available in Spanish and Portuguese. This animated video, reviews basic terminology that is important to know when working with people who have diverse sexual orientations or gender identities. This terminology includes sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and more.   English   Spanish   Portuguese     This glossary of terms related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) is a resource for behavioral health practitioners to better understand language commonly used in LGBTQ+ communities. It should be noted that people use terms in different ways, and the best practice is always to honor language an individual uses to identify themselves. English: Spanish: Portuguese: We invite you to visit the CoE LGBTQ+ BHE webpage to learn more: 
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