Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM—2:00 PM ET
Format: Webinar
Cost: FREE
Contact Hours: 0.75 (Certificate of Attendance)
Target Audience: Professionals or organizations; Community members (members of a community or consumers); Students or educators (including faculty, administrators, supervisors, etc.)
Developed for: SAMHSA Region 1 and SAMHSA Region 3
Join us to learn about a unique prevention tool: Graphic Medicine. Graphic Medicine are evidence-based ways of accessibly communicating health information. In the Air is a graphic medicine built to foster conversations with and among young people around vaping, choices about substance use, and social factors. This graphic novel-styled story of five teens going through high school incorporates the behavioral science of substance misuse prevention with the stories, interests, and ideas of members of the Tobacco Free Rhode Island Youth Ambassadors. The novel has questions to help guide the discussion, a strong research base, and roots in risk and protective factors. During this session, participants will become familiar with the resource, how to use it to facilitate conversations with young people, and how to use the accompanying facilitator guide. Participants will learn how to request copies and learn about an upcoming resource in the same style that addresses youth problem gambling. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and explore how this and future products can work to support their prevention work.
Learn what a graphic medicine is and how you can use this format in prevention efforts with young people
Understand the process of creating a graphic medicine through a prevention lens with cultural responsiveness and youth voice as driving factors.
Learn about an upcoming resource being designed with this format specifically to foster conversations around youth gambling prevention.
Practice facilitating conversations with the tool.
Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C
New England PTTC Director - Associate Executive Director, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.
Sarah Johnson, MA, PS-C
Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.
In order to be eligible for the 0.75 contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in the Zoom platform.
Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days.
If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.
If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected].