Applying Prevention Science to Practice: What Implementation Experts Need to Know About Program Fidelity Webinar

Implementation and Adaptation PTTC Abbreviated Slides

This webinar will provide specific tools for prevention practitioners in determining what behavior they are trying to change and why. The presentation will discuss fidelity of the use of innovations and how to adapt while ensuring the intended outcomes. An overview of available prevention registries will be covered with tools on how to utilize registries in your research question while ensuring the program is evidence based and fit to the population. There will be a discussion on things to consider when adapting to virtual platforms.

1. Participants will increase their understanding of implementation practice and science and its application in prevention science
2. Participants will increase their understanding of the importance of innovation fidelity in prevention science
3. Participants will increase their knowledge of the importance of research and evaluation to achieve success in their prevention programs

Dean Fixsen Bio image

April 21, 2021
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