Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) Overview

This course is part one of a 3-part series found in category Special Topics in Prevention of Substance Misuse. Other courses are titled (part 2) Identifying & Selecting Evidence Based Practices for the Local Community: A Closer Look, and (part 3) Evidence Based Practices: Implementation with Fidelity and Sustainability. When it comes to Evidence Based Programs there are a lot of questions. What are EBP's? Why should we use them? When are they most effective? This introduction course to our series will answer these questions and more; plus we'll introduce how to find the best fit for a community's prevention efforts. In this 1 hour course we will cover: 1. What are Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs)? 2. Why are EBPs so desirable? 3. When are EBPs most effective? 4. What do we need to know before selecting EBPs? 5. How do you find EBPs? Certificate of Completion Available

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