SPF A Strategic Prevention Framework

SAMHSA - Strategic Prevention Framework - SPF

The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

What is it?

The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) is a data-driven planning process which aims to ensure that substance misuse prevention programs can and do produce results. The five steps and two guiding principles of the SPF offer prevention planners a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing the substance misuse and related behavioral health problems facing their states and communities.

Video: What is the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)? (Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services)
A brief overview of the SPF process.

Brief: Overview of the Strategic Prevention Framework (PDF) (Iowa's Department of Public Health)
A 2-page overview of the SPF process.

Guide: A Guide to SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework (PDF) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
A 45-page document that provides overview each step of the SPF framework. A Spanish translation is also available: Una guía para el marco estratégico de prevención de SAMHSA.


Learn about it.

Click on the links below to learn about the SPF steps and guiding principles.

Step 1: Assessment
Step 2: Capacity
Step 3: Planning
Step 4: Implementation
Step 5: Evaluation
Guiding Principle: Sustainability
Guiding Principle: Cultural Competence/Cultural Humility


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