Past Events

Join us to focus on healthy aspects of traditional living during the winter months. Being well and making healthy choices during this time is a topic for consideration in the areas of making connections, taking care of ourselves while caring for others, getting active together, and building healthy relationships with our families. We have strengths in our culture and traditions. Let us look for ways to build up ourselves with healthy habits through our Indigenous ways of knowledge. 2-3:30 ET / 1-2:30 CT / 12-1:30 MT / 11-12:30 PT / 10-11:30 AKT
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 14, 2023 Format: Webinar Contact Hours: 1 (NAADAC pending) Time: 1 PM—2:30 PM ET Cost: FREE Target Audience: Prevention Professionals   COURSE DESCRIPTION Research has shown that the words we use to describe substance use disorders (SUD) and recovery have a significant impact on those struggling and how they are treated. While evidence shows that SUDs are medical illnesses, it is still too common for SUDs to be characterized as a moral failing or character flaw. Disparaging words are, unfortunately, still used to describe SUDs and the individuals suffering from them. Research suggests that improving our language when we describe addiction, such as using person-first language when talking about the disease, restores and empowers the humanity of individuals, rather than defining them by their illness.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Understand that addiction is a medical condition, and the words we use to describe it should be non-stigmatizing. Understand the importance of person-first language and how to implement it when talking about substance use disorders (SUD). Understand the role stigma plays in keeping individuals with SUD from seeking help.   PRESENTER Jessica Hulsey, BA is the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization that leads the fight against the deadly consequences of addiction and helps patients, families, and communities affected by the disease. Jessica has more than 25 years of experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders and has collaborated with our nation’s top scientists to translate the science of addiction into digestible content for patients, families, and other key audiences.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the 1 NAADAC(pending) contact hour/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in Zoom. Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.   ACCOMMODATIONS If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected].
Session 1: Overview of Substance use and Substance Use Disorders (1/24) Session 2: Prevention (2/7) Session 3: Treating Substance Use Disorders (2/14) Session 4: Case Illustrations (2/21) Session 5: Reflections Upon Important Substance Use Topics – Q/A (2/28)
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: Febraury 13-16, 2023 Format: Webinar 4 days, 2 hours daily, Participation certificates and up to 8 CE credits available   Time: 11:00 AM—1:00 PM EST Daily Cost: FREE   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION   Learn more about innovative approaches to supporting better outcomes for those who provide care as well as those seeking and receiving behavioral health care in communities of color in New England! Presenters, including clinicians, researchers, faith and community leaders, and people with lived expertise, will explore strategies for: Delivering culturally competent care Creating recovery-ready workplaces Integrating peer support in the workforce Building career ladders for existing staff and retaining early career staff   EVENT COVENER  EVENT COLLABORATORS
Webinar/Virtual Training
Love is in the Air – A Mini Mindfulness Series   These meditation sessions invite you to expand and clarify your definition of “love” by examining the concept of “metta”. Sometimes referred to as “loving kindness”, metta has been interpreted in some communities as “Love that is strength and gives strength.” The first session will focus on the meaning of “metta” and describes how metta is different from “sympathy” or “empathy”. The second session focuses on using metta to explore our loving relationships without being hampered by worldly conditions that may hinder our ability to love in a wise and compassionate way. Each session offers an informational talk on metta followed by a short meditation session on metta. By registering via Zoom at the button above - you will be signed up for both sessions! Please plan to attend both virtual events when you register.   Dates: Session 1: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 11:30 a.m. ET Session 2: Monday, February 13, 2023, at 11:30 a.m. ET   Learning Objectives: Define metta. Recognize how metta is different from sympathy or empathy.  Understand how a metta frame of reference can improve all relationships including relationships with others and ourselves.   Instructor: Dr. Bill Geary began studying mindfulness and meditation in 1982. His interest in meditation started sporadically, and over the subsequent years he has gradually deepened his meditation practice to include weeklong silent meditation retreats, studying an increasing variety of teachers and expanding the length and complexity of his daily meditations. Bill is in the final months of a two-year training course on mindfulness meditation techniques. He will soon attain his Teaching Certificate in Mindfulness Meditation from SoundsTrue. Bill’s teachers include Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, davidji, Jake Dartington, and others.  He is currently the owner of Global Evaluation Solutions (GES). Bill has worked on substance abuse and violence prevention for the past 22 years. He currently resides in Doylestown, PA.  
Date: February 10, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 11:00 AM—12:30 PM EST Cost: FREE     Planning for Program Sustainability Part 1: Foundations of Sustainability   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION This two-part series will provide an introduction to program sustainability followed by a more advanced look at how prevention agencies can navigate the current funding landscape while planning for the future. Part 1 will address foundational concepts of program sustainability and how to consider sustainability in your planning. Part 2 will take a deeper dive into unique considerations for program sustainability and how to navigate the current funding landscape. Participants may choose to register for either or both webinars.   ABOUT THE PRESENTER Dodi Swope, M.Ed., LMFT, has over 35 years of experience across the continuum of behavioral health prevention, intervention and treatment. Her background includes teaching in regular and special education settings and a clinical practice serving children and families for over ten years, before moving towards the prevention end of the spectrum. For twenty plus years she has supported prevention strategies at community, region, state and national levels through her work as a training and technical assistance specialist with Education Development Center. Dodi coordinates two community coalitions in her local community, one focused on helping middle school aged girls thrive and the other on early childhood development and wellbeing. Dodi also teaches a graduate level course at Clark University on Grant Writing for Community Developers. She maintains an independent community public health consulting practice from her home in Worcester, Massachusetts.   About the webinar: This series is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for additional training on sustainability planning within the New England prevention workforce. Participants will receive a participation certificate for 1.5 contact hours for each webinar.   REGISTER - Part 2: Navigating the Funding Landscape - February 17, 2023, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 17, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 11:00 AM—12:30 PM EST Cost: FREE     Planning for Program Sustainability Part 2: Navigating the Funding Landscape   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION This two-part series will provide an introduction to program sustainability followed by a more advanced look at how prevention agencies can navigate the current funding landscape while planning for the future. Part 1 will address foundational concepts of program sustainability and how to consider sustainability in your planning. Part 2 will take a deeper dive into unique considerations for program sustainability and how to navigate the current funding landscape. Participants may choose to register for either or both webinars.   ABOUT THE PRESENTER Dodi Swope, M.Ed., LMFT, has over 35 years of experience across the continuum of behavioral health prevention, intervention and treatment. Her background includes teaching in regular and special education settings and a clinical practice serving children and families for over ten years, before moving towards the prevention end of the spectrum. For twenty plus years she has supported prevention strategies at community, region, state and national levels through her work as a training and technical assistance specialist with Education Development Center. Dodi coordinates two community coalitions in her local community, one focused on helping middle school aged girls thrive and the other on early childhood development and wellbeing. Dodi also teaches a graduate level course at Clark University on Grant Writing for Community Developers. She maintains an independent community public health consulting practice from her home in Worcester, Massachusetts.   About the webinar: This series is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for additional training on sustainability planning within the New England prevention workforce. Participants will receive a participation certificate for 1.5 contact hours for each webinar.   REGISTER - Part 1: Foundations of Sustainability - February 10, 2023, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Prevention coalitions are encouraged to build a diverse and inclusive membership that reflects the composition of the communities served. Doing so helps ensure representation of the perspectives necessary to identify and respond to substance misuse-related problems and consequences most effectively, and to prevent or intervene to address existing health inequities and disparities. For some, the challenges are understanding how to work with unfamiliar populations, overcoming anxiety with making a mistake, or building trust with diverse of impacted populations. Other coalitions, located in what appear to be racially or ethnically homogonous communities, wrestle with digging deeper to identify and comprehend the rich diversity present, regardless of what the demographics indicate. Regardless of location, how might coalitions engage community members across cultural identities as partners to address health disparities, center equity in their prevention approaches, and overcome common barriers? What helps communities and coalitions to overcome histories of distance and mistrust? How can progress and success be identified and measured? Join this collaborative series from the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC and Northeast and Caribbean PTTC for a deep exploration of these issues and an opportunity to receive expert guidance around real-world challenges experienced.   By the end of this series of technical assistance services, participants will/be able to: Develop a personal understanding of the positive impact of attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion to their community and prevention efforts Increase awareness of common biases or practices that reinforce inequity and exclusion Identify three personal and coalition practices or policies to apply that increase equity in prevention efforts   DEI Webinar Session Gain a deeper personal understanding of culture, DEI, and related concepts of identity within coalitions and communities Understand how to interpret health equity data and identify community assets Review tools to better understand community (historical background), Review how to practically apply DEI in real world settings   Coalition Leader Practices TA Session Assess personal challenges encountered and potential strategies to address Identify effective practices and tools coalition leaders can apply to work effectively with community/partners Review practices how to engage partner experiences in real world settings and address current personal challenges   Coalition Practices TA Session Identify coalition policies and practices to address Review everyday coalition practices to incorporate and apply to identified challenges Identify strategies, values and tools to engage and work effectively with new partners    
Webinar/Virtual Training
Presented with the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center Prevention coalitions are encouraged to build a diverse and inclusive membership that reflects the composition of the communities served. Doing so helps ensure representation of the perspectives necessary to identify and respond to substance misuse-related problems and consequences most effectively, and to prevent or intervene to address existing health inequities and disparities. For some, the challenges are understanding how to work with unfamiliar populations, overcoming anxiety with making a mistake, or building trust with diverse of impacted populations. Other coalitions, located in what appear to be racially or ethnically homogonous communities, wrestle with digging deeper to identify and comprehend the rich diversity present, regardless of what the demographics indicate. Regardless of location, how might coalitions engage community members across cultural identities as partners to address health disparities, center equity in their prevention approaches, and overcome common barriers? What helps communities and coalitions to overcome histories of distance and mistrust? How can progress and success be identified and measured? Join this collaborative series from the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC and Northeast and Caribbean PTTC for a deep exploration of these issues and an opportunity to receive expert guidance around real-world challenges experienced. Learning Objectives: By the end of this series of technical assistance services, participants will/be able to: • Develop a personal understanding of the positive impact of attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion to their community and prevention efforts • Increase awareness of common biases or practices that reinforce inequity and exclusion • Identify three personal and coalition practices or policies to apply that increase equity in prevention effort DEI Webinar Session • Gain a deeper personal understanding of culture, DEI, and related concepts of identity within coalitions and communities • Understand how to interpret health equity data and identify community assets • Review tools to better understand community (historical background), • Review how to practically apply DEI in real world settings Coalition Leader Practices TA Session • Assess personal challenges encountered and potential strategies to address • Identify effective practices and tools coalition leaders can apply to work effectively with community/partners • Review practices how to engage partner experiences in real world settings and address current personal challenges Coalition Practices TA Session • Identify coalition policies and practices to address • Review everyday coalition practices to incorporate and apply to identified challenges • Identify strategies, values and tools to engage and work effectively with new partners
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 9, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 9:00 AM—11:00 AM ET Cost: FREE Target Audience: Prevention Professionals, Rural Communities, Community Members   SERIES DESCRIPTION The four part series 360 SAFETY: Keeping Staff Safe by Helping Clients Feel Secure - will empower your organization to create synergy with clients while ensuring physical and environmental safety for staff. Participants learn practical strategies for prioritizing their physical safety, enabling them to focus on the client’s situation. Our system further empowers staff to maintain their personal safety by emphasizing goal centric teamwork that provides emotional security to the client. As a result, clients often transform their energy of aggression into fuel for successful case plan completion. Whether taken as a series or an individual course, the goal is to help participants better partner with clients while ensuring their own personal safety.   SERIES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will understand the importance of teaming with those they serve by emphasizing goal centric teamwork to achieve case plan objectives while also enhancing their own personal safety. Participants will understand the reality of violence in their work, the risk factors of workplace violence for caseworkers and the need to take measures for personal safety. Participants will apply vigilance strategies during office and field interactions, on home visits and while navigating the neighborhoods in which our clients reside. Participants will use verbal de-escalation tactics to diffuse potentially hostile and aggressive clients or strangers.   SESSION 2: Learn how to keep workers protected from potential drug exposure. Also learn how to keep workers and their family’s safe from pests (bedbugs, roaches and mice) and pets (dogs, etc.) that may be encountered at a client’s residence all while keeping the client’s dignity in tact.   Registration for this series is being managed by Delaware Health and Social Services-Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.   PRESENTERS Presented by Anthony President & Val Larkin Master Trainer, International Speaker and author of the book “Invincible Social Worker," Anthony President has empowered and inspired more than 100,000 people to perform, produce and partner better at their places of work. With over 20 years of facilitation experience, Anthony utilizes a broad range of active learning methodologies to engage and inspire learners to put new ideas into practice creating tangible results for their organizations. Val Larkin, Senior Trainer, is a licensed social worker with over 30 years as a clinical social worker and human services manager, Val has extensive experience working with trauma-exposed individuals while supervising and training those who support them.                                                                                                                                              
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 8, 2023 Format: Webinar Contact Hours: 1.25 (NAADAC pending) Time: 1 PM—2:30 PM ET Cost: FREE Target Audience: Prevention Professionals   COURSE DESCRIPTION In this targeted group session, participants from the first two sessions will gather to discuss applied grant writing needs. This session is reserved for HHS Region 3 participants who are currently writing or actively preparing to write a grant application.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Prepare for writing a specific, complete grant application Explore capacity and prioritize needs for completing your application Discuss and utilize ways to overcome barriers and leverage strengths in your application   Participants who attend this session will receive more information on scheduled, one-on-one sessions with Dr. Daniel Webb and/or Dr. Meghan Guinnee of Catalyst Research, LLC. In these one-on-one sessions, participants will receive guidance on their grant application from grant writing practitioners with over 19 years of experience writing local, regional, state, and federal grants.   PRESENTERS Dan Webb, PhD, is co-owner of Catalyst Research, LLC and Catalyst Insight, LLC. Dan has over eighteen years of experience writing and evaluating local, state, and national grants. In addition, he has over ten years of experience in business/organizational intelligence and analytics. His experience includes evaluation and research in education (elementary through post-secondary), youth substance use prevention, health and medicine, and housing and urban development. Dan holds a PhD in Sociology from the University at Buffalo.                                                                                   Meghan Guinnee, PhD has served as an evaluator or consultant on a number of health and education projects. Her specialties include quality improvement – assisting clients in making data-driven changes that lead to better outcomes and efficiencies – and quantitative evaluation methods and analysis. Meghan holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the 1.25 NAADAC(pending) contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in Zoom. Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.   ACCOMMODATIONS If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected].
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 8, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 11:00 AM—12:30 PM EST Cost: FREE   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION What are social determinants of health and how do they affect substance use? This webinar will explore these questions to help participants understand social determinants of health and how SUD prevention practitioners can integrate this knowledge into their work. Learning Objectives: Participants will gain a foundational understanding of Social Determinants of Health Participants will be able to apply their understanding of Social Determinants of Health to their work   ABOUT THE PRESENTER Jennifer R. Ceide, MPH, CHES, is the Assistant Director of Public Health Workforce Development at the University of New England School of Public Health. As a faculty member for Graduate Programs in Public Health, she teaches Program Planning and Evaluation and Health Education Design. Ms. Ceide has worked in the field of public health since 2009, with a strong emphasis on health education and communication.   About the webinar: This webinar is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for additional training on determinants of health within the New England prevention workforce. Participants will receive a certificate of participation for 1.5 contact hours; no partial credit is available.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Prevention Ethics, an Enhanced Prevention Learning Series   Series Overview This 2-week series offers a unique interactive experience that explores the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics using realistic examples designed to strengthen participants’ abilities to manage challenging situations in their work. The learning series is structured to also provide online consultation, skill-based learning and practice, group and individual activities, reading assignments, and discussion on topics essential to application of an ethical decision-making process.   During this EPLS participants will: Define Ethics and related terms. Describe the six principles in the Prevention Code of Ethics. Use an ethical decision-making process to apply the Prevention Code of Ethics.   Who Should Participate: Community, tribal, jurisdiction, and state-level substance misuse prevention practitioners and allied health partners located in the Pacific Southwest region, including American Samoa, Arizona, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Republic of Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau.    Dates and Times: States & American Samoa: February 7, 9, 14, & 16, 2023 04:00 p.m. – 05:30 p.m. Arizona 03:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. Pacific 01:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m. Hawaii 12:00 p.m. – 01:30 p.m. American Samoa Jurisdictions: February 8, 10, 15, & 17, 2023        11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.         Republic of the Marshall Islands 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.         Pohnpei and Kosrae 09:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.         Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Chuuk, and Yap 08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m.         Republic of Palau (view in your time zone)   Facilitator: Christina López-Gutiérrez has extensive experience in evidence-based substance misuse prevention practices at the local, state, and bi-national levels. Her career began in the late 1990s, implementing “model” curricula in communities and evolved to providing Training and Technical Assistance to community-based coalitions, single state agencies, Promotores and Community Health Workers. Ms. López-Gutiérrez has been part of various training teams to include the U.S.-Mexico Border states and sister cities in Mexico with the delivery of the Strategic Prevention Framework in Spanish. More recently, Ms. López-Gutiérrez has participated in a state-wide evaluation team to support grantees aiming to decrease Prescription Misuse and Underage drinking.   Continuing Education Participants who complete all 4 sessions will receive a certificate of attendance for 9 contact hours. No partial credit is given for this course. Participants will need to confirm with their certification board to determine if these certification hours are accepted towards their specific certification requirements.    Due to limited enrollment, if you cannot commit to the full participant requirements, please defer this registration opportunity to others.   Register Here: Prevention Ethics, an Enhanced Prevention Learning Series Registration   Cost is Free!   Questions? Please Contact Karen Totten ([email protected]) for any questions related to registration. For all other questions, please contact Britany Wiele ([email protected]).
Session 1: Overview of Substance use and Substance Use Disorders (1/24) Session 2: Prevention (2/7) Session 3: Treating Substance Use Disorders (2/14) Session 4: Case Illustrations (2/21) Session 5: Reflections Upon Important Substance Use Topics – Q/A (2/28)
Webinar/Virtual Training
Thanks to all who attended! This virtual event has now closed.   The Southeast PTTC, in partnership with Carolinas CARE Partnership, presents “HIV A to Z: An Interactive Training for Prevention & Treatment Providers” Tuesday, February 7, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET This interactive learning opportunity will examine Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through an intersectional lens.  During this 6-hour virtual training, participants will learn about the history, as well as the future, of HIV.  Instructors will use activities, videos, case studies, and interactive lecture format to introduce topics such as HIV Basics, History, Trauma, Homelessness, Mental Health, Substance Use, and Prevention Options for SUD professionals and other providers. Please register by completing the form linked to the above button. The event invitation and virtual link will be sent via email following registration. This course is approved by the NCASPPB   By the end of this 6-hour training, participants will be able to:  Explain three of more facts about the history of HIV  Identify factors that often intersect with HIV including mental health, trauma, and homelessness  Execute activities and conversations to better understand the experiences of those affected by HIV    Presenters include: Shannon Farrar  Leslie Dill  Reginald Walker  Derrick Pegg  Albrea Crowder    About Carolinas CARE Partnership: Carolinas CARE Partnership, a dynamic HIV and Housing service provider for the Charlotte region, provides services including Community Education, HIV and STI testing, Linkage to Care, Medical Case Management, Mental Health, Housing Subsidies and Supportive Services, Housing Information Services, Opioid Prevention Planning for LGBTQIA populations, and Transcend Charlotte – services for trans* adults. In addition, we own 21 units of affordable housing and have undergone training to ensure our staff and services are trauma-informed, wellness-focused, and racially just.  About OPT Out Program: The goal of the OPT Out Program is to increase collaboration between Carolinas CARE Partnership and local agencies to address opioid misuse for those we serve.  Our target population is LGBTQ people ages 14-25 and people living with HIV.  We are inspired to increase awareness and decrease stigma related to substance use disorders and HIV/AIDS.  We focus on community engagement and opioid misuse prevention with a trauma-informed, harm reduction approach.  Ultimately, OPT Out will reduce prescription drug misuse, among those we serve, through our coalition and partnerships with community stakeholders.  We are working to help youth opt out of substance misuse!   CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the stated contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar on the video platform. Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.
Webinar/Virtual Training
This training is full and registration is closed.  The waiting list is also closed.     HOW TO APPLY: Please complete the application form (linked below) if you are interested in attending this intensive technical assistance (ITA) training series. Application Form: The Foundations in Prevention Intensive Training Course requires an application. The course is limited to 30 participants on a first come, first-serve basis for applicants who meet the required criteria. Please click the "REGISTER" button at the top of the page or the linked URL provided above to access the application form for this series. Applications will close when the course is filled, or no later than 5:00 pm CT on January 30. Important Note: To apply for this intensive training course, you must first complete the free, self-paced online course Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics on Please have your certificate of completion ready to upload, you will be asked for it during the application process.     DATES: February 6, 9, 13, 16, 23, 27, March 6 and 9, 2023 from 10:00 AM–11:30 AM CT.     DESCRIPTION: This 8-session intensive training course offers a uniquely interactive online introduction to the foundations of substance misuse prevention. Participants examine the key concepts of substance misuse prevention and the Strategic Prevention Framework. Participants build basic knowledge and skills necessary to identify prevention priorities and develop a plan to implement and evaluate evidence-based interventions. This course offers structured, skill-based learning opportunities, readings, and learning assignments to complete between sessions, along with group activities and discussions to enhance application of the new skills.   By the end of this series, participants will be able to: Define prevention Explain the continuum of care List the criteria for research-based risk factors Describe how the Social Development Strategy operationalizes protective factors Describe the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), including the key tasks for each List three essential keys to sustainability Explain the importance of addressing health disparities in the context of substance misuse prevention planning and implementation Describe how cultural humility is essential in our work in the prevention field   Participant Commitment and Expectations: Complete the self-paced online course, Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics ( and submit certificate of completion with your application. Participate in all 8 sessions of training for 1.5 hours on scheduled days/times. Complete 1 to 2 hours of homework and submit completed work via Google forms at least one hour prior to each session. Have the technology and set-up available to join the Zoom sessions with their full face on camera and a working microphone Actively engage and have full face visible on camera at least 90% of the time during each session. This is not a webinar series. Active participation on camera is essential.     AUDIENCE: Substance misuse prevention practitioners located in HHS Region 5: Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. If you live outside Region 5, you are welcome to complete the application and be placed on the wait list. Individuals from outside Region 5 will be accepted as space is available.     PRESENTER:  Kris Gabrielsen, MPH  Kris Gabrielsen is the co-director of the Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center. She has worked in the substance misuse prevention field for over 30 years. Kris co-authored the first Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training curriculum, and co-authored the textbook, Substance Abuse Prevention: The Intersection of Science and Practice. As a consultant, she has worked with states and communities across the nation to bridge the gap between research and practice, assisting prevention professionals in maximizing their effectiveness.     CERTIFICATES: A certificate of participation for 21 hours will be given to participants that attend all Zoom sessions and complete all homework assignments. No partial credit is given for this course. Participants will need to confirm with their certification board to determine if these hours are accepted towards their specific certification requirements.     QUESTIONS:  Contact Kris Gabrielsen, Great Lakes PTTC Co-Director, [email protected].     The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: February 2, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 1:00 PM—2:30 PM EST Cost: FREE   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION As prevention professionals, we encounter scenarios that This webinar will review strategies for navigating your role as a prevention leader following the Prevention Code of Ethics, focusing on the ethical leadership for supervisors and managers in prevention settings. This webinar was developed with the intended audience of prevention supervisors and managers and/or those in a leadership role in prevention, but it is open to anyone with an interest. It is recommended but not required that participants have previously completed the 6-hour Prevention Ethics and/or Advanced Prevention Ethics course.   ABOUT THE PRESENTER Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, CPSS, is a consultant and master trainer in behavioral health and strategic planning for non-profits. She is a member of the advisory boards of the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), the National Latino PTTC and the New England School of Addiction Studies. Sandra serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the former Prevention Committee Co-Chair of the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC), which certifies professionals working in behavioral health. Sandra is a co-author of the SAMHA/CAPT’s Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST) and its basic and advanced Prevention Ethics courses as well as many other face-to-face and online courses.   About the webinar: This webinar is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for training supervisors within the New England prevention workforce. Participants will receive a certificate of participation for 1.5 contact hours; no partial credit is available.
Webinar/Virtual Training
DESCRIPTION: This is the second of six highly interactive sessions focused on taking a deep dive into principles of the Substance Misuse Prevention Code of Ethics. The focus of this session will be on the principle of Competency. After a short presentation on this principle, participants will work together in small groups to look at how this principle can be applied to real-life situations using the Ethical Decision-Making Process. Important Note: This prevention ethics series is for substance misuse prevention practitioners that have already completed an Ethics in Prevention Foundations training. If you would like to attend this series but have not yet completed the prevention ethics foundation course, please complete the free, self-paced, online prevention ethics course on HealtheKnowledge before attending this ethics series.   For more information and registration links for the entire series click here.      LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Describe the competency principle of the Prevention Code of Ethics Apply the Ethical Decision-Making Process to the competency principle     CERTIFICATES: Registrants who fully attend this event or training will receive a certificate of attendance via email within two weeks after the event or training.      PRESENTER:  Nicole Augustine Nicole Augustine is an entrepreneur, public health professional and social justice advocate. In August 2022, Nicole published the Prevention Specialist Exam Study Guide to help readers understand the competencies and knowledge necessary to become certified. Nicole is a passionate prevention thought leader with a desire to be of greater impact and drive community change through innovative strategies.       The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: January 31, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 1:00 PM—2:30 PM ET Cost: FREE     COURSE DESCRIPTION During safety demonstrations, flight attendants will remind you to put on your safety mask before helping others. The same applies to individuals in the substance use disorder (SUD) field. Working in the addiction field can expose professionals to additional stress and trauma, which can often lead to burnout. This session will cover key elements of self-care and action steps to take.    LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Identify key elements of self-care for professionals in the substance use disorder field. Understand the domains of wellness. Understand the connection between stress, self-care, health and wellbeing.   PRESENTER Jessica Hulsey, BA is the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization that leads the fight against the deadly consequences of addiction and helps patients, families, and communities affected by the disease. Jessica has more than 25 years of experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders and has collaborated with our nation’s top scientists to translate the science of addiction into digestible content for patients, families, and other key audiences.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in Zoom. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.   ACCOMMODATIONS If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected].
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: January 27, 2023 Format: Webinar   Time: 1:00 PM—2:30 PM EST Cost: FREE   ABOUT THE LEARNING SESSION The adoption of an effective substance use prevention program is only the first step toward achieving the positive youth and family outcomes community-based organizations aim to achieve. Research has demonstrated time and time again that high-quality implementation of evidence-based programs is critical to attaining reductions in youth substance use. However, there continues to be some debate about whether programs should be flexibly adapted to fit local contexts or delivered with strict fidelity to the original program model. Increasingly, evidence from research and practice indicates that there must be a balance between the two to achieve positive and sustained program outcomes. This webinar will provide an overview of the latest research on the fidelity vs. adaptation debate and will share best practice tools and strategies for community organizations aiming to successfully walk the fidelity-adaptation tightrope to meet the needs of their local communities. About the Presenter: Dr. Brittany Cooper is an Associate Professor of Human Development, Youth and Family Extension Specialist, and Graduate Faculty in the Prevention Science PhD program at Washington State University. She also co-leads the Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center and is currently President-Elect of the Society for Prevention Research. Dr. Cooper’s research, teaching, and outreach centers around the translation of prevention science for public health impact. For over a decade, she has collaborated with federal, state, and other community stakeholders to improve the field’s understanding of how best to support evidence-based prevention programs in diverse community settings.   About the webinar: This webinar is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through the SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for additional training on program implementation for prevention professionals in New England. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for 1.5 contact hours; no partial credit will be awarded.
Webinar/Virtual Training
  No recording will be available after the webinar. So be sure to attend the live session!   DESCRIPTION: This webinar will consider new and emerging science related to cannabis and the relevance of these findings from a public health and prevention standpoint. The role of prevention professionals in communicating findings to community members will be discussed, as will opportunities to bridge the gap between science and practice. Time for questions and discussion will be provided.     LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Understand the emerging science on cannabis use Consider the role of prevention professionals in communicating information on cannabis Describe opportunities to bring emerging science into the practice of prevention     CERTIFICATES: Registrants who fully attend this event or training will receive a certificate of attendance via email within two weeks after the event or training.      PRESENTERS:  Jason Kilmer, PhD Jason R. Kilmer, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine and has been an investigator on several studies addressing cannabis use by college students, young adults, and adolescents.      The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Webinar/Virtual Training
COURSE DESCRIPTION Excel is a practical and accessible tool for creating data visualizations for prevention professionals who may not have access to expensive software packages. In this session, we will explore the power of Excel to create meaningful data visualizations for prevention professionals. Participants will be guided through real-life examples of applying the 4-step visualization process using Excel to create a meaningful data story for a prevention audience.  This will be a beginner's guide to using Excel for visualization. For more training and resources, check out the Ditching the Discomfort to Data Series. Part 5, Communicating and Visualizing Data, explores methods for prevention professionals to effectively disseminate data-related information.   PRESENTER Sheila Boswell is a highly experienced project coordinator that serves as the assistant evaluator for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSW PTTC). She writes, designs, and analyzes data for training and technical assistance (T/TA) reports, as well as helps publicize services to optimize client relationships, engagement, and success with the center's grant opportunities and T/TA. Her work plays a vital role in providing high-impact services to the prevention workforce, emerging prevention professionals, organizations, and community prevention stakeholders. During her eight years at the University of Oklahoma, Sheila has worked as an evaluator for state and federal programs concentrating on mental health and substance misuse prevention. She communicates evaluation findings using graphics and data visualizations to inform decision-making. Through collaboration with her SSW PTTC team and partners, she focuses on creating deliverables that include the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a positive message to achieve successful program outcomes.     
Webinar/Virtual Training
Date: January 25, 2023 Format: Webinar Contact Hours: 1.25 (NAADAC pending) Time: 1 PM—2:30 PM ET Cost: FREE Target Audience: Prevention Professionals   COURSE DESCRIPTION In this session, participants will learn how to read a grant announcement and create a plan for responding to a request for proposals (RFP).   LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Explain how to create a community overview and assessment Review practical approaches to satisfying response requirements within allotted space Explore techniques for making the grant writing process more manageable   PRESENTERS Dan Webb, PhD, is co-owner of Catalyst Research, LLC and Catalyst Insight, LLC. Dan has over eighteen years of experience writing and evaluating local, state, and national grants. In addition, he has over ten years of experience in business/organizational intelligence and analytics. His experience includes evaluation and research in education (elementary through post-secondary), youth substance use prevention, health and medicine, and housing and urban development. Dan holds a PhD in Sociology from the University at Buffalo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the 1.25 NAADAC(pending) contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in Zoom. Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.   ACCOMMODATIONS If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected].
Webinar/Virtual Training
Supplemental Resources: Engaging Youth to Improve Substance Misuse Prevention: Information Guide Series   Youth Engagement (YE) is an approach to prevention in which prevention organizations effectively engage youth as leaders or partners in planning, tailoring, implementing, or evaluating prevention programming. In this webinar, Dr. Ballard will describe different models of YE for prevention, share tips for YE, and provide tools to guide members of the substance misuse prevention workforce through decisions about whether, and how, to incorporate YE into their prevention work.   Learning Objectives: Identify the benefits and challenges of engaging youth voices to improve your substance misuse prevention efforts Understand different models of youth engagement Identify key questions to consider as you prepare to engage with youth to improve your substance misuse prevention efforts Become familiar with tools and resources to help you incorporate youth engagement into your substance misuse prevention efforts   About the Presenters:  Dr. Ballard is an Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine in the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Her research focuses on understanding how young people engage with their communities, increasing equitable and meaningful opportunities for youth voice in communities, and understanding how youth engagement can improve community efforts and promote healthy youth development. In one current project, funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, she applies ideas from developmental psychology to increase opportunities for youth voice in substance misuse prevention efforts. In another current project, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, she is co-leading a randomized-controlled trial study to understand the effects of a school-based action civics intervention. Outside of work, Parissa spends time exploring mountains, creeks, and playgrounds around North Carolina, with her husband and four young kids.     CONTACT HOUR ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for the stated contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar on the video platform. Certificates must be requested within one week of the event and will be processed within 30 days. If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email [email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.
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