A Data Story - Visualizing with Purpose in Excel


Excel is a practical and accessible tool for creating data visualizations for prevention professionals who may not have access to expensive software packages. In this session, we will explore the power of Excel to create meaningful data visualizations for prevention professionals. Participants will be guided through real-life examples of applying the 4-step visualization process using Excel to create a meaningful data story for a prevention audience. 

This will be a beginner's guide to using Excel for visualization.

For more training and resources, check out the Ditching the Discomfort to Data Series. Part 5, Communicating and Visualizing Data, explores methods for prevention professionals to effectively disseminate data-related information.



Sheila Boswell is a highly experienced project coordinator that serves as the assistant evaluator for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSW PTTC). She writes, designs, and analyzes data for training and technical assistance (T/TA) reports, as well as helps publicize services to optimize client relationships, engagement, and success with the center's grant opportunities and T/TA. Her work plays a vital role in providing high-impact services to the prevention workforce, emerging prevention professionals, organizations, and community prevention stakeholders.

During her eight years at the University of Oklahoma, Sheila has worked as an evaluator for state and federal programs concentrating on mental health and substance misuse prevention. She communicates evaluation findings using graphics and data visualizations to inform decision-making. Through collaboration with her SSW PTTC team and partners, she focuses on creating deliverables that include the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a positive message to achieve successful program outcomes. 



Starts: Jan. 26, 2023 10:30 am
Ends: Jan. 26, 2023 12:00 pm
Registration Deadline
January 26, 2023
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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