Three-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field


Co-workers hands in


Part 1: Prevention Career Roadmap

May 18, 2023 


Presented by: Erin Burnett (she/her), Co-Director @ New England PTTC, Senior Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator @  AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, and Chair @ Maine Prevention Certification Board


This webinar provides an overview of the resources developed by the New England PTTC for the new and mid-level prevention specialist to aid them in their professional development and career growth in the substance misuse prevention field.

After this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the universal developmental training needs of the substance misuse prevention workforce.

  2. Determine where they are at on the Prevention Specialist career lattice and where they might be headed depending on their professional development goals.

  3. Establish their professional development goals for their career in the substance misuse prevention field.

  4. Learn about the importance of Prevention Specialist certification and the requirements for certification in their state.


Part 1 Recording & Resources


Part 2: What Makes Them Stay? Help Write the Playbook for Prevention Workforce Retention

May 25, 2023 


Presented by: Jamie Comstock & Robin Carr @ Info Inspired, LLC


In this peer sharing session we’ll present a series of guided questions and facilitate a discussion to learn more about your ideas/thoughts concerning retention of prevention specialists with the goal of developing strategies to attract and keep a diverse, vibrant, strong and experienced workforce. This session is appropriate for the continuum of prevention professionals, ranging from new staff to seasoned supervisors. The discussion is designed to uncover needs of new employees in the field and strategies employed by experienced (and successful) supervisors - with the goal of supporting all in the prevention workforce.


Part 2 Recording & Resources


Part 3: The Soul of Prevention - Identifying and Communicating the Spirit of Your Work

June 1, 2023 


Presented by: Jason Anderson, Senior Trainer @ The Montana Institute

The challenges that prevention professionals face can take their toll. Let’s sit down for a minute and gather ourselves. In this workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to reconnect to the underlying spirit of their work and discuss the impact of communicating who they are.


After this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Define and understand the Science of the Positive and the Cycle of Transformation.

  2. Discover the important distinction between honoring concerns vs. negativity.

  3. Rediscover and reinforce the rewards of prevention work.


Part 3 Recording & Resources



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