3-Part Webinar Series: Improving Workforce Retention in the Substance Misuse Prevention Field
Part 2: What Makes Them Stay? Help Write the Playbook for Prevention Workforce Retention
May 25, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MST (12:00 - 1:15 pm CST)
Presented by: Jamie Comstock & Robin Carr @ Info Inspired, LLC
In this peer sharing session we’ll present a series of guided questions and facilitate a discussion to learn more about your ideas/thoughts concerning retention of prevention specialists with the goal of developing strategies to attract and keep a diverse, vibrant, strong and experienced workforce. This session is appropriate for the continuum of prevention professionals, ranging from new staff to seasoned supervisors. The discussion is designed to uncover needs of new employees in the field and strategies employed by experienced (and successful) supervisors - with the goal of supporting all in the prevention workforce.