Craig PoVey and David Watkins from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Prevention and Promotions Division requested TA regarding leadership programs as well as advanced training for prevention professionals, in Utah. Mountain Plains PTTC researched and locate some tools and training resources, from other PTTCs, including the following:
New England RAD (Research and Development) fellows program and contact information, New England PTTC Region 1 The Leadership Development Program (LDP) information and contact information, National Hispanic and Latino PTTC Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program information and contact information, and an assessment tool for prevention supervisors and their staff, from South/Southwest PTTC. Additionally, a meeting was held for Utah Prevention and Promotions Division staff to discuss the assessment tool with its creator. Mountain Plains PTTC staff is happy to continue to work with the state of Utah regarding developing training, tools, etc. to help build the prevention leadership in Utah.