Increasing Organizational Capacity by Hiring Prevention Certified Professionals


A number of advantages exist to hiring and sustaining credentialed prevention professionals with the skills and expertise to perform prevention activities that are beneficial to the organization and the community. Effective prevention practice requires a competent, skilled workforce. Certification is one way to ensure that prevention staff achieve a minimum or core level of competence in key professional domains. It can also help to increase staff retention, employability, and the ability to meet the challenges of current and future public health challenges.1 These, and many other advantages to the organization/community exist. We have listed a few others below:


  1. Strengthened ethical code among credentialed recipients—Credentialed individuals are more likely to be knowledgeable about, and adhere to, ethical standards and practices, thus enhancing organizational capacity.
  2. Research and evidence-based programming—Quality programming in the service area will be more likely to produce positive outcomes affecting the populations being served.
  3. Accountability for public funds--Accountability dictates that governments and their programs utilize staff who demonstrate proficiency with competency-based standards.
  4. Established professional standards—Employers have skilled, qualified applicants to fill job openings with candidates that have continued education requirements established by a certification board. Professional standards increase the credibility of the prevention system.
  5. Certification is created and supported by the professional prevention field.

     a.   Local and state certification boards

     b.   International Credentialing & Reciprocity Consortium (IC & RC)

     c.   State training systems

     d.   Prevention Technology Training Center (PTTC)


1 Smith, I., Building Organizational Capacity to Face a Changing Public Health Landscape. South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center. (October 2022).


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