How to Develop an Effective Program Logic Model Technical Assistance and Training

Would you like to increase your capacity to apply for grant funding or meet grant requirements while building sustainability of your prevention organization or system? The South Southwest PTTC is offering free customized logic model assistance for prevention systems and organizations (state, tribal, and community) between October 1, 2024 and September 1, 2025. Basic requirements include::

  • Must be located within the South Southwest region (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas).
  • Only one (1) request per organization. TA will occur between October 1, 2024, and September 1, 2025.
  • Be committed to participating in one on-site TA visit and follow-up virtual TA for a total of 25 hours (can be split into shorter sessions) with an experienced evaluation provider. South Southwest PTTC will provide an evaluator free of charge. The organization is responsible for the on-site TA location and logistics.
  • Be willing to share program information and activities to draft a useable logic model prior to and during the TA.

Don’t miss this opportunity to set your organization up for success! To receive customized logic model technical assistance (TA) with an experienced evaluator, please contact South Southwest PTTC Evaluator Nicole Schoenborn at [email protected] to get started. Nicole will set up a call to determine eligibility and capacity for this technical assistance opportunity.

How to Develop an Effective Program Logic Model Series

This two-part webinar series outlines the development of a logic model that describes your program and guides its evaluation. Participants who have attended the webinar or watched the recording are also eligible to access individualized technical assistance from a South Southwest PTTC evaluator to update their program's logic model. This series is tailor-made for prevention practitioners and community stakeholders in the early stages of developing a logic model and those needing to update their program's logic model.

How to Develop an Effective Program Logic Model Part 1 Materials and Recording

The first webinar provides an overview of logic models and describes the steps to creating one for a prevention program.

How to Develop an Effective Program Logic Model Part 2 Learning Lab Materials and Recording

The second webinar gives participants an opportunity to apply learning from the first webinar to craft a logic model using a case study.

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