ACE Master Trainer Directory

Throughout the nation, people are talking about the pivotal 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study because its findings reveal this is the largest public health discovery of our time. The South Southwest PTTC offers tools, training, and technical assistance to practitioners in the field of prevention of substance use disorders with a focus on ACE and trauma prevention.

In addition, we have trained a cadre of prevention professionals that have completed the ACE Interface Master Trainer Course. These trainers can help you engage and motivate your community to prevent ACEs that increase substance disorders and improve well-being. Click on the trainer name below to access contact information.

Paula Feathers

Chief Executive Officer Kamama Consulting

Jesikah Gutierrez

Project Director at Texas Health and Human Services

Victoria Hui Holloman

Opioid Response Network Region 6 Coordinator/Project Manager

Derrick Newby

Prevention Specialist/Professional Consultant

Chuks Odor

MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training Manager

Joycelyn Pettus

Arkansas Department of Human Services Grants Manager

Fabricia Prado

Prado Counseling and Consulting

Elizabeth Suddath

Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Student Support at OSDE

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