These resources are developed by the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC, the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Current State of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Among Hispanic and Latino LGBTQ+ Youth (Short Video Messages 2021)
English: 2021 National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Spanish: 2021 Mes Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio
Portuguese: 2021 Mês Nacional de Conscientização sobre a Prevenção do Suicídio
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (Short Video Messages 2020)
English: 2020 National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Spanish: 2020 Mes Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio
Portuguese: 2020 Mês Nacional de Conscientização sobre a Prevenção do Suicídio
Fact Sheet (2020) developed in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
English: 2020 Suicide Prevention Amongst Hispanics and Latinos
Spanish: La Prevención Del Suicidio Entre Hispanos y Latinos
Portuguese: Prevenção do Suicídio Entre Hispânicos e Latinos
Suicide Prevention Webinar: Identifying and Modifying Risk Factors That Can Lead To Suicide Attempts In Latino Youth (2020)
English: Suicide Prevention: Identifying and Modifying Risk Factors That Can Lead To Suicide Attempts In Latino Youth
Spanish: Prevención del Suicidio: Identificación y Modificación de los Factores de Riesgo
Portuguese: Prevenção do Suicídio: Identificando e Modificando Fatores de Risco
Life is Precious™ Webinar: A Community Defined Practice Suicide Prevention Program for Latina Adolescents (2020)
English: Life is Precious™: A Community Defined Practice Suicide Prevention Program for Latina Adolescents
Spanish: Life is Precious™: Un programa de prevención del suicidio de práctica definida por la comunidad
Portuguese: Life is Precious ™: Um Programa de Práticas Comunitárias de Prevenção do Suicídio
Suicide Prevention, Everyone can Help. Preventing Suicide in the Latino Community Webinar (2020)
English: Suicide Prevention, Everyone can Help. Preventing Suicide in the Latino Community
Spanish: Prevención del Suicidio. Todos pueden ayudar
Portuguese: Prevenção ao Suicídio. Todos podem Ajudar
Webinar: Back to School… Promoting Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Latino Children
Part I: Webinar: Back to School… Promoting Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Latino Children Part I
Part II: Webinar: Back to School… Promoting Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Latino Children Part II
Part III: Webinar: Back to School… Promoting Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Latino Children Part III
Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass
Part I: Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass Part I
Part II: Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass Part II
Part III: Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass Part III
Part IV: Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass Part IV
Suicide Prevention in Hispanic and Latinx Youth, the Impact of COVID-19 and Cultural Factors to Consider
Link: Suicide Prevention in Hispanic and Latinx Youth, the Impact of COVID-19 and Cultural Factors to Consider
Description: This factsheet will provide information about trends in suicide, suicidal thoughts, and behaviors, identifying suicide-related risk in Hispanic and Latinx youth, and review evidence-based practices to screen for risk across various settings.
Suicide-related risk in Latinx/Hispanic Youth
Link: Suicide-related risk in Latinx/Hispanic Youth
Description: This 1.5 hour online session provides information about identifying suicide-related risk in Latinx and Hispanic youth and review evidence-based practices to screen for risk across various settings.
Mental Health Bytes: Mental Health Disparities Among Hispanic and Latino Populations
Link: Mental Health Bytes: Mental Health Disparities Among Hispanic and Latino Populations
Description: In this short video, Dr. Torres provides an overview of the main health and mental health care disparities that Hispanic and Latino populations’ are facing daily.
Suicide Attempts and Culturally Responsive Approaches for Latinos
Link: Suicide Attempts and Culturally Responsive Approaches for Latinos
Description: This factsheet is based on the webinar presented by Luis Zayas, PhD. In the past 30 years, young Latinas have reported higher rates of suicide attempts when compared to other groups.
Suicide Attempts Among Latina Adolescents: The State of Knowledge
Link: Suicide Attempts Among Latina Adolescents: The State of Knowledge
Description: This webinar reviews the state of knowledge on suicide attempts by adolescent Latinas who have reported higher-than-average rates over the past 30 years
Mental Health Bytes: Suicide Prevention for Young Latinas
Link: Mental Health Bytes: Suicide Prevention for Young Latinas
Description: In this video, Dr. Zayas shares valuable insight on young Latinas regarding suicide attempt, and some strategies that you can implement as providers.
Mental health resources for underrepresented communities
Link: Mental health resources for underrepresented communities
Description: Find resources for suicide prevention focused on supporting individuals in minority communities.
Mental Health and the Latinx Community: How Counselors Can Encourage Resilience and Build Relationships
Link: Mental Health and the Latinx Community: How Counselors Can Encourage Resilience and Build Relationships
Description: Find resources for suicide prevention focused on supporting individuals in minority communities.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Toll Free: 1-888-628-9454
English: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
(TTY): 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline
Toll-Free: 1-800-662-HELP
24/7/365 Treatment Referral Information Service in Spanish and English
SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline
Toll Free: 1-800-985-5990 (Spanish and English)
Text in Spanish: Envíe “Háblanos” to 66746
Text in English: “TalkWithUs” to 66746
(TTY): 1-800-846-8517
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator Website
Link: Mental Health and the Latinx Community: How Counselors Can Encourage Resilience and Build Relationships
Description: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) collects information on thousands of state-licensed providers who specialize in treating substance use disorders, addiction, and mental illness. Find treatment services for you here.
Suicide Prevention: Research & Resources
Link: Suicide Prevention: Research & Resources
Description: The Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center has compiled the following research and resources for suicide prevention.