What Does NOT Work in Prevention

Recording: What Does NOT Work in Prevention


The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

Many trainings and resources focus on what research has shown to be effective at preventing substance misuse. However, we also know through research what is NOT effective in preventing substance misuse and in some cases is harmful. Yet communities across the nation continue to implement these ineffective and sometimes counterproductive strategies. The focus of this webinar will be on identifying these ineffective approaches. We will also spend time discussing strategies prevention professionals can use to address the resistance often expressed by individuals and organizations reluctant to change long-standing, well-liked prevention practices.



By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify at least 5 interventions that have been shown through research to NOT be effective in preventing substance misuse
  • List evidence-based approaches that can be used as effective alternatives to the ineffective/counterproductive strategies
  • Describe strategies to address resistance to discontinuing ineffective and/or counterproductive prevention strategies



Kris Gabrielsen

Kris Gabrielsen is the co-director of the Great Lakes PTTC. She has worked in substance misuse prevention for over 30 years. She was the associate director of the Western CAPT, co-author of the SAPST, and co-author of the Substance Abuse Prevention textbook. Kris has delivered trainings across the United States, focusing on bridging the gap between research and practice.


Erin Ficker

Erin Ficker, CPRS, MPAff,  serves as a prevention manager for the Great Lakes PTTC. For more than 16 years, Erin Ficker has worked in substance use prevention supporting communities to use evidence-based strategies and data driven process in substance abuse prevention planning and implementation.  She works with community level prevention practitioners and schools in the development, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of prevention interventions. 

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