Home > Resources & Information on COVID-19
Key Resources:
Find COVID-19 Guidance for Your Community, (website). HHS.gov, March 2022
Ready to Respond: Mental Health Beyond Crisis and Covid-19, (Downloadable/Printable Resource Document). SAMHSA, January 2022.
Resource Webpage:
Covid-19 Resources, (Webpage).Mountain Plains MHTTC, 2020.
Downloadable/Printable Documents:
Fact Sheet: Prevention Tools for Latino Families During COVID-19, (Fact Sheets). National Hispanic & Latino PTTC, May 2020.
Risk Factors of Isolation Infographic: Protective Strategies for Times of Isolation, (Infographic). New England PTTC, May 2020.
Taking Care of Yourself During a Public Health Emergency, (Infographic). Northeast and Caribbean MHTTC, March 2020.
Recorded Webinars:
Prevention in Action: Connecting with Youth Before, During, and After COVID-19, (Recorded Webinar). New England PTTC, May 2020.
Workforce Vicarious Trauma: Management Guidelines, (Recorded Webinar). Central East PTTC/MHTTC/ATTC, January 2021.
Coping with COVID in our Everyday Lives: Evidence for What Works, (Recorded Webinar). Great Lakes PTTC, December 2020.
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Chronic Stress: Building Resilience During and After COVID-19, (Recorded Webinar). Pacific Southwest PTTC, August 2020.
Resources for Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Families During COVID-19, (Recorded Webinar). Northwest PTTC, June 2020.
Mental Health Resources for K-12 Educators During COVID-19, (Recorded Webinar). Mountain Plains MHTTC. April 2020.
Tips for Educators: Supporting Parents During this Pandemic, (Recorded Webinar). Mountain Plains MHTTC. April 2020.
Platicas - Latino Well-being during COVID-19, (Recorded Webinar). National Hispanic & Latino PTTC, January 2022.
Resources about Alcohol Use During COVID-19 Pandemic:
Alcohol Use Behavior, Policy, and Treatment in the Age of COVID-19, (Webinar). National Coordinating Office PTTC, September 2020.
Fact Sheet: Alcohol Use and Abuse During COVID-19, (Fact Sheet). National Hispanic & Latino ATTC, May 2020.
Direct to Consumer Alcohol Sales in the Era of COVID-19: Enforcement and Policy Challenges, (Webinar). New England PTTC, October 2020.
Long COVID Resources:
Identification and Management of Mental Health Symptoms and Conditions Associated with Long COVID, (Guide). SAMHSA, June 2023
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Information, (Webpage). SAMHSA. 2020.
Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA. April 2020.
COVID-19 Response in Indian Country, (Webpage). Indian Health Services (IHS). 2020.
COVID Coach app, (Mobile App). National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veterans Affairs. 2020.
Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series (DBHIS) focusing on Children and Youth, (Webpage). SAMHSA. 2018.
Federal Covid-19 Resources for HHS Region 8, (Resource Document). US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2020.
Talking with Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, (Fact Sheet). SAMHSA.
Children and Disasters. Disaster Prevention to Meet Children's Needs, (Webpage). American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). 2020.
The Emotional Impact of Disaster on Children and Families, (Informational Packet). Menominee Indian Tribe
Thinking About Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Impacts Through a Science-Informed, Early Childhood Lens, (Article). Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, April 2020.
Tips for Educators: Supporting Parents During this Pandemic, (Recorded Webinar). Mountain Plains MHTTC. April 2020.
Suicide Prevention During COVID-19 and Beyond, (Recorded Webinar). Northeast and Caribbean MHTTC, October 2020.