Three-Part Cannabis Webinar Series


Prevention Professionals located in HHS Region 8 - Mountain Plains PTTC (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY), are invited to attend this no-cost, three-part training series on cannabis. Hear from experts about lessons learned with regards to cannabis legalization in their states; Gain a better understanding of the changing marketing messages created by the cannabis industry and what to do about it; As well as learn about various strategies to prevent cannabis use among youth.


Part 1: Considerations for Cannabis Legalization in Your State

May 31, 2022

Presented by: Ali Maffey, MSW, Colorado Retail Marijuana Education Program, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Ali Maffey, MSW, has led the Retail Marijuana Education Program in Colorado since its founding in 2014 in which she leads the public health response to youth prevention and adult education for adult use of cannabis. As the first state in the nation to open adult-use cannabis retail stores, Colorado was on the forefront of creating a public health response to this emerging market. The state had numerous successes along with many challenges in navigating this response, and this session will provide an opportunity to discuss what other states can learn from Colorado's response to formulate their own prevention and education programs.

Participants will:

  1. Identify the type of cannabis legalization and current cannabis prevalence rates in Region 8 states (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY).
  2. Describe how to identify leading public health considerations, with legalization, based on data.
  3. Identify lessons learned from Colorado shifting from a medical marijuana state to legalized adult use.
  4. Describe Colorado's successes and challenges through those lessons learned.


Part 1 Recording and Resources



Part 2: Cannabis: New Conversations for Changing Times

June 7, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MST (11:00 am - 1:00 pm CST) 

(Please note that this is a two-hour session)

Presented by: Jamie Comstock & Robin Carr, Info Inspired, LLC

During this training, preventionists will be called to shift their approach in response to the changing cannabis policy and industry landscape. The times have changed, and so must our conversations in the community. An overview of marketing trends will be provided, which have moved far beyond selling a “high”, to selling a lifestyle, a path to natural health and wellness, and any mood/experience/delivery method of the consumer’s choosing. Further, the importance of staying informed about marketing trends and some strategies for doing so, will be highlighted. Additionally, a framework for selecting messages/materials available for the prevention field will be offered. Preventionists have moved from the need to be content creators, and now must be expert curators. Lastly, an emphasis will be placed on audience analysis and editing, too! The goal is for participants to build confidence and skills for more effective conversations about cannabis.

Participants will:

  1. Describe the current cannabis landscape and industry marketing trends.
  2. Identify prevention strategies for a variety of cannabis regulatory frameworks.
  3. Formulate messages that resonate with a range of audiences.
  4. Formulate content from available tools and resources for the prevention field.


Register for Part 2




Part 3: Recent Science on Cannabis and a Changing Legal Climate: Opportunities for Prevention and Public Health Messaging

June 14, 2022 @ 1:00 - 2:15 pm MST (2:00 - 3:15 pm CST)

Presented by: Dr. Jason Kilmer, Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW)

As states consider medical cannabis or outright legalization of cannabis for non-medical purposes, it is important to also consider prevention and public health needs. In this web-based presentation, we will consider changes in potency/concentration seen in states with medical or non-medical cannabis, what the science says about these products, and what this means (particularly for prevention with youth). We will consider environmental, public health, and prevention efforts that can be part of a mix of strategies to prevent cannabis use among youth.

Participants will:

  1. Identify a screening measure for Cannabis Use Disorder.
  2. Describe at least two (2) risks/outcome associated with cannabis use.
  3. Identify at least one prevention or public health approach/opportunity for use in their community.


Register for Part 3




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