Chuks Odor

Chuks Odor MBBCh, MsPH, MHSA, CPSjesikah

Prevention Manager at the MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training

[email protected]


Chuks is dedicated to health promotion, substance misuse prevention and early intervention to reduce the incidence and prevalence of drug use. He manages a team of prevention professionals responsible for overseeing and administering statewide prevention contracts, subcontracts, and grants and serves as the primary prevention contact for UA Little Rock/MidSOUTH with external stakeholders. He is a Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) and holds a medical degree (MBBCh) from the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria; a master’s degree (MsPH) from the University of Westminster, London, England (UK); and a master’s degree (MHSA) from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas. He is a co-author of Prevention and Promotion Month-by-Month Call to Action and Planning Guide.


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