Home > Ditching the Discomfort with Data 5-part Series
Are you curious about what you need to know as a prevention professional to participate in data-based decision-making? Have you been working with a prevention grant that requires you to conduct a needs assessment or an evaluation? If you are relatively new to prevention or new to using data, this series is for you! In this five-part series, Dr. Hayden Center will take you on a data journey, from providing an overview of the basic components of data literacy to then taking a deeper dive in parts two through four to learn more about data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and finally visualizing and communicating data to your partners. During this journey, there will be discussion and practical tips from Dr. Center; who has worked with local community prevention organizations to build capacity around working with data.
Ditching the Discomfort With Data Series: Part One Overview
Part one introduces the topic of data literacy and its purpose in the field of prevention, provides an overview of the components of "ditching the discomfort" with data and identify practical tips for working with data.
Ditching the Discomfort with Data Series: Part Two Reading Data
In part two, Dr. Hayden Center discusses what it means to "read" data, identify tips to help you understand data, research, and evaluate outcomes, and gives you prevention related opportunities to practice reading data.
Ditching the Discomfort with Data Series: Part Three Working with Data
Part three provides real-life experience on three key tasks that need to be achieved before you can start analyzing data: data collection, data preparation, and data cleaning.
Ditching the Discomfort with Data: Part Four Analyzing Data
Part four explores several methods and techniques prevention professionals and their partners need to perform to determine risks, consequences, and resources within a community.
Ditching the Discomfort with Data: Part 5 Communicating and Visualizing Data
Part five explores several methods and techniques prevention professionals and their partners need to visualize and communicate data around risks, consequences, and resources within a community.