Training Announcement: Coalition Business Administration

September 1, 2023
Coalition Business Administration Training for Prevention Professionals

Application Deadline: September 8, 2023 

To apply, complete the Coalition Business Administration Application

The prevention field needs strong leaders to grow and sustain prevention efforts. To meet this need, the ORN, PTTC, and CADCA came together to create a new training: Coalition Business Administration (CBA). Following a successful pilot cohort who recently celebrated their graduation at CADCA Forum, the ORN is excited to offer this training again to a larger audience.

The goal of this program is to equip current and aspiring leaders in prevention with business knowledge and skills to increase their effectiveness and sustainability in their organizations.

The training covers a wide variety of topics related to the business, sustainability, and administration of prevention coalitions such as branding, accounting, management styles, grant writing, and nonprofit development. Participants who complete the training will receive a certificate in Coalition Business Administration from the PTTC Network Coordinating Office.

Time Commitments and Expectations

This is an intensive training which will require participants to attend in-person and virtual training, as well as complete individual reading and learning activities. These commitments include, but are not limited to:


Trainings and Events


Date and Time


Orientation Webinar

Wed. October 4th, 2023 from 12-1pm ET

Zoom Meeting

In-person training

November 14-16, 2023 from 9am-4pm ET daily

Knoxville, TN

1st Virtual Training Session

Wed. January 24th, 2024 from 10:30am-4:30pm ET

Zoom Meeting

2nd Virtual Training Session

Wed. February 26th, 2024 from 10:30am-4:30pm ET

Zoom Meeting

3rd Virtual Training Session

Wed. March 27th, 2024 from 10:30am-4:30pm ET

Zoom Meeting


Individual Reading and Learning Activities



Estimated Time to Complete

360 Analysis

Before in-person training on Nov. 14

2-3 hours

Personal Development plan

Before in-person training on Nov. 14

1.5 hours

Required Readings (two books and 3-4 scholarly articles)

Before in-person training on Nov. 14

No estimate available


After in-person training

1 Hour

Elevator Speech

After in-person training

1 hour

Individual Grant Review Notes

After in person training

3 Hours

Marketing Plan

After in-person training

1.5 Hours

Personal Development Plan

After in-person training

3 Hours

Public Speaking video

After in-person training

1 hour

Fundraising plan

After in-person training

1.5 hours


Space in the training is limited to 30 participants who will be selected via a competitive application process.


To apply, complete the Coalition Business Administration Application

  • Application deadline: Friday, September 8, 2023
  • Acceptance Announcement: Friday September 15, 2023
  • Participant RSVP: Friday, September 22, 2023


Application Requirements and process

  • Experience: A minimum of five years working in the prevention field.
  • Education: An IC&RC Prevention Specialist Certification OR a bachelor’s degree or higher in a related field. Letter of endorsement from supervisor/employer acknowledging that they understand the time commitment and travel requirements and that they support your participation.
  • Response to two question about interest in participation. To answer these questions, you may need to refer to the full curriculum outline: CBA Full Curriculum Outline
    1. Please list the top three content areas of the CBA you are most interested in learning about and how they will help with your prevention work.
    2. Please describe one challenge your organization is experiencing and how participating in the CBA can help develop a solution.

The training and related materials are provided at no cost to the participant. In addition, ORN will cover the cost of hotel accommodations for the in-person training in Knoxville, TN.

All other costs (airfare, meals, ground transportation, parking fees, luggage, etc.) are at the participant's expense.

Questions? Contact Rory McKeown at [email protected]



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