Nexus Between Substance Misuse Prevention and Suicide Prevention Webinar

Nexus Between Substance Misuse Prevention and Suicide Prevention

July 17, 2024


Presented by: Heidi Dutson, Certified Prevention Specialist


Prevention is an essential part of the continuum in addressing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people, but it can be a challenge to define and implement. Understanding the robust and trusted field of prevention science can help guide our planning and efforts to make a tremendous impact, especially when working towards suicide prevention and substance use disorder prevention outcomes simultaneously. Participants will be introduced to evidence-based guiding principles in prevention, hear examples of effective community implementation, and learn how to collaborate for greater success.



  1. Defining proactive vs. reactive prevention.
  2. Focusing on shared risk and protective factors is the 'nexus' to produce shared substance misuse and suicide prevention outcomes.
  3. Implementation of effective prevention is guided by collaborative evidence-based frameworks, strategies, and policies.


Webinar Resource:

PowerPoint slides LINK

Webinar Recording LINK 

July 11, 2024
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