This resource is adapted by the Southeast PTTC from a resource created in partnership with the Maine Prevention Workforce Development Workgroup, convened by AdCare Educational Institute of Maine under contract with the Maine Center for Disease Control. It aims to meet universal developmental training needs of the substance misuse prevention workforce in the Southeast.
This resource is not specific to any one funding source or program. This resource can be used by new or current prevention professionals entering the field working in any federal, state, or locally funded prevention coalition, organization, or initiative. The purpose of this resource is to provide an overview of, and orientation to, the field of substance use prevention. We hope that the information will assist new professionals to become successful and productive. It is likely that your specific initiative or organization has its own on-boarding process and tools. This resource is offered as a supplement to your training.
This document is a living document that will change as the field of substance use prevention changes. The most current document can be found at the download link above.