The Importance of Evaluation in Prevention, Part 2: How to Support Effective Evaluations (Webinar Recording)

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The Importance of Evaluation in Prevention
Part 2: How to Support Effective Evaluations
Josh Esrick, MPP, and David Theiss, MSc, BA

July 20, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST


This webinar will follow-up part 1 by providing additional guidance on developing and implementing evaluations. It will discuss opportunities for non-evaluators to support and improve evaluation efforts. The webinar will also cover how program staff can help determine the core elements of an evaluation plan and what staff should do to avoid having an unsuccessful plan. Additionally, it will review the core evaluation tasks and discuss opportunities for program managers and other staff to support those efforts. Lastly, the webinar will provide a learning activity for participants to practice skills for developing their own evaluation plans.


  • Explain how they can support the development of an evaluation plan
  • Recognize the signs of an unsuccessful evaluation
  • Identify opportunities for supporting evaluation efforts
  • Demonstrate how evaluation research questions are developed


Josh Esrick, MPPJosh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (TTA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of TTA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to TTA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.


David Theiss, MScDavid Theiss, MSc oversees Carnevale Associates’ portfolio of Research & Evaluation projects, leading teams focused on data analytics across several program evaluation and research projects. Under David’s supervision, the R&E team serves a diverse group of behavioral health clients at multiple levels of government, including the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, and the District Department of Behavioral Health. David also oversees the development of all of the firm’s external-facing and data visualization products across functional teams. While at the firm, David’s work has spanned several subject matter specialisms, ranging from biased-based policing, medication for opioid use disorders, drug courts, and layered interventions for unhoused individuals. He has over 15 years of research, data analysis, data communication, project management, and strategic planning experience in high-level settings in the U.S. and Europe. David holds a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics.


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